The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1969

Ced rv1II , The tran. n1i~ ion f the Gene i ac– count fron1 the n1oon by the crew of the Apollo 8 dran1a tized the fact that wc live in an age of an explo ion of knowl – edge and rap id con1n1unication. Young people cannot be hel tered fro111 the idea of the Vlorld; therefore, the)· hould be expo ed to then, in a Chri tian conte t. ince 111any a sun1e there arc unreconcilable conflict bet\ een science c1nd the Scripture . it is in1perative thar tudent n1ajoring in cience have an ac– curate knowledge of the Scriptures. The ciencc progra111 at Cedarville en– courage the student to explore the find– ing of cience freel)· and to con1e to a hetter under tanding of then, in the light of the Word of God. The Chri tian scien– ti t i'-> not afraid of truth because he knov. ~ there can he no final conflict be– t'A'een the revelation of the v.orld, created hy God. and the re\·elation of the Word. in~pired of Go<.L The gro\vth of our college cience pro– gran, ha n1ade it nece ar)' for u to build ,1 new cience building. The college archi– tect i now \.\'Ork i ng on plans for this huilding that \\ ill be . hared with friend, of the college thi , fall . ._ ILLE COLLE "for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ''. CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDENT