The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1969

I Ill Rev. Ben C. Jennings, pastor of the Gra– m Road Baptist Church in Cuyahoga Falls, ' ·ce each week runs an article in the pages the ir local newspaper - The City Press. e follow ing article appeared in the No– mbe r 7th issue. Brother Jennings finds that this is an ex– lle nt way of making the work of their urch known among the people. Fanta tic accompli hment by the uman race are becoming o com– ion that \\ e take them for granted. ran ~s age old dream of putting a man n the moon will no doubt be fulfiJled ithin a )'ear unless son1e major :ttastrophe interrupts our progre . 1du trial concerns now tell u they 1n make diamonds out of peanut . esearch centers are working on a e\\' kind of membrane which will 1ake it possible for man to live under ater. Within a year plane the 1ze a tootball field capable of carrying \'e hundred passengers will leave ur major airports, and larger one .. already on the \.\ 1 ay. In the medi- 11 realn1 common di. ca e of a few :!-ar ago arc rare today. With all it> new about hea~t transplant . it nov.' po ib]e to vi ualiL:t the da)' hen all our n1ajor organs ca11 be an pla11tecl with a ,11inimun1 of ri k. ''J he are ju t a f iW of ~he achie\'e- nt f v.1hich e can ju ti}' b · oud. n 1}1 other hand it pt1t u , h n1e l>ecau e in th of urnan I elation V.'C ha,, gre at all. In fact j t n1or f fJuernt th l 1110f UI }1 pp ' n' t en to l, e • 111 11 ar a I t n 1 1, but tor , , f)' fin 1J r 0"' • J }1 d • pl 1 1 r n p l ti e mid I p]l!I[) J lJ int a nu • • g 11 n r l l t l ar . r ' n 1 11 r l t I II nt • 1111 '"' put ll • JllJ lUill t • 11 - ID :z 1 \'. r igl 1ing a n l , r • by Ben C. Jennings • eem near 1n outh Africa. The affluent nations of the world are plagued by a rebelliou generation of young people, who eem deter– mined to de troy the,mselves and o– ciety in general. Crime i o great that it i now the number one i ue in our election campaign. The In- titute of trategic tudie in London recently a ked, "Are we entering an age of conflict that brings u clo er and clo er to global cata trophe?" How i it that hun1an being are unable to u e the development of our n1odern world to bring about a ociety where men can live in peace? There i only one place to go for the an wer to that que tion. The Bible , ay that the whole human race i ~nflicted with a di ease known a sin. Every child inheritc; thi di ea e from hi parent . Thi di ea e cau es children to fight with one another teen-ager to re– bel against parent , it ca11 e neigh- ._ borhood quarre]c;, it lt1rn race again t race. rich again t poor, and in the £inal tages it tt1rn~ nation again\t nation. thtt ereating the in jttsticc. v. B . J • n , n1n VOL. 41 , NO. 4 FEBRUARY, 1969 confu ion, and trife that we ee all about u . The Bib]e not only' how u where we are \.\. rong. but it tell u how to get right. Thi Book that ha been ruled out of our tate school , Ii clo ed in mo t home , treated lightly in many pulpit , and ign red b 1 1 the multitude how the cau e, condition, and cure for the world· ill . THE A ""E - 1en have ignored the omni cient, on1nipot nt, and om– nipre ent God of the Bible. THE CO DITJO i that de cribed ab ve. With THE CURE the pag f 1 d' 'A' ord are f i lied. In brief. and thi i p j chologicall)' a well a ~ piritually· ot1nd : \.\ mt1 t recognize and adn1it • we are inner . letter in the third hapter f the Revelation. addre ed to th hurch at La die a i general!} con 1d red b} Bible belte\ier t be a true de- cript1on of ot1r da\. There C, ,d a 1 s, '"I kno\.\ th) \\Ork, .. I ,,111 ,ptte \ ot1 ot1 t of 111, n1 ti th . . . ) r ti s,1) ) ' Ott <1rc rtch an{J ha, c t1C\:li f nothing . . . ) l)LJ d )Il 't k.n ,, lhat ) l)tt arc ,vrct hed nlt\t?rable, ix r blind and 11 ..1k. i . .. J (. tin, 1 the to l1tl)' f 111~ gl l l trt~\.I ,n th fire that \' tt 111a \ 1 h I h.. h a11<.l \,l1it ., .. rai,11 "Ill that )' u 111 ..l)' be 1 th i , a11 I a11oi11t , )t1r , t~ ,vith , t: Iv " t t1, t , l t 1 111 a\ b t abI ., ., I l t }1 c , , r l I i r1 g n r al .. 1n I 111 rj- ~ a11s in 1> ·1rti ttla r ,, ttld a , I s ~ ti , , ,, u] n \ 'er • i 11 ( tk f tile ' ft'lt it ,, l t1t \\ ti I I r J n t in , k I t }1 an t1 • I 1 1 ,, ,, ttld, r 11 t1l t, b r , I t n C t , 11d 111 n th, t ,, , 11 ,, hil r • t I 11 0 ]1 1 S \ \ J 11 k 11 ' ' t 11 t • t \ In , } le I t 1th ft I 1nd jll t L • r i, l l \If 111 an I t I LI fr 11 111 l1nr1ght LI n tt I 1: