The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1969
eart to eart mong t e omen - M1 s. George Milner - Women' s Edi to r- Concerning \\ 11 .. ,t J...i11ti l1f a l)Cf 'i n li\c~ \V1thin that l1\1li\ of ,,) ttr \\hich id ntifie~ \ ti .., 't l l'> ··1~he f 1 hath aid . 1 r1 HI l-1 "' RT. H R I O 10D. he)· arc c rrt1pt. they h ave d 11e ah 111inablt: \\ rk , there i 1 0 TH T DO TH 000. ' (p ~ al Ill 14 : 1) HTH LORD i the portion o.f n1ine inh ritance and of my cup: THOU n1aintaine t my I t. The line are fall n unto me in plea ant place · ) ea. I have a g odly h eritage (Hea\·en). I wil l ble the Lord, who hath given me coun el: my rein al o in truct me in the night easons (when the P almi t was ilent, alone and retired from the care of life) . I have et t he Lord alway before me: becau e He is at my right h and, I hall not be moved. Therefore my H EART I GLAD AND MY GLORY REJOICETH: MY FLESH al o h all re t in HOPE." (Psalm 16:5-11) ' ' tudy to show thyself approved the HEART! "D 10 ~ TH _, ( Luke 24: 13-35) The write r of ' weet H our of Prayer, that call me from a world f care,' ' knew ome thing that many who da h into God' pre e nce with reqL1e t and out again fail to gra p. To be ure ' 'And bids me at m y Father' Throne make all my wants - known ,' i one of the great privileges of prayer but it is only one. It is exqui itely weet to be alone with the great Lover of our oul , His attention centered on us with all Hi love and tenderne . " And He walks with me, and He talk with me And He tells me I am Hi own, And the joy we share as we tarry there N one other has ever known. ' ' The christian life is a HEART matter . A constant living with our Saviour that we may "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesu s Christ." Brazi l Bound! rl h, la(l ic~ t)f' the l~t1c1i(I -Notling.. h a ll l 13 a r t i s t ( ' 11 l l I' ch 1 i ss i() 11 a I' y O.. c1c t , h t)l1C)l'C(I <.1nc of thei r clear young pcOJ)I "', Mt \\ Martha J llnn , at a l1t1f fc l ]tinchco n shortly l1cforc her tl cparlttrc to Bra11l where ~he wi ll l1c teaching the children f n1i ss ionanics. Martha was a vo lunteer teacher there for two chool year<;, but this ti 1ne . he goes there as a mi5 ionary under Bapti st Mid-Mi ssions. M a rth a wa the speaker o f the afternoon. At the clo e of her mes age, he was pre– sented with many u e ful gifts - a mo t beautiful embroidered a nd quilted quilt ( tit ch ed with love), a money-1tree covered with ilver h alf– dol.lar and m any other gifts. In cloc;– i ng Mrs. adie H oll and sang, " o Se nd I You. ' C 0 d arville College Women's Fellowship The women of this vital organiza– tion, now very active with excellent programs at their meetings, look for you to attend and join in for these times of fellowship and participation. Will you consider the following dates and get in on the e good things? The beautiful and delici ous luncheons are (Continued on page 15) unto God, a workman that needeth not to be a barned, rightly dividing (understanding) the WORD OF TRUTH." (2 Tim. 2: 15 ) Two dis– ciples are walking on ,a highway to Emmau . While they communed to– gether and reasoned, JESUS HIM– SELF DREW E AR AND WENT WITH THEM. - 0 foolish ones and slow to believe all that the pro– phets have spoken! Their eyes were opened. A D THEY KNEW HIM, and H e vanished ou t of their sight. They said one to another, ' 'DID NOT OUR HEART BU RN WITHIN US while HE TALKED WITH US BY THE WAY and WHILE H E OPEN- Let's Mark Our Calendars! DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Division of J. L. J ohnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illino is Manufactures Annealing Pots for Malleable Foundries 8 FEBRUARY, 1969 M a rch 15-19 - B·aptist Mid-Mis– ions Tri-Annual Conference , Calvary Baptist hurch, Quincy, Illinois . March 20 - BEREAN WOMEN' MISSIO ARY FELLOWSHIP - Brook side Bapti t Church, 581 E. Ridgewood Drive, Seven Hill (Cleve– land ). 10 a .m.-2: 30 p .m. Dr . J ohn G. Balyo who is now in Peru, S.A. at the invitation of Bap– ti t Mid-Mi ion ' mi ionaries as a "spiritual life' ' speaker , will be OUR SPEAKER. He will h ave much to tell us. PRAY FOR THIS MEETING! A WORKSHOP EXHIBIT - All our Women' Workshop and Sewing Grau ps are urged to bring articles which you h ave m ade for the mis- • • s1onar1es. A PAPER SHOWER FOR CAMP SHALOM LAKE - They need CUPS. PLATES NAPKINS, CLEA I G TISSUE, TOILET TISSUE etc. The pastors and men of our churches are asked to attend. Rev. Roy Clark is arranging for their time of fellowship. There will be election of officers. Bring your sandwich and salad. De sert and beverage will be furnished: Nur ery will be open. April 1 t - Hebron Women's Mis– sionary Fellow hip - Fir t Baptist Church, Elyria, Ohio This is their 40th Anniver ary and great pl ans are in the making. April 15th - Our State Meeting - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTI T CHURCHES WOMEN'S MISSIONARY UNION SPRING RALLY- 10 a .m.-3:00 p.m. WHERE? GRAHAM ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH, 705 W. Gra– h am Road, Cuyahoga Falls . A PANEL DISCUSSIO will be con– ducted. THEME: "PRODUCE YOUR CAUSE." Lets begin plans OW to have a record-breaking attendance. June 23-27 - NATIONAL G .A.– R .B.C. CONFERENCE will convene at FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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