The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1969

New Pastor At Portsmouth Dr. Raymond F. Hamilton The Temple Baptist Church of Portsmouth, Ohio has called Dr. R ay– mond F. Hamilton to serve as their pa tor. He will begin his ministry there as of January 1st, 1969. Brother Hamilton wa converted to Chri :t and baptised at the Central Bapti t Church, Gary, Indiana. He has an A.B. degree from William Jewell College and was awarded an honorary D.D. at Faith Theological Seminary, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania. He has served as Assistant Pastor of the Central Baptist Church, Gary, f nd.iana and h as pastored the Fir t Bapti t Church, Pana, Il1inoi ; the Calvary Baptist Church, Quincy, L.A .B.C. Report Homecoming events at Los Angeles apti t College began ovember 22 Nith the Annual Investors' Dinner. here v.,e~e 490 gue ts present, j n– ~Juding a number of prospective stu– lent . A program featurring special nu ic b}' Gospel Team and the ,JAB hora1e, along Vlith report •n hri tian ervice and graduate oti\'iti v.,,a pre ented. an f the 111ir1a-r)', Hern1ann . Au tel, r porte<1 th t 21 s tudents ave gradua ted 0111 j ng the pa~t four ar . T en J1 a , gont= int the pa t r- t , i!\. to 11 111i ion fj Id, tWi t }1ri ian uc ti n ne int u , lie cl1 o l t ]iing, ne gr. t ch an }1 , , ,e n t n pl fl f - I Illinois; the Burholme Baptist Church. Philadelphia, Penna. and the Belde~ A venue Baptist Church, Chicago, Ill. From 1948 to 1968 he was the Treasurer of the International Coun– cil of Christian Churches. He was the first Secretary-Treasurer of the GARBC and a member of the Execu– tive Committee of the Council of 14 from 1934 through 1962. Two dif– ferent times while on the Council he served a it Chairman-Moderator. Our brother h as been privileged of the Lord to have travelled widely. He made several trip around the world. Seven different times he travelled to Europe and rthree different times ro South America. He h as been in Au traliia twice. He resigned from the ministry of the I.C.C.C. on November 8, 1968- effective D ecember 31, 1968. He b as been listed in Who's Who in America' ' - 1963-1964 edition and thereafter. Rev. and Mrs. Hamilton have three children: Philip who d a school teacher in Schaumburg, Illinoi : Betty Ro e (Mrs. Paul Wise) also of Schaumburg and David who is pastor of the Bevier Regular Bapti t Church, Binghamton, New York. Your editor and hi s wife have been close friend of ' 'the Hamiltons' ' for years. We are indeed happy that they are moving to the fair tate of Ohio and believe ithat the Lord i going to use them greatly in t he work at Portsmouth and al o in our Ohio As ociation of Regul ar Bapti t Churche fellowship. Nixon Testimony PRESIDE T ELECT RICHARD IXO te tifie : ' 'I remember vivid– ly the day ju t after I entered high . choo1 , when my father took me and my two broth r to Lo Ang Jes to attend the great revival meeting being held there by the hicago evangeli t, Dr Paul Rader. \Ve j incd hundr ds of other that night 111 1nak– ing our per 'onal con1n1itn1ent. to hri ·t and hri tia n ~ervice." •••Chri tianity Today Oct. 26, 1968 - Page 36 Called To New Work In Hudson Rev. Ka rl Gettmann A new work ha been tarted in Hud on, Ohio. Rev. Karl Gettmann ha been called a pa tor. Thi i a branch work of the orthfield Bap– ti t Church. Brother Gettmann graduated from Biola in 1944. He rved as a mi - sionary in Venezuela for three )'ear and in Panama for one year. He al erved as a mi ion board repre enta– tive for another eight year . The Lord ha led him to pa tor three different church . T\\ o of th e were in ebra ka and one in Kentucky. He i not new in the field f tabli h– ing churche and ha al o been used of the Lord in radio mini try. The Hud on Ohurch will need ome additional financial upport for the fir t i n1onth or 1 ear. C ntri– bution n1ay b ent t th Fir t Bapti t Church f Hud n - 1n care of R v. K arl Gettn1ann. Pa. t r - 49 Bard Dr1, 1 e. pt _Q_ - H11d, 1n. Ohi - 44_36. I t Pc.l\ " To 1\ d\ ~rti c ... 1n the pag~. ()f THl~ OHIO 1 o -. p1· l l "' l~ Il P IST " ~r1<.i for tt r \! ]~d 1 t 1• 0 .I .B. - B .. ~r1ia, h i - 4 ' ' / 1 111 e11clo. i11 1 t/1is trnct ,vit/1 ti, ti ci"io,, lip ~i811ed don't l1a·ve ,,,,,cit for / ' 111 111r1k i11g tlzi co11fe~~\ io11 t ,o,, beca11 I a11)'011e lier., to 111ak e it to . . . T/1a11k ' ,, pri11ti11 tlti tra t." .R.R. - 1v 'ork - P ul J. l vio 'J l1 i letter l t •pical f 111a11 • 1 c i, et! nt 0111 c ffi ''<Jt t /1elp 11 111ak 1/1011 a11,I\ of a 1</itio,,al Libl t,a t 01 , et, ? }' 0111 gift ,i ill l,c 1ck11<11i I ti, ,I /, <1 ta ,111<! a /1 ,, 1 JJ 1ck t <Jf tJ111 11 a< t 80 ea Ji 111<>1itl1. a, ailabl J, 1 tie /11 tibl , 08 BIBL RACT , In • A RLOO, 10 070 er l SO 11itll1011 tr t) ,r,,it l t.o l te i,1 1n 11 ln 1i H"~~. ill ,,d 1/11 J