The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1969

_________ ,.....,.,.., -- }-\ef) r•er · 11 \\bO ,ha }i\ 1 Cd, \.\ 1 hO i li, 1ng n \\ r ,,·ho \\'ill be living n1u l f 11c "e · it)· f'" ce JUDG 1E T. ~l~r) a" hltr<l l y u can: there i. no ,. aping. J udgn1ent i h rrible. Mo e t ld the hildr n f I ra l in un1ber _ 2.23 . .. Be tire ) 'Our in wi ll find \ ' ti out .. , od relate the ame t e, er) b d)'. The Bible t 11 of various t~ pe of judgment. JUDGM ENT UPON SELF L Corinthian 11 :27-32 reveal the ne e it)' f judgment upon elf. Ver e 31 tell u "For if \\'e would judge ur el\e . v;e hould not be judged.' Thi Judgment upon self can be hor– rible . for it i a blow to Ohristian · elf-pride. conceit and will. It is a humbling experience. James 4: 6 states ··God re i teth the proud, bUJt giveth grace unto the humble.' ' He con– tinue in verse 10, "Humble your- elves in the ight o,f the Lord, and he hal,l lift you up.' The three mo t difficult word for a Chri tian to utter are 'I h ave inned.'' A. Sins of the flesh must be judged. Ephesians 4: 17-29 give u certain sins that mt1 t be "put ,off' : 'old corrupt being with deceitful Ju ts'' ( v. 21) , ul)ring" (v. 25) "anger." (v. 26) "secret connjving with the devil ' (v. _7) ·· tealing v. 28), 'corrupt peech~· ( . 29), ' 'bitternes , wrath anger~ clamor, evil peaking. malice ' (\:. 31). B. in of the spirit mUSlt be judged. Some people are very concerned about the ins of the flesh . but do not seem to be concerned at al~ v;ith the sins of the pirit. God declares thait omi - ion and neglect of that which we hould do is a in. Wrong attitudes. slights, pride. elfishne s. evil thoughts. carnalit~; are all ins of the spirit and must be judged. I Corinthians 3: 3 gives us an indication of what should be done in the face of carnality. It 8 MAY, 1969 by Dr. Otis Holmes i~ rather borrif ying when you h ave to sit your elf do,wn in a c h air a nd stalit judging yot1r elf, bt11t this i God's will. JUDGMENT OF OTHERS A. Christian di cernme nit. I Corin– thian 2: 14-16 and Galait.ians 6: 1, 2 reveal to u a C hristiains what we ·hould do when others fall into sin. B. Jttdgin,g o ther . &omarrs 2 : 1-3 , J ame 4: 11 , 12 and M attihew 7: 1-5 all give u God's word concern·ing the ma1tter of judging others. No per on has any right to judge another on any basis except as be does it for God. Romans 14:12, 13 um up this matter: "So then every one of us h all give account iof himself to God. Let us not the refore judge one an– other any more: 1 but judge this rather, that no n1an put a ·tumbling-block or an occasion Ito f al1l in 1 his brother's way." R ecent ly I saw a oartoon in wlhich one lady was ioailking to another. She aid "Our preacher keeps telling us not to judge our neighbor but it sur e does take the fun out o f things.' ' JUDGMENT OF GOD UPON CHRISTIANS Romans 14: 10-12 and II Corin– t hi an 5: 10 11 reveal ,to u s God's Dr. Otis Holmes judgn1ent upon hristians. He state th at ' ' the terror of t he Lord ' will b tragic it will be h orrible. ome thin that ince we are al1l under the blooc we can think as we want to, ,talk a we want to and live as we pleast The Chri tian s works, ways an, w,ord wiLl pa s in review at th judgmenit seat of Christ. Dr. croggie, writing to frien·d said ' would rather go through the Grea Tribulation tha n what I believe som Chri tian will go through at th judgment seat of Christ." I Corintt ians 3: 10-17 is a scripture it.bat eac one of us should digest and see tb2 whioh God taites concerning the P°' ibil.ity of judgment for a Christiar JUDGMENT OF GOD UPON SINNERS Romans 2 and Revelation 20: 11-1 give u God,s word concerning jud1 ment upon sinners. A. God's judgment is to tri1th, Romans 2:2. Truth come out in v arious ways. King Solomo on one occasion had to determin who was the true mother of a certaf baby. Two claimed it . Solomon saic in e ence ' Suppose we ~ake a swor. and cut the b aby in half." The rei mother ,then cried ' 'Don't do tha Give the baby to the other woman. Solomon, of course, now knew wh wa t'he real mother. Solomon ha great wisdom in judging this case an in many others. The scripture thoug says that '<a greater than Solomo (Chri t) ·i here. " He will judg someday in truth. B. God's judgme!llt i inescapabl, umber 32: 23 says, "Be ure you sin will find you out.,, A Mr. Lero Marion Dunlap, 64 years old, w~ Jiv ing in a so,ldier's home in Wasl iogton, D.C., in 1964. He was sue denJy arrested by authorities. It · w, found out that for 44 years he ha THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTU