The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1969
6 ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE IN NORTHERN UNITED STATES AND IN CANADA MAY, 1969 HIAWATHA BAPTIST MISSIONS 2601 South 23rd Street Escanaba, Michigan 49829 • (Concluded from page No. 4) S h a lll lll alsc, (or tl, '>i r \' <1ltng r ,1. l r. l ...e ·lancl I' Its lik ·wis pl kc ('f the l1l s ings as \Ve il a tl,ei r c n– ccrn ftl r their Jc\vish pcoJJle ancl they ,tre trt1sti11g th Lortl to (lircct n g <I gr<llljJ of ll1cir yot1t1,g pc pi e to have a ti111e at an1J) hal o111. Mrs. 1I warcl Street w h togc1J1cr with her htt5:– hat1(I. J l c.)Wt1rcl , nre 11osl and ho~.te..~s at tl1c 13 . f .r..1 . rtt s l Hott~c in Cleve– land. he toJcJ abottt the Mi ionaries • co 1111 ng to levcl an I for p(hysical check-Lip and other busine find a real welcon1c and place -to tay at 2 127 Coventry Road. Y:ollowing thi challenging period, Mr . Lt1ella White cl,o ed thi. part o( the service with prayer. Cedar Hill ladies were again awarded the attendance banner wi~h I he larges t group pre en·t, the offer– ing amounted to $173.00 v.hich ,took care of the balance due on the s tove for Camp halom. Following Dr. Balyo' econd challenging message, we joined in inging "Who ls On The Lord Side. ,, Mrs. George Gib- on clo ed this session with prayer and everyone left for home in the rain, feelin·g it was a really blessed and worth-while day. The Fall Rally will be (D. V.) Thursday, September I 8, 1969 details later. "~rrtpturr i l. U ,e two J eremiah 17: 11 2. 1 cup Jeremiah 6 : 20 3. 1 Tbsp. melted Psalm 55 :21 4. ~ cup (sifted) 1st Kings 4 :22 5. ~ t p. Leviticus 2: 15 6. % cup (chopped) Numbers 17:8 7. 1 cup (chopped) Nahum 3:12 8. 1h tsp. Galatians 5: 9 9. 1 tsp. (flavored liquid) N11m. 17:8_ Note: If any verse uses two or more food , use the first one men– tioned. When you have found all the ingredients in the Bible references, write them out and put them together as follows: Beat Jeremiah 17: 11 until light, add Jeremiah 6:20 and Psalm 55: 21 . Blend well. Sift dry ingredi– ent . Mix well. Add all chopped in– gredients and flavoring. Bake in shallow cake pan. Cut into bars and roll in Jeremiah 6:20. Bake 25 to 30 minutes at 350°. Makes 24 bar . Incidentally the kind friend and reader of this coilumn who brought this recipe to my attention also told me you bould use the King J aimes Version of the Bible. Submitted . by Dolores Finley Elyria, Oh io THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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