The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1969

Making Christ Known Through Basketball Larry Waite, recent graduate of Cedarville College and now a stu– dent at Grand Rapids Baptist Th eo– logical Seminary, travelled this past su,nmer to the Far East as a member of the Crusader's Basketball team. The I ollowing letter will give you some impression of how greatly used these I ellows were as they sought to minister the Word of the Lord in distant la,ids. ' Larry, please come back here as soon as possible. We need you and hundreds of young people like you.'' With these parting words fDom a } 1 oung Filippino, I left behind me a nation that is desperately hungry for the truth of the gospel. The theme song of our Crusader basketball team ''This is My Story, 1hls is My Song' ' appropri– ately applied to ithls summer. We were "prai ing oux aviour' ' in 29 games in 18 days on our tour of uther n Luzon. What a great time was ours a~ we presented the gospel 1o over 50,000 iLipino ·. Lhe results only o d kno " ' , but the team was J cceivoo with tremendous enthusiasm in thi tau nch Roman a~holic area f ihe Philippin s. Atlread:y hundred ar wfii1ing for the Bible correspond- nc.e cour ! ! h , rthe wisdom f od tJo u e uch 11 uno thodox ap– p:n 0 }1 £ r blt winning f ouls! 0 1 in 11 area of over wit h 011ly 7 J ro– l n Tab co, , ci ty ne • APTI Write for free copy of MESSAGE TO ISRAEL with radio log Message To Israel, Inc. Radjo Messenge r : Founder: Coulson Shepherd Box 31, Patchogue, New York 11772 Associa ted wit h Bible Ch r istian Union . Inc. Kenneth Meyers For me personally, it was the great– e t ummer I have ever spent. The tiories are thrilling beyond descrip– tion, such as, the game we won with half the team sick, working in a youth center in dowrutown Manila with over 500,000 tudents, working in another youth center in Bacolad with gangsters, being a house-parent for missionary children at Faith Academy, the Manila earthquake, etc. On my way home, I visited Hong K ong, Taipai and T okyo. One verse of cripture sums up my entire sum– mer . . . ' 'the harvest is so great and the worker so few.' ' (Matt. 9: 37) I was happily married upon arrival home to climax a climactic um.mer. My dear wife, Lois, is busy teaching as I attend Seminary. We want to thank you for your prayers and financial support rt.hat made ithis venture po sible. May His riche t ble ing ·be yours daily. Your mi sionaries in training, Lois and Larry Waite 802 College Avenue Grand R apids, Michigan ''The Book of All Others'' D aniel vVeb ter , American States– man ,of 100 y ars ago, once said , " Thi i tlze Book. I h ave r ad through the entire Bible ma ny t imes. I m ake it a practice to go t hrot1gh it once a year . It 1s 1hc book of al l o ther for la\.\' yer a~ we ll a divin ~; ttnd I p ity the n1an tha t cannot find i11 it a rich . ttpply of thot1gl1t a11d rt1lc · for h 1~ cond t1ct . l t fit ' a n1an for li te it pr part: hi111 f r d ath. " Dan Lacey Ordained to Ministry An Ordination Council was called by the Grace Baptist Church, Cedar– ville, Ohio for the purpose of examin– ing Brother Dan Lacey and advi ing concerning hi ordination to the Go pel ministry. A total of 23 pas– tor , me enger and invited indi– vidual representing 11 churches were pre ent. The examination of the canclidate revealed that he had been aved at the age of 14, baptized at 20 and had received training for the Lord's work at Moody Bible Institute, Bapti t Bible Seminary and Cedarville Col– lege. Also , that he has been accepted for mi ionary work in France. After a thorough examination, the council found itself well atisfied with the candidate' p ition and heartily recommended that the church proceed with hi ordination to the mini try. The ordination ervice was held on unday evening, ov mber 17, in the Grace Bapti t Church. Past r Wm. Broughton delivered the ordina– t ion me age. Dr. Clev land I - Donald pre nted the ch arge to the cht1rch , M r. Au tin Eln1 re the charge to the c,1nd1date and .1 Ir. R ichan.I fc l nto h che ordinati n prayer and hand ot 1· 11 "' hip An l)ffcl ing \\ a tak n at th1 "er– \1icc for Re\'. nnd Ir . Dan \\ l1ich an1t 11ntc,1 t ·1In1 t Thi , \\ '1 to help 111c t .. \. n 1 111 ,10) 1 n~ LI · in p1~p1ring l \! ', 1.000. f th r th ir 111is ionar)' ,, rk i11 F r,anc tinder ll apt i t [ id- I i i o 11 • WANTED: ,C/000 Christian.s 1l'lw care ahout tlw Baptist Builders'Club v. ho care enough lo aid small struggling GARB church– es 10 their f 1ghl lo keep their doors o n Join the Baptist Builders' Club and support ,t by pra er and g1 1 1ng1 1800 Oakton Boulevard Des P laines. 111,no,s 60018 _________ ._...._. _____________ I 1re' end f urcht!r an orrn ca n co Addre ll)---------------- , 1 69 7 I I