The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1969

FOR SALE! One De-valued St. Christopher's Medal by Rev. J. Don Jennings Pope Paul' . rec,:nt. d:cree that There are two types of .. aints com- truck almo t .1~ty runts from the mon toda)r, man made aints and {oman Catholic calenda: of annual God made aints. Of cour e there i ea t day ~~ an un ettltng devel?p- a great difference between God's way nent for _m1Jhons o'. Roman Cathohcs. of making a saint and man's way of [he \ 1 at1can explained that some of making a aint. Man chooses ome- he " aint ., ~·ere removed, not for one who lived a good life or did 1n)· doubt about their _anctity, but ome good work," and years after loubt that they ever ex1 ted at all. death that one i recognized as a \mong the more well known "saints' ' aint. The Roman Catholic church Chri topher. He i revered by began the practice of elevating in- :atholics as the traveler's aint. For dividual who had died to ainthood {oman Catholics. that week will be in 995. by Pope John XV. God makes emembered as the week that the a aint by taking each inner who v atican demoted the ' 'saints' ' and de- comes to Him. and when that sinner ralued the t. Chri topber's medal. trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ for E,,ery Roman Catholic child must salvation God makes him a saint, ,e gi, 1 en a saint' name at Baptism, "Called to be aints" ( I Cor. 1: 2). 1ccording to Church rules. However, ainthood is not an honor rto be gained L atican poke man aid that no but a designation to be be towed >ne \ 1 lill have to change his name, through grace by God the Father. to 1nd no church named for one of the all who receive the gift of eternal life 1n eated "saints' ' will have to chisel through His on. It was Bishop West- 1ew letters in stone above rededicated cott who said, "The mark of a saint >0rtal . But the impact on rthe per- i not perfection, but consecration. A onal pride and spiritual psychology saint is not a man without a fault. >f many a man or woman who bears but a man who is given to God with- he name of a long-revered "saint" out reserve.' ' 1ow declared non-functional and fic– ional could be something else again. The ~ ord " aint' ' i a title given o per ons recognized by the Catholic '.:hurch a..<; being in heaven and worthy >f honor. Popular devotion often preads a cult of holiness around a 1ame. Later, the making of "saiillts'' ,ecame a church-regulated undertak– ng that came only after long inve ti– ~ation of personal virtues and was Jone in Javish ceremonies at the v-atican. The Roman Catholic Church i t more than 2 ,500 declared ' 'saints". The Bible and Saints The Vi'Ord " aint", and " aints' ' is u11d ir1 the B1ble 10 I tin1c , 40 times n the Old I c~tan1ent and 61 times n the Te'"' cstar11e11t. he \\'Ord aint rnea11 , " hol)' one..~." aith Baptist, Nilt:s irst Baptist, Blanchester irst Bapti;;,t, Bowling Green irst Baptist , Elyria irst Baptist , Findlay irst 8 pt .st , G llipolis irst Baptist , Lane ster ir t B ptist , McDon Id ust 8 ptist, New London nst 8 ptist, Nil s ust 8 pti t , Rittm n tr t 8 pt ist, Strong ill 1r t B ptist , Stry r IJ t B pt i t I v II Cit u t B ptt I , W llington 1r I gul , B pt 1st, Bell f on, in und m nt I B pti t , T 11,n dg ~, c B pt1 t, C d r ti ll ~, c ti t, nl 35.00 35.00 20.00 30.00 5.00 35.00 47.00 130.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 J 3.00 200.00 0 .00 5.00 A glance about aint other things, at the Bible teaching reveals to u , among that a saint i one who • 1 : 1. Held - Deuteronomy 33: 3 ' 'All Hi aint are in thy hand " 2. Humble - Deuteronomy 33: 3 '"Hi aints . . . at down at thy feet" 149:5 3. Happ, - P aim ..Let the saints be joyful in glory" 4. Honored - Psalm 149: 9 ""This honor have all Hi a1nt ., 5. Heir - phcs1an 1: 18 ~·His inheritance 1n the \,ttnt~· 6 I-f ot1\ehold of (1t)d - l_,ph. 2: 19 Bt1t fcllo~' citizen\ ,vith the . aint ._ , and ()f tl1c l1<.)t1scl1olci c>f ) l' ' Grace Baptist , Minford Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Baptist, Urbana Grace Baptist, Westerville G,ace Baptist, Willoughby Grace Baptist, Youngstown Graham Rd. Baptist, Cuyahog Falls Huntsburg Baptist Imm nuet Bapt is t, Arcanum L keview B ptist, Dundee Leno , D rtell ., Columbus Litchfield Baptist M dison Mission ry B ptist, Luc ille Maran th B ptist, Sprtngfi Id M do brook B pti t, Lim M mori I Bapf1 t, Columbu Mid-Brook 8 pti t, Brook P rk Mog dor B pt1 t N L me 8 pt1s1 19.00 5.00 54.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 50.00 30.00 10.00 5 .00 216.00 17.00 JS .00 30.00 S .00 5 .00 5 .00 90.00 WANTED Secretary and / or Clerk Typist for Christian Office Interested parties should write or phone: Dr. Allan E. Lewis, Pres. Baptist Mid-Missions, Inc. 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio - 44103 Phone: (2 16) 431-5222 Xenia Fellowship Youth For Truth The area 'Nide Youth for Truth Rally which i dedicated to " Ieeting The eeds of Toda\·· Youth' ' an- ; nounce coming event and peaker for 1970. The rally i pon ored b'}' the Xenia area Pa tor· Felio\\' hip and i directed by Ken ichols. Youth Director of Ble sed Hope Bapti t Church of Springfield. Ohio and Jim Frantz. A i tant Pa tor of Grace Bapti t Church, Urbana. Ohio. The rally held in May wa a pecial '· ing-in' ' night, with the entire pro– gram con i ting of inging and testi– monie . In June the was Dr. Bob Jon of Bob Jones Univer ity. Greenville, outh Carolina. Julv ha - been . cheduled a '"Fun piration" Rally. Looking for1;vard to Decem– ber, a pecial three daj· retreat \\'ill be held at the ne\\ lj purcha d k) . iew R anch \\ ith a concentrated n1ini tr} to todaj·' 1 outh. Speaker che<luled f r futt1re ral- li are Dr. \Vilbert Welch. pre ident of Grand Rapid Bapti t Bible -01- lege and eminar~'. Grand R,1p1d , i\Jichigan: Dr. Rob rt Ketcham; Dr ~ H t1gh Horner . !el John n. Dr R bert t1n1ner and Dr. arl ~lgena. fhe r-i-111\ ffcr · pp)rtt1nil)' f}r te~n exprc ion t hrot1gh a Bible Qt1i2J. r ce n 1 c\ t 11110n),. a n \.l s pc .. i ~ ] 1 L. ' ~. I h c I\ t I J, 1, , t t t ~ 11 i d t ' appr . i n 1 a 1 ~ - • I) three ht1ndr ~d ) ,.1ung pc 11Jc in th l)a 1 1n pri11gfi\;J l, Ohit art~.. a11li 111ects th tl1 ir I att1rd f ca"'h 111011 I h. New Richland 8 ptist, Belle Center North Royalton 8 pti t Northfield Baptist No, thside B ptist, Lin, Norton B ptist, B rb rton People' s B ptist, Bruns i k Quint , R., Brookline, M ss . Ril y Cre k B pt i t , Bluffton Sh ron B pt1 t, Sharon, P • outh Can n B pta t, Ath n S rti Ro d B pt, t , Akron Temple B pt1st Port mouth Tr1nit) B pt1st Lor 1n f.J sh1ngton H 19ht B pt1 t D ton h le, burg B pt1 t Ad ert1 1n9 ubs r1pt1on t I M1ss1on r onor ,1um OTAL 5.00 2.00 30.00 25 .00 5 .00 15.0 S.00 20.00 10 .00 2.00 • 1 07 .00 89.00 18 .00 76 .00 166.00 18.00 5 .oo , 7 00 j • I