The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1969

VOL. 41, NO. 11 OCTOBER, 1969 • • lS lS October I 1969 !)ear Fellow O.A.R.B'er : A pa tor and congregation. we are looking forward to you r being our gue t for the Annual Meeting. October 20-22. We all need extra piritual refre hment from ti me to tin1e through the preaching of the Word of God and fellow hip with other of like precious faith. Our annual meeting i,_; held to help meet that need! Keep your church and per onal ched ule open for the e important date and plan to be in attendance! Our people are gladly opening their home to you if you need overnight lodging but it i on the ba i of fir t come fir t erved. If you de ire overnight lodging, plea e write Re·~ervation Chairman, Calvary Bapti t Church, 2000 Broad Avenue Findlay Ohio 45 40. Plea e let u know the number coming in your party and the type of accommodation needed. There are excellent MOTEL. in Findlay. We li , t the following: BUCKEYE MOTEL - 1021 N. 1ain Tel. 422-5312 - Price $ to 16 FI DLAY MOTEL - 16 Tiffin, Tel. 422-55 16 - Price .50 to 16 I-IOLIDAY I -- 20 Trenton Ave., Tel. 423 -8212 - Price $ 10.50 to 19 IMPER IAL HOU E - 1305 W. Main ro <;, Tel. 423-717l - Price 12 to 17 LO G'S MOTEL 931 Tiffin, Tel. 422-5323 - Price $7 to $ 12 If you plan on taying in a MOTEL, make your own reservation by writing or phoning the MOTEL of vour choice. Phone Area Code for Findlay i ( 4 19). J There i quick acce to our church a we are located ju t two block north on Broad \'enue from the 224/ 1-75 interchange on the northwe t ide of Findla)' . Our church pr perty border·.) 1-7 5. I ... et's pray for a bles ed meeting and you help make it ·.)o by bringing other \vith y ti a y u 111e! Your in hri t, Richard L. Snavely Added To Faculty he CJrand Rapid Bapti t Bible ~liege has added the following men,. ber to it faculty fo r the '69-'70 cl'1ool year ... Dr "'dward A . Buch– anan in the O palitrnent of P ycholo– oy lJ1 Her,ry J . OstJo rn in the D .._ ,,art111ent of l ..,ingui tic and M1 . J<.011ald 1a,er. " 'ho v.rill teach H i tory ~ and Ph ilo OJ)l1}'· Al o, l)r. Donald J. \ leldt "ii l e joinir1g 1hc factilty flS ead of tl1e peeeh J) pa:rtn1ent. Do you have fr iends in EI CH I /AN, ALAS A? We are interested io starting an Independent Baptist Church 1here. f\.fr1te 1o: R V. V RNE Kl BY Bapti t Mid-Mission~ Box No. 1032 etchi n, Al 99901 RL :n THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0 . Box 18056, Cleveland, Ohio 44118 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evanoelizino tl1e "kins111en' 1 of ottr l_orcJ in le\'elJnd, hi o C') "' ao Paulo ancl Rio de Janeiro, Ilrazil 0 1:1:: I J; R :- 1 r. , orge B. Du 1111 , President I r. Rnl1ll1 I I. toll, \ lice President l1ev. , r, ]cl \ l. 111elser 1 1,i,eri'titeude>it Rev. i\ . Pctt1l Tidbt 11, f \ st. 1111t. Jr. l , rl I I lfr1ck, e ' re . I~l"' 1:1:: 111 t ..,l ~ : - I)r. John l~ Balvo ('level rid, Ohio l~cv. })c1t1l \ 'an 01tler, 1\1] nta, Ya. l\ ev. \ lnugl1n }Jrt1ng r, outl1 11end, Intl. R v. I lo,,cl lorri , l~]i n t, 1i h. Dr. l,ol>e1 t Ket h n1, hie go, 111. l e,. lo l l' cte11ring, t. P ul, 1 tinn. 1 , . Lei\ in \ I. I~ f, ,v, I I t1nti11gton, 1 . 1 a. Dr. r·rank . orre ,, B R to11, Fl . Jr I' 11n th teller, 11 dl 11 llts., J. Write for your FREE copy of "The Trun,peter for lsr el" our quarterly n1 gazln devoted to the ork of J i h e ngell$m. OCl 08 R, l 969