The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1968

e t111t in1ta l by Rev. John Lineberry ' 'Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus ...' ' Matt . 1:21 b l i, 111c "-lc('t ct: dc111,111 I'd that l li . r1,1111c ~h ttl l he '·Jc Lt ' ', n1caning ' ' od ~'' "-''.. l l1c ,, 111 :i-ct fttl n,1111c l "Jcst1 ... he. t)cak. a1vation, peace and joy. l h, 11a111c f "lcsl1," ha tra cllc t 111 re hi ghway and byway and poken t, 111t,rt: r' 11lc i11 their n1 thcr t ngue t·han any ther name. The name of "Jc,t1 ·· ,1nn t1n c in , rd , of , eetc t c n1f rt the n1e <;age of God' limit- lc · lt1\ c. n1atchl "" 111crc ', and grant d grace. Ot1r 1 r i', ntrancc int the \.\ rld n that eventful evening was a tupendou dt l"l~1, f 1 d' " r ign p wer and glory, enveloping the humble hepherds \\ ith thrilling an1az n1 nt and liciting wonderful word of prai e and honor fr n1 t ht: nl o~ing angelic ho t. Th ,Tirgin-b rn on of G d came out of the ivory palace down to th is ... arth f rro\v. The marvelou miracle of Chri t unique birth clothed Him in inle fl , h. When Mary w nt down into the throe of motherhood he can1e up h lding God Almighty in her arm . Mary the creature cuddled the bl ed reator , ith her hand of tender care. Our Lord w·a the divine Son f a human mother and a ht1man Son of a divine Father. The glorious mes– age f the incarnation announce the Lord Jesu a "very God of very God' ' ..... - ' 'holy. harmle , undefiled, eparate from inners, and made h igher than the heaven ." (Heb. 7:26) A God Jesu brought God out to man and as man He take man into God. The ble ing of Bethlehem pre ents a babe born in the house of bread who de ignated Him elf a "the bread of life." ( John 6: 35) He is heaven's bread for earth hunger heaven' life for earth' deatlh, heaven's l igh t £or earth 's darkne . heaven's balm for earth's blight. The irrefutably hi toric entrance of the Son of God into the race of mankind eloquently proclaims that the unfailing promi e of God has been fulfilled. (Gen. 3: 15) God promi ed fallen man a Savior a Redeemer. The Savior h a oome, offering alvation full and free. An acceptable sacrifice for in h as been provided by God's redemptive grace. In thi great hour of confusion man can find the eternal need of his soul in the per on of the Lord Jesu Chri t, for in Christ there is alvation from sin, redemption from ruin, and deliverance from death. To be sure, all the on of men will face the Lord Je u s in one of two ways. To meet Christ now in grace i to have the gift of alvation which He offer to all who receive Him as avior. To meet Him one day in judgment will mean everl asting eparation from His love and mercy. Make sure of your ,alvation today by inviting the avior into your heart and life. ''Bi,t as n1any tts received Hi111 , to therri gave He power to become t/1e so12s of God, even to the,n that believe on His name." (John 1: 12) YOUNG PEOPLE - TAKE NOTICE!! Applications are being received from High School Junioirs and Seniors who are interested in Summer work on the Junior Staff at Camp P atmos. Board and room and $5.00 per week spending money are provided. Interested personnel may obtain an application by writing to : Rev . Lynn Rogers Northfield Bapti t Church 7584 North Boyden Road orthfield, Ohio - 44067 The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publishe d Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION Of REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 t, Th e Ohio Ind epe ndent Baptist Box No. 160 Xen ia, Ohio 45385 Ed itoria l Off ice: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ra tes of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.0( for three years; $8 .00 for five years EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 pe subscription ; single issue 20 cents; bacl issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Ed itorial Office should have all new and advertising copy in hand no later tha , 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rate will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . . .. . .. .. ... .. .. A. Donald Moffa Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circiilation Manager ........ .. ............. .... . ..... . . ........ . ... .. .... .... Stuar t L. Chaff« Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Wo-nien's Editor ........ Mrs. Geo. Milne- 2195 Brockway Rd. University H ts., Ohio 44118 State Missionary .. ...... Earl D. Umhaug} 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 4422- Treasurer ..... ... ...... . . .... ... .. .. David Dy, 92 N . Roys Ave., Columbus, 0. 43204 COUNCIL OF TEN Cliairman ... . . ... . Ben C. Jenning 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Stow, Ohio 4422L Secretary . .. . .. .. William F. Russel 306 W . Center St., Blanchester, Ohi< 4 510~ Progra1n Chairma11, . . . Earl V. Willetc 250 W est Street, Berea, Ohio 4401 i 1\1issionary Chrm. .. Vernon K. Billingtot 2435 Eakin Road, Columbus, 0 . 4320A Ed1tcation Chrm. . . Harold R. Greer Rt. 5, Green,rille, Ohio 45331 Youth Director . . .. . Kenneth L. Andru~ 315 . Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0 4550~ Dean Henry, 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 44 311 L)~nn Rogers, 7584 . Boyden Rd. or thfield, Ohio 4406 7 Donald J. Se,vell, 4207 Laskey Rd. Toledo, Ohio 43623 R. Kenneth Smelser, 123 W . Liberty St i\ledina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Sna,,ely, P.O. Box 195 Findla)', Ohio 45840