The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1969
r E ":::') ... ~ - ....... . ' ' ry \ ' ~ ~ ... ~ - ·-- ""- 1. New Science Center 2. New Student Union 3. New Men's Dormitory The college announces a campaign featuring three buildings needed to keep pace with the growth of the college and provide a more effective pro– gram f or our st udents . The new Science Center w il l be built for $800,000 by combining the shell of Willi ams Ha ll and the present science construction. The three buildings, worth more than $2 mill ion, will become a reality when $800,000 is re– ceived in gifts f or the Science Center. The other two buildings will be fi– nanced through borrowed funds and the sale of bonds. This project is t he result of the Lord 's past blessing upon the college To shrink from the present challenge would only cast doubt on our unlimit– ed God to provide. W ill you pray with us? • ILLE COLLE ''for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDENT 4 4 2 ~ S
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