The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1969
art to earl mong t e omen -Mrs. George Milner - Women's Editor- On Every Side'' ··J t ,,re tr<>r,bft,ll ( ) 11 l' \'er,· sitle. )'ti 11ot <Ii Ires ed; lve are perplexed, but ,,o t ; 11 de,·rair: Pl' I' ec,,tetl. /J11t 11<)f for ·t1/..e11; cast dolv11, but not destroyed. '' _ )/'. 4 ~, 9) ' ' / 11 rlit' 1 i·,,rld ,·c sl1all l1a,·e trib11latio11: bztt be of good cheer; I have over– c 111e tl1e ,i·orltl." tlc>/111 16:33) ' ' ]iJ 1J 1 e la t tlO)'S peri/011 ti111e l1all co,ne . . . Evil 111en a11d seducers shall ,, a.-r ,,·or e a11d ,ror e." ( 2 Ti,11. 3: 1 13. On e,,ery ide - pre ed hard , and sorely troubled; Perple ed: h mmed in but - no, not in despair! On every ide! But - overhead till open· Thus heart can ri e above on wing of prayer. On every ide - unre t· tumultous heaving; A fevered ru b : a eething, urging throng. On e ery ide - di turbance di location; Bt1t - deep within, a weet thanksgiving son,g! On every ide a heated, frantic clamor; A '"pu h. ' a "greed ,, a elfi h work and will ; On every ide - unheavenly words and warrin,gs · But - deep within a place where all is still! On every ide! 'Ti true the foe is pressing, And driving hard hi quickly hort'ning day; But God doth reign· He over all is sovereign - And - ' 'rest ' on every side - our hearts oan stay. . .. Copied A TROT: When we " take off' ' on someone, isn't it best to fir.sit ask ourself - "Did I pray about it? Secondly, "Did I sleep on ~t? ' Whether it tis writing that letter, making that phone call, or speaking face to face, we may see after sleeping on it, or thinking it over , that it i good we never mailed irt, that we did not give that person a 'piece of our mind. ' lMtead we have received "peace of mind" from the Lord through His blessed Word. Then too, there may be "no fences to mend ,' no conifes ions 10 make, no "storm dia 1 mage' ' to our friendships. Let's "march' with t he Lord in MARCH and all through rhe year, ' 'And the peace of God, which p asseth all understianding, hall keep your hearts rund minds through Chri t Je us." (Philippians 4:7) 12 NOW - STATEWIDE SPRING RALLY APRIL 15th - ( 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M.) in the GR.A!HAM ROAD BAPTIST OHURCH, 705 W. Graham Rd. CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO THEME: ' 'PRODUCE YOUR CAUSE' ' A Panel D iscussion will be conducted LUNCHEON AT NOON Full Information Regarding Program and Luncheon Reservation Available from Your Society Ofificer Plan Now To Attend - Get In On These Blessings! MARCH, 1969 MARCH 18 l"l 'S O 1H Bll f,J ~I . , J>RTN, R 1.JI. .. "IMI~! March 18th ,lt race l{ c\i ti\t ~htarch, ·rr,)y, Ohio. A great cl ~ty i~ pl ,\nnc,i arotlnd 1lhc hcn1c: ' ' YL~ Rf· MY WlTN S." Rev. and Ir . B n Kendri ck from Ban1gui, cntr,11 Afri ca Republic are the I caturcd speakers. A Round-Robin hour of projcot4) will be praotical and u eful . ' 'Project of Little Co5t," " Project 'S for Non-Workday Groups,' ' and " Project and U e of Sunday chool Literature" are ,the subjeots to be con idered . The women of Blessed Hope Bap– ti t Ohurch, pringfie]d will present a kit .to launch this year' proposed projec.t. Children will be cared for in nursery provided by the host church. Each lady i to bring her table service a nd a covered dish for the luncheon - a time of good fellowship for all. urely this is a day rthat no lady friom South Bethel Ohurches can afford to miss . Fill your oars and meet with us at 10 a.m. in Troy. . .. Mr . Malcolm Woodard MARCH 20 ANOTHER "WOMEN'S MARCH" IN MARCH - Thursday, March 20tJh the Berea,n Women's Missionary Fellowship meets in the Brookside Baptist Church, Seven Hills (Cleve– land) from 10 a.m. unitil 2: 30 p .m. Theme for ,the day is ' 'HIS LAST COMMAND, OUR FIRST CON– CERN." Dr. John G. Balyo just re– cently returned from Peru, South America will challenge our hearts and bcing us the latest word from those Baptist Mid-Mission mission- . ar1e . There are to be WORK.SHOP EX– HIBITS, A PAPER SHOWER FOR CAMP SHALOM LAKE, ELEC– TIO OF OFFICERS, MISSION– ARY M011ENTS which is a precious time with all the mis ionaries present. Bring your sandwich. Salad, dessert and beverage will be furnished by Brook ide ladies. A SPECIAL OF– FERING let's make it our best offering to complete payment for the ta Steel Stove ait Camp ShaJom Lake. APRIL 1 HEBRO WOMEN'S MISSION- ARY FELLOWSHIP will celebrate their 40th ANNIVERSARY with a RALLY on APRIL 1st (no fooling), at the Fir t Baptist Church, Elyria. No pecific details are ~available but great plans are in the making. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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