The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1969

ord Fr our Editor ... \\ e , t \. J1 a1ll \ lt' r 'I ,rt tl1.1t 111l1t l' ,ltl j Ill ) J' f \\ll" lltlr lll' ,1 \. t,11'_111g a i ,. 11t~1 ~c f t1r • t,t111 II' l,.11·· ( I fer. - "1 il' s I r ; - l)l}. 1111, '\' ' c1, 1I tt"' \ I ) r&1r) "'l) '- l'l'• .. , t l'l' s "'l (l l) ' l s Ill.. llll \.. lll' " .ll c )( lit'l 1tlg I()() 11 i , t ... h 111",11tl1 ,, h1cl1 ·(,,t, tl1cn1 -+ i ll(l ()() " • a \ t ,11-. \ I , "' , t''-'cr1tl, ,, c 11. \ ' C 11.lti l)' l ·r, t ·",n1 "1 tl1 J. '- k. ,,,. rl a11a. l ... orai11. ,1, i"'· "' i,r111gf1t'lli a11<..i 1lt1111l1t1 . 1'. l I"' P "' l~ 1 Dl 1 .. 1H r 1 I - Pl ~i \ "' l"'! l '<J. se11tl 11 11C\\ 'S, article pie- r, 1 c c111ti a,,.,. co11 r, 11cti,·e c·, itici ,,1 r,111 ,,, ~/11 /1a,·c. \\ 1 D YOUR )P R ,.\1"'1 ! \\-e rea hed an all-ti111 high "ith ur 11_ R H i u . Total number of p1 print d \Va 3663. little n1ore than thr ) ear ago we were print ing far 1 than half thi amount. d i bl ing. ontinue to pray for u in thi mini try of editing THE OHIO I DEPE DE T BAPTIST– PLE E!. Back in the month of February ,,,e held eight d ays of meeting in the Independent Baptist Church of orth Jack on, Ohio. The first Sun– day' evening the Lord moved in the heart of a little girl who e name is Debbie Greenawalt. he had her eleventh birthday just a few days be– fore! Following the ervice while at home, her mother found her weep– ing. Wisely, he led her to Christ! The very next evening, Debbie openly conies ed Christ as aviour. By Wednesday evening she had dis– tributed over forty tracts to the un- aved and before the end of the week he had given out well over one hundred! Be ides all this, she spoke to her friend at chool and sought to win them to Christ. She invited many to attend the pecial meeting . One wonder what ha happened to so many of us more ' 'mature''( ?) Christian ! H ow many of us in any ('tlt' \,c~k l1 a,,e gi\' 'tl fl ltl nc ht1nc.lrc<l tra '"· ,,1t11c eel ltJ ()ttr fricn(l s r c, L'n 111,,itcc.l t l1 e111 to the \Cl vice\ of 1t11 cl1t11 cl1? r<><J<I l, ·011'. •.. Del,/,ie! l t)11'l let vC)ttr I \fc fr tl1c avioltr tii111111i"ih ! , h k11 '"" ... pcrhap<; through }t)t1r \ 1tnc ing y ll n1i ght , c11 a\, akc 11 • () n1 of ot1r 1norc '~\ () i r i l tl a r' ( ?) h r i l i an ! fhi an1 dear girl with the frc hne [ her alvation experience t1p n her, ha \i\ ritten a poem. We \\ ant YOU to r ead it remembering that it con1e from the heart of an eleven year oJd child. What it may lack in proper poetic structure i n1ore than made up by it warmth and love for the Lord . If only our hearts 1vere tl1is 1va r111 to,vard Him! FREE! The Lord came in and took my sin, And now I 'm free! Free from the sin that wa holding me, I 'm free, free, free! He clean ed me throt1gh, and I'm sure That you d like to be free! Free from the sin that is holding you, Be free, free free! I surrendered all, when I heard His call, And now I'm free! Free from the in that was holding me, I 'm free, free, free! • • . Debra Greenawa It Rt. 1 - Box No. 62 North J ackson, Ohio Age 11 Please pray for your editor a he ministers during APRIL and MAY in Grand Rapid Mich. (Mar . 30- April 6), Ander on, Ind. (Apr. 7-13), ilvis Hts. , Ill. (Apr . 14-20) North Charleston, S. Carolina (Apr. 27- May 4), Winston- alem . Caro– lina (May 5-11) Barn boro, . J. (May 12-18) , Dayton, Ohio (May 21-25), and Pitt burgh Penna. (May 26- June 1) . WANTED 20-35 ft. Camper or Housetrailer for Staff use at SCIOTO HILLS BAPTIST CAMP June 16 - Aug. 23 Please Contact : Rev . Dona ld Grollimund Box 224 Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694 The Ohio Inde pe nde nt Ba ptist - Published Mo nthly by - THE OHI O ASSO CIATIO N OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p aid a t Xenia, Oh io . POSTMASTER: Please se nd Form 3579 t o The Oh io Inde p e nde nt Ba pt ist Box No . 160 Xe n ia, Oh io 45385 Ed itori aI Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ra tes of subscription : $2 .00 per year; $5.00 for three y e ars ; $8 .00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $ 1.15 per subscr iption; s ingle issue 20 cents; b a cl< issues over one year old, 50 ce nt s e ach. Your Ed itori a l Office should h ave all news and ad ve rt is in g copy in hand no later th an 30 d a ys prior to printing. Adverti sing rates will b e sent on request. STAFF Editor .. ...... .. ... . .... A. Donald Moffa t Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circ1clation Manager ... ...... .. ............... . . .... . .. . .. .. ... ... .......... Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 ,vo1ne1-i's Editor ..... . Mrs. Geo. I\1i1ner 2195 Brocl<way Rd. Uni versity Hts. , Ohio 441 18 State Missioriary .. .. .. Earl D. Un1baugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 Treasttrer . .. ... . . ... . . . David Dye 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0. 43204 COUNCIL OF TEN Ch.airman . ... ... Ben C. Jennings 4295 Ells,vorth Rd ., Stow, Ohio 44224 S ecretary .. . William F. Russell 306 vV. Center St., Blanchester, Ohio 45 107 Progra1n Chair ,na1i . Earl V. \i\l illetts 250 ,¥est S treet, Berea, Ohio 44017 1\ l issio1iarJ' Cl1r11i . Vernon K. Billington 2435 Eal<in Road, Columbus, 0. 43204 Ed1icatiori Chr111. . . H arold R. Green Rt. 5, Greenville, Ohio 4533 1 Y oitt1i Director , Kenneth L. Andrus 3 15 S. Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0. 45503 Dean H enry, 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 44311 L}'nn Rogers, 7584 N. Boyden Rd. 1 or thf1eld, Ohio 44067 Dor1ald J. Se,vell, 4207 Laskey Rd. T oledo, Ohio 43623 R . Kenneth Smelser, 123 W. Liberty St l\1edina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Sna,,ely, P.0 . Box 195 Findla}' , Ohio 4584Q