The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1969

Your Editor .. 1 \ tl1 ti111 ll g ts 111( tll f ( ti r 1 n t" J s ( t I r 11,1 t i.. 11,, 1 '\ 11 f J ll " \ \ i I] l', )1 is t l I f. \l . at t ile 1i111c "I tl1is ,vriti11g \111 1 t) it is 1t1itc ,, lit irtll) tl1c ft1t\1r. \ l" arc ,11fil('nt. 11)\\C\'I. it ,, ill l l' .1 tin1 \ f lrl'tll'11d ,t1, 111\'.'"-~ i11g. lt ,, ill t'c111 ~trnr1g .. 11 t ~l' 1ng \l r l l l , t' 1 l r , t l1 .. r Dr. 1 at 1 l J n ck \' l . 1 )\\' ~I l" lt 1. 11( 1, 111i \t..:ll ! It \\ ill t c 111, Iii f1...:t1lt t 111ti111g '1nC tt ta.kc 1 r I~ cc \\ L 111t1 t l1c 111t1 h in JJra\·cr t ,r 1t11 hlc \; i 1 RB( dt1ri11g the c 1 J1c l Ill\: ~l ITl l'r'\ ::, ( ~ fl1l1na )fti ga, 1 c ti " n1 e,~ellcnt ~ 111 1 lorth harlc .. t n. outh \\ in.. ton- al or th """ ..1r lJ n tl - B n r n b r • \\t Jcr ) On Our Front Cover ... nn<.t D.t ' l<.111. 11io . Jf 1 , ,, 0 11/tl 1/1011/, 1/1e 111(11,v H' /1<.> /Jl'<IJ' {<JI' ,,s. Dttring .lt1I, a11<.I \t1~t1,t \\' ' \\ill l1c tic1ing ·,,111111 , \\t1rk 111 cht1r l1c\ i11 Ohio. ()t1r rcn, 111 f L1r ,tn ing \O clo,c to 11 tl n1c 1, t(1 11' nca1 11 \. Mof fia t \vho ,, 111 tic t1n<.lcrg(1i ng ttrgcr the c~1rly 11,1rt <11 Jt1lv v\'c covet yot1r praycrc; 111 l1cr llchalf. 0.1. 8. reader will be happy to ln , that we arc having ver 3900 c pie of THE OHIO I D P D– r T B PTI T printed the e day . If LL of our churche would take the " bundle lot ' ' ff er we could easily pa, 5000. H LP U DO IT ... PLE SE!! . . . ar n1e f rican n1en engaged in their work of fi hing. It appear as th ugh they·,,e made a good catch! Fisl1ing for ,nen, however, in the moslem countr)' of 1ali becomes very di couraging for the 14 mi ionaries under E,·angelical Bapti t i ion . The word of Jesus are always an encourage– ment ... "Launch out into the deep. and let down your nets for a draught .. . and the 1· inclo ed a great multitude of fishe : and their net brake." Then J esus aid . "'Fear not: from henceforth thou halt catch men." Evangelical Bapti t i ion exi t only as an agency through which inde– pendent Bapti t churche may send their missionaries to foreign fields. It pecialize in pro, 1 iding acceptable field coordinating the mini trie on its variot1 field , and keep. it elf informed of the laws and regulations relating to mi ionary activitie in the land where missionaries are sent. It receives and tran mits allowance and work fund to the missionary and provides many ervice that the ordinary church could not provide for each of it missionary interests. E.B.M. d oes not believe it hould take upon it the God given re ponsibilities that have been given given to the local church thus weakening the church in ending forth mi ionarie and the proclamation of rt:he Gospel, but rather it is organized to provide uch services to the local churches and their mission– arie which are deemed nece ary .in this 20th century. Its goal is to plant New Te tament churches where their i no witness. At present it repre ent mi ionarie in \Vest Africa jn the countries of Dahomey Mali and iger. In orth Africa it serves mis ionarie in Algeria. In Europe and the Middle Ea t it work in France and Lebanon and Syria. In the We t Indie it pon or mi ionaries on the I land of Martinique. E .B.M. al o work among Arabic peaking people in the U.S. and was u sed in the establi bing of the Arabic Bapti t Church in Washington, D.C. Two excellent sound film are available of their work in West Africa: the '· IGER OMAD' and the ' DESERT HARVEST.' Where Should I Buy? Where should you buy the things you need to carry on the Lord' s work? Books for the church li– brary, suppl ies for your printed communication with your people, paper, mimeograph equipment, pr4> iectors and screens, filmstrips, chairs, tables, chalk– boards, etc. Regular Baptist Press has the answer! Our profit is your gain. Buy from us and help your– self. Regular Bapti st Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard • Des Plaine , Ill. 60018 • The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Oh io Inde pendent Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editoria I Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; $8.00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscription; single issue 20 cents; back issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advert ising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . . .... .. . A. Donald Moffat Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager . . . . ....... .. ... .. . . . .. .. . Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 W 01nen's Editor .. . . Mrs. Geo. Milner 2195 Brockway Rd. University Hts. , Ohio 44118 State Missionary ... . . Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 Treasurer ...... ... . .. .. .... . David Dye 92 N. Roys Ave., Columbus, 0. 43204 COUNCIL OF TEN Chairnian .. . . . Ben C. Jennings 4295 Ells,vorth Rd., Stow, Ohio 44224 S ecretary William F. Russell 306 W . Center St., Blanchester, Ohio 45107 Prograni Chairnian . . .. Earl V. Willetts 250 W est Street, Berea, Ohio 44017 l\1issionary Chrni. Vernon K. Billington 2435 Eakin Road, Columbus, 0. 43204 Ed1tcation Chr1n. Harold R. Green Rt. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 You th Director . Kenneth L. Andrus 315 S. Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0. 45503 Dean H enry, 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 44311 Lynn Rogers, 7584 N. Boyden Rd. I orthfield, Ohio 44067 Donald J. Sewell, 4207 Laskey Rd. T oledo, Ohio 43623 R. Kenneth Smelser, 123 W. Liberty St 1edina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Snavely, P.O. Box 195 Findlayi Ohig 45840