The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1969

BIBLE BOWL QUIZ O THE EW TEST AME T (by B . C. Jen– ning Regular Bapti t Pre .:)' Des Plaines, Illinois 1969 · 13 5 pages, S>l. 50 ) As a book Bible Bowl Quiz' sim– ply gives the que tions, an wers and Scripture reference3 to be u ed in quizzing Sunday chool group cla s meeting , youth departments and even Sunday evening or Prayer Meeting • services. As a game patterned after the .B.C.-T.V. "College Bowl Quiz" there is no limit to the number of participant which can be involved, or the ways in which the questions may be u·.;ed. Questions in the book are arranged so a to develop a particu– Jar tory or incident of the New Testament, thus making it an effec– tive teaching aid. I highly recommend this book to pastors, teachers and youth workers as a source of material for develop– ing interest in various church meet– ings and ocial time . THE WORLD'S MO T POPULAR GAME (by Monroe Parke r. D .D., Ph.D. - word of the Lord Publi h– ers. Murfreesboro, Tennes ee, 1968· 155 page , $2.29) The title of this book ts the title of onl) 1 one of the ten hard-hitting, evangelistic, Bi ble-Ba•.:)ed me <;age~ contained herein . Tho e acquainted \,vith Dr Parker's pubJic preaching mini try will find that the printing of hi 1ne age doe not distract fron1 the trong forthright, fun<lar11cntal pre erntation of 1od' Word . Thi·.) book cori tain r11ar1 y xccllcnt thoug}1t for J)a toral u \; ' i a fine gift to r>re ent le> an 11nsavcd fric11d, and i a 111ea11 f in pirir1g ' p flle vt1t10 re a " 'ai1 i11g the n coniling tl1e a ,iour. HYI Ji I Al (b, 1. J l I ) l - f t ie I Jlll b) j }1 I 1 \Jlf- I ' . 2 2 J liE OHIO IND P ND N BAPTIST New ~~dition To Bedford Church ~ - Dedication ervice for the new Annex to the Bible Bapti t Church f Bedford was held la t May. Thi i the fir t picture we have had · ho~ ing the addition to the church. It i a thing of beauty and doe much to enhance the pr oram of the church. 0 Th~ Bible Bapti t Church fir t met and organized back in June of 1937 . At th at time they met in 1he Bedford Mu ic tore and then later moved to the Town H all. Their fir t building (a ba en1ent church) wa 1952 rthe super tructure was added. They now Annex. erected in October, 1940. In ha e thi lovely Educational The church h a had five pa tor : D r. H . V. Henry Cruver Rev. Edward Morrell and it E. Rice. Tann,er Rev. Paul Ba ter, Rev. pre ent pa tor. Rev. Garri n In a day when pa tor , unday School uperintendant and church official are looking for Godly, crip– tural method rather than worldly gimmick in their attempt to build a la ting work for the Lord thi book offer great help. ontained in thi volun1e are many an·..wer , plan , principle and pro– gram u ed effectively by Dr. H yle and other in the e tabli hing of great te timonie through the und ay choo]. Detail of variou method copl d with ound practical wi don1 make thi a ource-book f 1nf rn1a– tion and in pirat1on that \\, ill be bene– ficial lo all who de ire help in or– ganiLing and n1ainta1n1ng a gro~ ing \OLtl -w1nning t1nday chool. Eastern Baptist Seminary To Permit Campus Dances he "I r1 for111a lion Btt lleti n' ' C) f the .. t111,Iar11e11tal li aptist Fc:llt \.\'shir) for J ttl)'- t1gt1 l '69 carri~s a ~tor)' >f th liberalizing of da11 ing rt1I ~s at l.. a t r11 lJa J)li t Sc111i11ar) 1 tttlllt:r Dr. J . l t r H arni 11 . •• 111 11 ,v rt1I ,, ill 11 r111it ( 11111t1 <Inn t) I) J) )11- or cl I> tl1e ffi ial iii nl r r - ati n, I 111111itt l'., , 11 I t111 lcr I gt1la– ti n f ct n1111it1 ff tilt , trt1 - te , I' r 11 t a 11 l 11a t r ." • • • The Blue Pt int ' A FI L f TRIP PRE E T ATIO · of the history, p,,rposes, goals, accon1plis/J1nents, and bel1efJ of tl1e A111e1·1ca11 Co,111,1/ of Cl1r1stia11 (./J11r, l,es Vic Lockman has captured 1n cartoon form. the militant struggle of the Ame rican Council of Chris– tian Churches , as 1t has firmly held to the Biblical Fa ith of historic Chnst1an1ty and as 1t has stood against the foes of that Faith whethe r in the form of religious modernism of the National Council of Churches, of Communism of cnm,nal1ty, or ot new– evangehcol compromise It presents the urgent need of Bible believing churches denominat ions and in– d1v1duals to stand together ,n unity against all com promise and apostasy ,n view ot the espec,ally do k en1ng days of evil and s,n aro"'nd us. A "must " for all Bible loving people : suitable for use ,n church services, young people' s gre>Ui)s, church missionary programs , Sunday school classes, et c. Directed by Rev. 0. A \\'aite, 1h.O., Ph.D. (Director. RAFC of the ACCC), presentation include\ 100 trqm• colored films trip, )Cripf , and mGgn ti.. tape .sound track (7' i p s half t rack). All for onl $1 S 00, post po,d. RADIO A UDIO. ILM C MIUION of the AM RICA COU (IL OF CHRISTIA CHURCHES 15 Par Row • Ne or , N. Y 1 38 ,900 Pork A enue • Collin , ood, N. J. 08108 OCTOB R, 1969 7