The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1969

Report On Airplane Crash Rev. Merle Buckingham In our FEBRUARY issue we gave word concerning the airplane crash (Concluded from page 8) fair "in order to prevent the detail being accurately known' ' ( epignosin). One of the letters of the Gemellus corre pondence (99 A.D.) contain a request that a friend of the writer ''find out whether the olive-yard at Diony ias has been dug.' ' The verbal ' 'find out' ' is epignothi. In a papyrus document of 123 A.D., there is an account of Jegal proceeding con– cerning the purcha e of a prie tly office in which the advocate, after recalling a report that the office could be sold, ays: "On learning of tl1is ( touto epignous). my client ap– pealed to Timocrates." Another man writes to a relative who ha been ii] , and sa)'S, "I took care to end and ask about your heal h, and to lear11 ( epiPnrJis) what you are reading." Another Jetter appear in a papyru ·group of about 120 A .D., in which an application is made for division of property among several people. and the \\' r.iter say , "they have now de– cided to dj\,ide th se 1hings on the under tanding that each .r/101~/cl di\- 1i,1g1,i~·l1 (epigei110.rkei11 ) his own l1are." True, Full, Genuine J1i i the " ' rd tl ed lJ)' tl1e Apo 11 1 aul in I r . J 3 : 12, r n v. v. e e ihr ugh a gla , dark] 1 : 1 ut tl1en face 1 t : " ' I n V.' i 11 p rt ( g i ,1 o Ii o · t, t1 t }1 en f I l rt 1I n "' ( epi'{.! r10 0 111ai ven 1 an1 n -. n.,. \\' l1il n ' 11 \\' ni ' p r I i a 11 an i 11 1 , 1, t r , . 111 111 g ] r , , d ~ it 11 a 11- TH O 10 I D PE D BAPTI l which took the live of mi ionarie Merle Buckingham (ABWE) and George Raney (MAF). They had ju t dropped supplies to a mi ionary family in the mall town of Tabon on the I land of Palawan. After uccessfully completing this drop from an altitude of sixty feet the pilot gunned the motor 1o regain altitude. Ground observer noted an unu ually loud roar and in tead of climbing the plane conitinued to lo e altitude until the left wing hit a palm tree cau ing it to flip over on it back as it era bed to the earth. Both men were killed instantly. There wa no fire. Mrs. Joyce Buckingham witne e daily to the Lord's u taining grace. She plan on remaining in the Philip– pines with 1 her three children and continue in mi sionary service. Pray much for Mr . Buckingham Mrs. Raney and their children. penetrating knowledge takes into ac– count every one of His 0 1 Wn already in eternity and through a 1 ll of life on earth, so shall we too at last know Him and His eternal glories with that full and complete knowl– edge to ,the highe t degree in which this i pos ible for Hi children. To lthe Philippian Paul says (1:9): "And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowl– edge (epignosei) and all di cern– ment." It i the Apo tie' compelling de ire that the love in the faith of true believer hal l flow and over– flow, into two great channel , the fir t of which i 'full and accurate knowledge." Such knowledge a thi - true, full, genuine knowledge - i vitally nece ary to our being able to approve excellent thing (v.. 10). and to di cern ri.Q'ht fron1 wrong, trt1e from f al e, good fron1 bad. In partict1- lar I thi true in tlr da}. The Apo tle again uses the ~ord in ph. 4: 13, where he point\ ot1t the necc\ tt y for ,lll \a1nt\ to c n1e to the t ull and accurate kn \\ Jctig t1f the on of 1o<i 'fhi is in1DCrat1vc in ot1r cla}'· It i~ not enot1gh for l, >_ I i c\' c rs to kn ,v thc I )rd \\' j t 11 a 111crc srtJvatior1 kt1owleclg . hi s riJ)– ture is 1hc di\' ine (lir ti,,t:: f )r th c who are trt1J,, ave I if o k ~p :1 Ivan - ing in trtic , "ft1ll 11 art-kr1 ,vl d¥c . f t)ttr I >rd Je tl l1ri r. R I faith 1 11 f OJll Ill \\ 1 itl1 a i11g k11 \VletJg, } Llf vvi}) ' , rn f, f 1 J)f }l f J irittJ , ] 111rttt1rit\', ft1ll gr ,, tl1 , , dt1Jt t, ttt , arri, 1 , t trt1 n1a nl1 I. J1 i i tl1 o 11 r a I pr , , 1 t i, gai n t t 11 d t J - t j , , u l> , r i,, , i 11 i t 1 ,, i n d s f f, 1 e t, in Bethany Women Meet In Girard The Women's Mi ionary Fellow- hip of the Bethany A sociation met Tue day. 1:00 p.m.. J anuary 28 at the Bible Bapti t Church in Girard, with the President, Mrs. Charles Friend pre iding. Mr . David Warren of the Champion Baptist Church led the devotional period, after which Mrs. Charle M ore of truther played beautrful election on the • piano. Guest peaker wa Mi Helen Moo e, n1i ionary to Indonesia. She brought a challenging me age, a k– ing "Do you have a vi ion?''. illu trat– ed by an account of an amazingly ucce sful unday chool contest led by the native pastor because of her ugge tion found in a magazine ent to her by a Mis ionary group from home. Mature Knowledge Paul al o write to Timothy that it is the de ire of God that 'all men be aved and oome to the full, ac– curate knowledge ( epignosin) of the truth' ( I Tim. 2: 4). That they fail to do o i not the fault of God. The Apo tie then tate that apo tate religioni t ne er really get to the full and preci e. comprehen ive heart-knowledge ( epig11osi11) of the truth (II Tim. 3:7). Peter' pening prayer in hi ec nd Epi tie ( l :2) e pre e the confident de ire that grace and peace hall be n1ultiplied to u in the full kn wledge ( ep(<;,z<> i11) f God and f Je u ur Lord. Peter point ot1t later in 1:8, that the gent1ine pre enc f e cellent fruit . t1ch a n1ora] pt1rit\. tindcr- tanding f the \ ord. elf-cont1t)l, teadine -- ttnd r trial. trt1~ p1 t,. hr therlv aff ct1or1 , and a c n1pre– he n\i\ e lo\c f 01 the l rd. fi)r f lit\\' – ( h r 1, t ta 11 s. an d ft r n1en·, , ti1~. \\ 111 ,t,1bl1,h tis ,1, gcnt1incl\ frt1itft1J in th Jll(lfllf'C A 110\l'll'tl,t:t l I Ollf J l"li Je,t1s C'ht I t J .. 'inall\', \\ tl,nl b t1 "k tt) J>,1t1I. ·1n f n tc hu,\'. 1n the tllt)\ – ' ia11 "' Pi~tle (1 : 1()) . h\.~ pril)'S th1t l)cl1e, 1 rs shtlll bt:nr frt11t :i 11 \ 'e r 1 l?tll)Cf ,, )rk , a rltf kc J' gr , in tl in the J~ J} , ft1l}. HL li t ate k11 \\ 1 ~lg (efJi- f.! ll l ,·i11) f 1 I , kn \\ 1 g gr rtt I 11 led i 11 d ,,,h 11 • I ~1 I., t 1 r, 1111 ,, ar p ] gt1 1 b f r1 11-, i t I, t l I 1 , , II I d tl1 fl ~11 11d it 111pl t , nd t 111 t ru , 11 t llI d iJ AR H, 96 1