The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1969

MOTIVE Many conscientious Chri stians want to be faithful teward of their earthly po essions, realizing that . .. every one of u shall give accoun t of himself to God' ' (Rom. 1-4: 12). Some have greater family re ponsibilities than other but all Chri tians should consider the Lord 's Word in planning their financial affairs. H owever, many procra tinate because of the complexity of the task: wills , tru ts. annuitie , federal estate taxes etc. MAIL TODAY! - Please send me material on : D Making Your Will O L ife-Income Agreements O Gift Annuities 0 Bequests , Trusts and Insurance Opportunities NAME---------------- - --- ADDRESS------------------~ CITY________ STATE _____ ZIP____ O I would like a professionally-trained member of the l development staff to call on me. No obligation, of course. O I am interested in having a 11 Will Clinic" conducted in my church. '· ... i I ' I I ' , METHOD ' l Cedarville College offers a needed service to our Fellowship by providing professionally trained men, \Vithout charge to help Christians with their financial planning. ot wanting to 1ni lead anyone in this difficult field o r to be guilty of pract icing law we have been care– ful to train our men properly. Fo r two years we have retained the ervices of the Kennedy Sinclair Corpora– tion to help train Mr. Lee C . Turner, Director of Devel– t)pmcnt. Thi s corporation has trained trust officers of banks for ove r 30 years and has helped establish Defer– red Giving programs in over 300 colleges. Mr. Henry Phillip , who wa added to ou r staff over a year ago, is a full-time field man in estate planning. Both Mr. Phil– lips and Mr. Turner have completed the two-week estate planning cour c a t Louisiana State University. it is not our purpose to encourage Chri tian to help Cedarvi ll e College at the exclusion of some other phase of the Lord' work but rather help them to give in the n1ost effective n1anner to the \vork of their choice. For thi rca on we try to work through the local church. The coll ege has already conducted 140 ' ·Will Clinics ' . in churche and has coun eled personally with scores of individuals expressing a de ire for help. The attached coupon may be u ed by pastors intere ted in scheduling cl Will Clinic' in their church and by individuals desir– ing litera ture or personal con ultation. ( All literature and personal call arc furnished a a courte y of the college \vi thout charge or obligation. ) Complete coupon and mail today to the Director of Development. ILLE COLLE "for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDE~T •