The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1969
t!ill~ ~ I r.? 2=li25?l>N57...~',;J l ·~ QS?J 111 Ill, l11dCJ' tlli "Ill l a1,t1st is l'ltl·.Ji l1ccl 011 tll' fir"t ._,f ':l }1 11ll ntl1 11 'tlt,l. 111, l, l 11 ( l1ill \ s 1 i.,tt\111 t'I l"lgltlnr ll ,tJ)ti st httr ]1c·,. 1 1 ~, 111,11,12111' \it"\ \'ll'tl t, l l1ristia11 1(·11\,\\ ,11111 n11ti fait l1l't1lnc "- t<) tl1 0 ti lltl1 l l h 11 ) 1' \ 11 '-. "'2.( (} 1 er )' l'nr. 111glc '()J11c,. ,o cent~. J , , , , f 11,·c I c,11111,· ,,,,,,, ( l l1e 111ngaz 111c l"i n1 .. 1tlccl <.i1rcctl . "" I) tl1r· h 'llll' \)I l' ,\ 11 ,,,1,, .. rtl)t'f) "';J ) ') 11e1 \l'HI. l',111dlc I <'' I'/ 111 l l l1~ l t111tilc t, 111a1lcti tiircctl) t the cht11c h .) I.()) l • '"' 11-. t\ l1t1r1"ilt t.'tf , , , <.1t1lti c "' _ ).00: 50 50.00 etc. \1 \ 1 l' l l~l <., R1 11.. S : ,..t- ()() 11cr olt1111n inch: 40.00 per half I ,1gc \ · l)l) I l't ft1ll I ag , 11lt1, the c . t f art w rk and c n- tJ ,\\ l ,,~, ~ A WORD FROM THE EDITOR \\ h 'n ,, e t k \er a the EDITOR 1"'HE OHIO l DEP DE T B P– Tl 1 t J an. ·69) \\ e learned that a f1lc h~d n t b n k pt n back i ue . \\' e n ,, ha, e a c n1plete file which g e~ ha k t 19.+:!. In fact, we have - pie g ing back to the 0 .1.B.' fir t ~ ..1r {1927). Did \ u 1-..n \\' that THE OHIO . I . "DEPE DE T B PTI T (former- 1,r the OHIO REGULAR BAPTIST 1929. THE BIBLE U IO BAP– TI T - 19'.2 and THE HOR ET - 192.7) i older than our General A ociation of R e g u 1 a r Baptist Churche . The Bapti t Bulletin and our o,,,n Ohio A.... ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche ? THE HOR ET actual}), \\'a the official organ of the 1f ahoning alley Bapti t Bible Union . It came into being to warn the people·· concerning the apo tasy that \\ a creeping into the orthern Bap– ti t Convention . . . it mi ion board and it chool . \ e \\'Ould like to have a co,nplete file on all back i ue . We li t here the back i ue till mi ing. Can you help u .. locate them? The·"'e are ti ll needed. . . 1941 - October 1936 - July 1935 February 1934 J anuary 1933 March April July and October 1932 1931 1930 - 1929 - June and October J anuary February M arch, April and Augu t M ay June, August , September, ovember a nd December March, August, Sep– tember November and December 1928 - J anuary September October ovember and D ecember 1927 J anu ary April May June Julij' Augu'3t Sep– tember October and November. YOUR COLLEGE BOOK TORE i [- wan ts to serve I YOU P.,\RENT - TEACHER - STUDE T with BIBLES. BOOKS, TEACH! G AIDS. CARD , G IFTS, ETC. CBA Plan to vi it us soon! Intere ted in BU)' ing-by -Mail? Write for catalog: CEDARVILLE COLLEGE BOOK TORE Cedarv.ille, Ohio 45314 ACS The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; $8.00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscription; single issue 20 cents; back issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . .... . .. . ..... A. Donald Moffat Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circiilation Manager ...................... ... . .. .... . ....... . . . . ... . Stuart L . Chaffe Ilox No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 lVome11 1 s Editor ...... . Mrs. Geo. Milner 2195 Brockway Rd. Uni versity Hts. , Ohio 44118 State Missionary ........ Earl D. Umbaugh 2 150 1\larhofer A,,e., Stow, Ohio 44224 T reas1trer . . ..... ... . . David Dye 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0 . 43204 COUNCIL OF TEN . Ben C. Jennings 4295 Ellsworth Rd. , Sto,v, Ohio 44224 S ecretary . vVilliam F. Russell 306 W . Center St., Blanchester, Ohio 45107 Program Chairt11an . Earl V. Willetts 250 West Street, Berea, Ohio 44017 J\1issionary Clir11i. Vernon K. Billington 2435 Eakin Road, Columbus, 0 . 43204 Ed1,catio11 Chr1n. H arold R. Green R t. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Y o-u th Director . Kenneth L. Andrus 315 S. Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0 . 45503 Dean Henry, 54 1 Brown Street Akron, 0 hio 44311 Lynn Rogers, 7584 N. Boyden Rd. orthfield, Ohio 44067 Donald J. Se,vell, 4207 Laskey Rd. Toledo, Ohio 43623 R. Kenneth Smelser, 123 W. Liberty St 1edina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Snavely, P .0. Box 195 Findlay, Ohio 45840
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