The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1969

FRONT COVER ·-·- f rt r , ans th\: l c ,ln B11i l1\t 11it,1c l11stitt1t f ll()ilo it;y, in the f tl1\; hili1 I i11c • h .. 1 l1t'ct1 trn111111g '<)l1ng pc plc t be Pa tors, l1ri ti, n l~dl1cnt1<)t1 ,, tkcr . l1c Bihlc c nt c1c(i ch 1 with ' to;; t n c1111l11,1, ,11 ,,rl<111g ,1,,111. 1 n )t 111 .. 'n<l111g Oltt '\J rk "r t reach the hilip1,in , •ht:r' ... 5 o f tl1' 1 pt1lat1011 i~ R n1 , n atholic, bt1t now hac, fi, 't' gr,1dt1nt ", \: r,' 111g l1r1 t i11 Bn11gk k. h a iland. t1pport d by ver t!hree– htt11 ired l(l, 11 B~lJ t1,t ht1r 11 f their h 111c l, nd. Praic;e God the e five are t,~ginning t , ee frt1it nn1 ng lh Bt1ddhi t<; of that l,cnighted land! Filipi11 in~ trt1 t r and n1cri an mi i naric in thi A ociation of Bapti ts f , , ' rlti , rung li n1- p n red h l have been ucce fully preparing l.:11' "rcr for th rd' harve .. t field ev r ince it wa founded by Dr. R afael h n1a ·, a n1 d1 al n1i ~ i nary. Rev. H. Carrel agard, formerly on the f,a ult1r f th , e tern Bapti t Bible Oollege, i the gifted president. Rev. t lin Zamar. an th r talented n1ember of the teaching taff of ten, is not nl)' th regi trar and an ut tanding in tructor, but al o directs the student h ir , hi h make annual tour of the central and southern Philippines, .. timulating keen intere t in DBBI and encouraging young people to enroll. 1 r m tudie on the college level include Bible and theological sub– j t and hri tian Education course . The one hundred twenty two young men and women enrolled this year fulfill practioal work a signments each ,,, kend, beginning Friday afternoon with four open air Gospel meetings, tract di tribution per onal witnes ing, lepro arium and provincial prison ervice , followed by Friday evening student-.conducted evangelistic rallies on the Doane campu which reach a good number of high school and college y uth of the city. Uppercla smen have weekend student pa torates in various provincial location on the islands of P anay and Guimaras. Sunday Sch ool centers reach five hundred children each week. The men working for their Bachelor of Theology or Bachelor of Religious Education degrees pend twelve months before their last year of study, working in the field, to obtain practical experience in organized churches under the supervi ion of veteran pastors. The Doane Baptist Bible In titute truly lives up to its motto : ' 'The Bible Our Message and Everyone a Messenger!" P ray for the vital, growing ministry of this olde t and Jarge t Bible school in the Philippines! FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P. 0 . BOX 455 - ELYRIA ,OHIO The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publish e d Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES s,coND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Inde pendent Baptist Bo x No. 160 Xe nia , Ohio 45385 Editor ia l Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Oh io 45385 Rates of subscription: $2 .00 per year; $5.00 for three years; $8 .00 for five year,; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscription; single issue 20 cents; baclc issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all newt and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing. Advertising r1te1 will be sent on request. STAFF Editor ... ... .. . .... ..... .. A. Don ald Moffat Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager .. ....... .... ............. . ................... ................. Stu art L. Chaf fe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Women's Editor .... ... Mrs. Geo. Milner 2195 Brockway Rd. University H ts., Ohio 44118 State Missionary ........ Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 Treasurer ................... ............ David Dye 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0 . 4 3204 COUNCIL OF TEN • Chairman ... ,.. . . . Ben C. J eonings 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Stow, Ohio 44224 Secretary ..... . William F. R~ll 306 W. Center St., Blanchester, Ohio 45 107 Program Chair111an Earl V. Willetts 250 West Street Berea, Ohio 44017 l\,lissionary Chr1n. . . Vernon K. Billington 2435 Eakin Road, Col11mbus, 0. 43204 Editcation Chrni. Harold R. Green Rt. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Y outli Director .......... Kenneth L. Andrus 315 S. Kensington Pl. Springfield , O. 45503 Dean Henr;' , 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 4431 1 L)rnn Rogers, 7584 . Boyden Rd. orthfield, Ohio 44067 Don ald J. Sewell, 4207 Laskey Rd. T oledo, Ohio 43623 R. Kenneth Smelser, 123 W. Liberty St l\1edina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Sna, 1 ely, P .O . Box 195 Findla)r, Ohio 45840