The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1969

• i1ne l, er, 1\111 ri an ,, h h .. 1 r~n h d , t1r1g a .... c r t.:111e111l t:r \\ h n the tr - ~ ~ 111c11dt ti .. de trt1 ti, c f r c f T gripped th~ h art f , 11 m n ,, ith un- , "\,rta.i11 terr r relati, e t th future. ~l ..1n' abilit) t annihilat him elf, , er) n agree<l . had br ught th ,, rld t th cry thre h ld f d m - da · - r mpul ry peaceable co- c,i ten . Kn , ing that th deceitful– n f n1an' h art n1ake peace apart fr m the Prince f Peace a futile im– p ibility f r any length of time, the outl k was an) 1 thing but encourag- • 1ng. R aliti of thi pre ent hour how- e er make the de tructive force of T T eem like a child Fourth of July upply of afternoon fire--craokers. Talk today i in ithe realm of 50 ·and 100 megaton bombs capable of wip– ing out entire tate . The world i eated quarely on a potential powder keg of lethal destruction seemingly capable of man utter extermination. The July 1962, issue CYf The Reader's Digest carried an article by Bob Con idine entitled "We Can Bury YOU Mr. K ,' and it contained some obering information about the military trength of the Wet. Regard– ing thi might which Oonsidine said ' 'defies description' ' he wrote: ' 'Britain alone has 60 H -bombs in place atop Thor IRBM' cap,ab1le oif reaching Moscow and beyond. Seven– ty-five percent of all Russiian cities with a population o,f 100 000 or more are within range of the Thors. ' 'Italy bas 30 more of the e mega– ton-range bombers ready to be launch– ed, via Jupiter IRBM's by superbly trained Italian crews, in the event of attack. ''Six Polaris submarines each carrying an estimated 30 megatons of destruction roam the depth , could reach the vitals of the U.S. S.– R. from submerged positions ranging from the ortb Pole to the Persian Gulf. ' ' early 30 NATO division which are or can be quickly equipped with tactical atomic weapons form an ex– plosive shield that reaches from Nor– way to Turkey. "By the end of this month the United States plans to have 99 inter– continental missiles in place, some of 8 APRIL. 1969 by Evange list Robert L. Sumner l h 111 bur i cd in hie l d d i l a11 b tit in1pervi Ll to enen1y attack. All carry area-leveling thermonuclear warhead. . ' 'Th U. . ixth Fleet, probing the Mediterranean to it innermo t r ache moun,ts atomic bombs, mines and rock t aboard its uper onic air arn1 ready to be catapulted off carrier deck on an in nant' notice. ' Finally, and upremely, tllere is the trategic ir Com·mand s manned- bomber force, chief deterrelllt oif Soviet expan ioni m ince tihe tart of the cold war 15 year ago. With the impending operationail tatus of the kybolt air-.launched balli tic mi sile, a ingle B-52 will be caipable of hurl– ing four of its load of H-bombs while till 1 000 miles from the chosen targets. Dr. Robert L. Sumner 'The U. S. Air Force has 630 B-52 55 uper ·onic B-58's and 1 000 B-4 7 s, all capable of becoming airborn within 15 minutes if BMEW's DEW Line, picket ships and planes flab warning of an im– pending attack. ' Western man has on his side i o the e tense but hardly hopeless times the reassuring 'bonus' strength of the RAF' superb manned-bomber force and literally clouds of ATO fighter and fighter-bombers capable of trik– ing like lightning. 'The search for better hardware never end . NATO oon wiLl be at least 25 percent more powerful on the ground than i 1 t is today, and mu ch more than that in th e air. The Titan ' ' II intercontinental mi ile will have storable fuel and be launched frorr the bottom of it 16-slory deep silo. " l "here have been teohnologica breakthrough that notably increas, the efficiency of the nation's missil( arsenal. On its recent shakedowr crui e , the atomic-powered submarin< Ethen Allen shot ,ix improved Polari( mi sile while ubmerged, without , hitch. "The olid-fuel Minuteman ICBM has demonstrated its ability to com{ roaring up out o·f it silo ait ,the pres' of a button, and dozens of these ne\\ mi ile will soon be empl·aced." Still other plans for man's possiblt annihilation, which security reason· prevent us from knowing, are in tht drawing stage of development. Tht pioture is black indeed - with onl) the faint glimmer of Obrist s soor return offering any light and hop{ through the penetrating darkness o· despair . Surely any one can see that it i! time to seek the Lord! Our onJy ho~ is in restorcl\tion repentance and re· turn. It is revival or ruin, repent 01 be damned, evangelize or fossilize Never did we need the me sage 0 1 H o ea 10 : 12, 13 more desperatel. th an today : "Sow to yourselves ir righteou ness, Teap in mercy breal up you r fallow griound : FOR IT I~ T IME TO SEEK THE LORD, til 1 be come ,and rain righteousness upor you. Ye have plowed wiokedness, ye have reaped inquity; yet h ave eater the fruit of lies: because thou <lids tru t in thly way, in the mu,ltitude o· thy mighty men.' ' For one thing, notice in thest tremendous ver ~es A COND ITION THAT DEMAND REVIVAL! Look again at verse 13. God de clared of Israel ' Ye have plowe< WICKEDNESS, ye have reaped IN IQUITY; ye have eaten THE F RUI1 OF LIES : because thou didst trus in 11HE WAY, in the multitude o THY MIGHTY MEN.' ' The ame condition of wickednes oif iniquity, of the fruit of lies, o trust ing in man's plan and man' migh t instead of the Lord's, is f oun< THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS