The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1969

Spiritual Challenge Anticipated! "Faithful te\\. ards of the My terie of God·' is the theme of the 38th annual conference of the General ~ ociation of R e g u 1 a r Bapti t Churche to be convened June 23-27 in the . femorial Coli eurn Fort a,·ne. Indiana. ~ Dr. Paul R. J ack on, ational Repre entati\.'e. aid, 'More than e\ er \\ e sen e the need for challenge and encouragement as the ecumenical apo ta ) urges around us. Our annual meeting i a positive provi ion for the e need . \Ve are the steward of revealed truth~ and we are an wer– able to God for our stewardship! T he Biblical ministry at our conference \\ 1 ill provide opportunity for heart- earGhing and growth in our ervice for the Lord. How faithful are we? Are ~'e read)-' to give an accounting to God? Pray with us for a great revi\ 1 ing in each of OUT hearts a "''e n1eet in b]es e<l fellO\\' hip before our Lord. ' The Genera] Association of Regt1- ar Baptist hurches repre ents 1 316 oeal churche united to accomp]i h n1utt1al concerns on a national and nternationaJ le\'el through the chap– aincy, ·radio broadca ts, missions, ;.lducation and ocial 'I"esponsibility. e annual nationwide Bible con– rence i for piritual edi£ication and :halle11ge. It af:vords to a11 a forum or per o,1al e pre ion and fellO\\' – )h ip. REQUESTS OUTWEIGH SUPPLY Fron, ihe Philippines . . . lndone.ila ..• Au trafia . . . Ld11n Ame, lea . . • 1 he Aro,ed fore s th v come - , equ t f or B l,le Tract • 'Viii you help u supply ti m fr 10 p ople who need to now th go p '? Glf rt: ac nowl dg d with a , d ductlbfe r c lpt and a fr e p c~ cT of 8 1 I O r 18 TRACTS, INC, 0 , D pt . 01859 ,,.... , rloo, lo 070 · 1 t:'.Q n,llllon d1 l r/1,u r c:J ro da te VOL. 41, NO. 7 MAY, 1969 New Educational Wing • The Fir t Bapti t Cht1rch Gallipoli , Ohio, ha approved plan for adding an educational wing to it pre ent building. Thi addition w.ill double the pre en t cJa sroon1 space. According to Rev. J o eph C. Chapn1an, pa tor of the church. the building \\ 1 ill be of three floor -, inclt1ding ba e·n1ent. It will replace the pre nt Bible chool A nnex, which wa the former parsonage. The Lord i richly ble ing the "'1ork at Fir t Bapti t Chur h. Th r i a c n– tinued growth both nu·merical]y and piritually. I t i refr hing to ·it in n their services! Along with Brother Chapn1an in carrying on thi fine \\ ork~ i the Pa ,tor, Rev. H arr)' E. ole. T he e men, along with an e I lent rp f • 1at tian \vorker , are accompli hing great thing for G d' hri - Successful Contest At Van Wert "Race to the Moon' ' t1nda}' ch<}Ol conte l ha\ tirr tl up action at thl: aith Bapt1 ~t ( ht1r h in an \\' ert. On .. tlltday. pr1l 6. a rec rd ~ltt ndancc of 126 ,, ct\ reached. Th t1nda\' ch 1 \ ,l ,11\HJcd b , t\veen ., tl1e ir J .. re ~ led b " c11 1,11'' la r- \' i n l: ngJ\; (I' , t r an I th .1,, ' I I lJy ' ln1iral' ' J ri. rr)' B)' f 1, ( tipt . ) n • IC 1 f ti r I~,, 4, th r1 gr gnLi l11 eli- .. tl1 ir 11\J,v l tt il ling ,, hi 11 11, 11 t.: I a r 111 L p ~ t r ' t ll I ', 111 11 ,, f )' r n.. a • t d 111 lit rit111 c1ng ti Jl Work On New Building Progresses t1n trt1cc1 n f :1 OC\\' 400- at nttllt[ flllOl for th\., al, 1 ar\' Bapti t h1.1rch, s,,e .. ,'"i llt:. h11 ( Re,. I-J P . 11 ('ti ,. P ,l ,tl°,r 1, n ru i11g ~on1plet I n 1"'he e 1ting , p,1.. it}' ,,,J ll b d ttbl th~ r,r~')~nt f.,tcilit 1 • h n~~ builJ111 ,, 111 n1ak.t: r l r11 r b ttt O in ' ttn ia , S~h 1. P \.: ,.r,tl)' . . tt nd– • nl.:c.; rt1ns b~t,,,c n l _ 0 :\n I 1 0. R rtl . lte11l1n t0 dJr · i - . "h n ,v l t1il ing. l1i t1 i ~ ja '-'. fl t fl th e; I r .se11l 11 1c \ 1·111n1, , ill }1· , , • ,, l1 it -bri k f "E"'• I c f(:rj r. It i 11 I ·d t f1 t 1l1t: 11 ,, t t it rit1n1 ,,ill l 1 c l l J , • t 1 n, \\ l1i 1 1, 11 • 1n • I ) t t1 , l I i t li I 11 \ ] l [1 ' ~. , 1969