The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1969
--- at Cedarville? YES! Through the economy of rental arrangements a small college like Cedarville can now expose its students to theworld of computers. COMPUTER TERMINAL Dr. Donald Bauman is pictured explaining the operation of our computer terminal to a student. The terminal is connected to a sophisticated computer in Chicago which allows the solution of complicated mathematical problems. It has academic applications in mathematics, science, psychology and business. ADMISSIONS The registrar's office uses the services of MISCO (McCalls Information Service– Company). Their computers provide more rapid grade reporting and updating of students' records. • BUSINESS OFFICE A BAPTIST COLLEGE Of ARTS A.HO SCIENCES The business office uses an NCR 500 computer located in the office of the col– lege treasurer. Pre ently the coll~ge payroll is computed on this equipment; subsequently the total business operation will be automated. ILLE COLLEGE "for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" . CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDENT lflF.. ... ~~ ... ,
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