The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1969
, vii i Coll g C r1tir1u With Busy Program 11,n, 1 l ,., ..\., auni11 ''"' 11' <.tl tl1' ~ l l,il 1 11al1ttt' '\11 ,,, ( l ,l ) l<. 11. ht . l1a1111 I _ "l \ ) t,, 1 l' i~11, tllc c I leg .. tt1 i 'tlt" ' ll'\~C i " l \ \ \ ' tC\\~ ~ "'t l 1tc.. ,1, cl11 t1nr, _(). Da,'c Kl' !l l Ol'\. a ... l cc 'h 111a1 )r an i Ke11 1 t t1 k..•, Bil le 1t1n1 r \\ere WLWD gt1, ts al'- ng ,, itl1 t,, 1\nli h 1- - .... lcLc "tt1tie11t . he re tilt .. ,, re a ti11t.: d1"pla) f fi1 n1 hri t hon ring Rihli al ta11dard , r.. u .. n1 intan– g1hle ll id a . .._. he \ ' ar it)' p n r d annual hur h Ba k tbaJl T urnan1 nt has had an unpr ed nted participation r ulting in k n c n1petition. Many gue t t an1 br ught pr peotive tu– d nt a w 11 as team upporter . The e nd annual oul Winner of erenee i to be held April 26. Th theme i 'Chri t In The e Times.'' Rev. Larry Fetzer and Rev. Jame Lee will be the gue t peakers and \\'Ork hop leader . The remodeling of the ad,ministra– tion building i nearing completion for the faculty and bu ine s offices. Furni hings are cheduJed to be moved in the week of March 17th in time for the pring quarter March 24. A Ohri tian Service banquet is to be held May 23rd. Students that are currently active in extension work are the gue ts . The special speaker is Rev. Tom Younger. Glimpses of Truth from the Greek New Testament by Dr. George Lawlor ''SUSPENDED BY WORRY'' Luke 12:22-34 is a most significant passage for it is the Lord 's remark– able teaching concerning o,ur daily sustenance and the provision for our needs in this earthly life. He shows how there is no reason for worry and over-anxiety, and that such distrac– tion is the outstanding mark of un– believers. Hence for Christians rto be– come distraught over the supply of our earthly needs is to descend to the level of the pagan nations. Arguing 12 APRIL. 1969 New Building At Bonaire r I ' ' A Dream Come True'' Dr. Paul E. Freed, Founder and Pre ident of Trans World Radio, an– nounced the official opening of it tudio-office complex on t he island of Bonaire in the Netherlands Antilles, on January 4. At the official opening, Jerome Hines, internationally acala1med met– ropolitan opera tar and author of nhe opera "I Am The Way," presented a acred concert to the pecially in– vited guests. These included rugih official of (the Netherlands Antilles government. The Bonaire studio is a master ... piece in modern design and structure. It serves as headquarters for broad– casting, recording and production. In- ide equipment operates around the clock as the production staff of mis– sionaries handle the tasks of ,vriting, preaching, announcing, music, tech– nical operation and audio engineer– ing. All the actual construction of from the greater to the less, itihe Lord points out th 1 at the God who has given us our life and our bodies wi11 never fail to provide ~he ctothing and food which we ne,ed. By God's grace and providence, and in accord with His all-wise plan and purpose f,or us, our physical and material needs will be supplied. Unbelievers imagine that they themselves must provide all their needs so ,their seek– ing is set upon aJl these iliings, but Christians live on a higher plane and have Him who is our heavenly Father and who knows we have need of these things before we ask. He is ail.mighty and omniscient, and loves His -own with an eternal love, so will always act accordingly. Knowing this full well, yet failing to .trust Him and rest upon His Word, we sin against Him and become the victims of worry and distraction. In uch a state, we cannot do our best, cannot make re- the building was done by the Bon·aire missionary staff. It was arduous work, but is a dream come true! Of special interest to our O .l.B. readers is the fact that one missionary couple working at this ,new radio station is Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gow. These dear folk are members of the First Baptist Church, Galion where our brother, Rev. Wilfred Booth is pastor. Mr. Gow is an electronics tech– nician, specializing in the field of radio. He is a graduate of Cleveland Institute of Electronics and spent 12 years in the Communications Sec– tion of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. Mrs. Gow serves in the office of the Bonaire station and assists in ome of the progra:ms broadoasted. ' 'The Gows" have two children - Rick, age 15 and Terri, age 14. liable decisions, cannot trustworthily meet a crisis, and cannot acceptably serve the Lord. Hence the admonition of the Lord in Luke 12 :29 is particulanly fitting and significant: "And be not of doubt– ful mind!'' It is the veflb in this state– ment of Christ which is of special interest: meteroidzo, rendered in the A.V. ' 'to be of doubtful mind." Pre– ci ely what is the rea:l sense of this expression? What is the real point here, to which the Lord draws par– ticular attention? Exactly what is the Lord saying here to His people? While the verb appears but once in the N.T. (here in Luke 12:29), the word has a most interesting back– ground. It is found frequentlly in the Classics. Plato uses it of lifting up something to a higher level, and of somethin 1 g floating in mid-air. Thucy– dides uses the word to describe a (Continued on page 15) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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