The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1969

Visiting Missionaries In The Land Of Old Mexico Through the pra}·er and genero it}' of the Bib]e I i ion Bapti t Church in Re) no]d burg. Ohio. P astor and !\fr . Thomp on tra\eled to Poza Rica. Veracruz. l\1exico to a con– ference of the Bapti t !\1i<l-Mi ion n1i ionaries. The) 1 ~·ere met in 1exi– co Cit)r b) the am Hornbrooks. H arry Babco:k and Lois Jack on . After a litt1e sight- eeing in 1exico City they traveled to Pachuca. . ext day a trip to the p 1 ramids at Teotihuacan but the start \\ as dela}·ed o that the mi s– ionar)1 could take a woman and her hu band to the hospital. he was going for maternity care but h ad to top on the way to buy nece ary iten1s for the baby. Good news! After fi ve bo)"S the new arrival \.\ as a girl. Thev named her Luz Divina. Divi ne ~ Light, since she was born after the parents were Sa\ed. The trip to the pyramid as large at the base as the ones in Egypt, but not so high - was a le son to h ~w .._ the height. breadth. and weight of pa!!anism. All this lo show for the wor hip of long since dead priests and rulers and a lif ele s and power– le s god. The "'eather v. as H01 ~ \Ve tra,,eled from 8.000 ft. to about 40 ft . above sea leve]. This is a great change for the body and a n1i ssion– ar)' to]d that it take5 about a year to become acclimatized. Longer some– times for the di position. In Po7a Rica we vi ited an estab– lished Bap ti st hurch - with their O\\'n national pa tor, Pablo de ]a Gar/ c1. A Bible Schoof is held in connection 'A 1 ith the church. The building for the chool i partially fini hed but cla e ha\'C l1cen heJcl for t\\ o )'ear . Five students fini hed the cla e for la t )'ear on ~1 a}' 10 .. i, 1 e to ten 11e\\' tt1dent are e. pccted ne ' t pring, I). . after a three )'Car terr11. One tt1de111 11 01(1 ervice in a 11eightlori11g 10\\'n. 1101her take THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOU~ INC. Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV P·RAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children's Gospel Hour is now on 72 radio and 40 TV stations each week. Pray that more stations will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Write for further information. OHIOANS TAKE NOTE: Now being televised on WEWS-TV, Cha nnsl 5 of Cleveland each SATURDAY at 7:00 a. m. and on WKRC-TV Channe l 12 of Cincinnati each SUNDAY at 7:30 a.m. ' Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director care of a book tore in Poza Rica. the only one within 150 miles. It al o i the backing for a radi o program that goes out to the surrounding neighborhood. $30 to $40 will pay a tudent'5 bill fo r one month. They ere already u ed to the climate and know the language - a good in– ve~tment. In the Sunday chool time at the chur ch one intere-ting incident wa partly under tood ( the service was in Spanish). one person gave a Bible ver e a11d then called on another per on in the cla s. They gave a verse and called in turn on another. The men at on one ide of the church and the women on the other during the regular ervice but combined for the Sunday School time. Two girl , ahout 13 or 14. who helped with the hot1 ework in the mi ionaries' home eq:h had a chi]dren' cla . On atur– day they did their work together to get done earlier and go calling on their tudents for the next day. Four day were spent at a hotel in Tecolutla. near the Gulf of Mexico, \\ here Mr. Thomp on poke to the . . a\~emblcd mis ionar1es 10 morning and evening e ion . la e v. ere held h): t\\'O Bible Clttb v.-on1en for the cl-i1ldren. In the aJternoon. 'Le\:a tin1e \\\ in1n1ing and n1ecting together t o t aIk o\'cr p1a n\ ,l ntl prob1 c 111 ·1 nd en jO}' f cl I0\\ 1 sh if) \VI th l:.ngl 1sh "pc ct 1'– i 11g friencl.. J{ oo111 \\' tth pri\ra t\! t1arl1 (~how\!rs) a11d three 111t;al a '-J a)' (l\\'() >f the111 \VCrc fL)lll'-C()tlrS~S Hlltl no di he to v., a h. \\ ere full\' en– jo1 ed. Co t - a little over 4 per per on per day. The part of Poza Rica the Horn- brook live in ha a good \\ acer uppl}' , ( available ju r the last fe\\ month ) but they ha\e to bu)· drink– ing 'water by the 5 gal. jug. ~to t home are built right on the treet and the du t ift in. I t i urpr1 ing to ee how clean the clothe are \\'hen the people con1e to church con 1der– ing how du ty it i . ome "" a h near the river - other ha, e \\ a her at their home . ome cook in an open roon1 - gue it i cooler tJhat \\ a, ince )'OU get more breeze J Part of the mi ionarie ha\ e their re idence paper . \Ve had \\ r1tten re– port from each m1 ionar}' and the, reported no troubl in pa 1ng r.hrL1t1gh cu ton1 with touri t \ i a but \\ 1th re idence paper the) are able to take in n1ore and larger iten1\ 'itich .... a refrigerato~. to, e . \\ a.sher..,. etc. and do not ha\e to go to the hL1rli~r e\ er} 6 n1onth ') to get t t1r1 ,t p,1pcr, rene\ved. One n11\ iL1nar \ \\ a ll 11..i at the border that ,he \hotlld g t the ... re idence paper\ - 11 ,, ot1 lli 1t t1.1kt:' 1 nger th, n 6 r11onth\ - b11t th(' ~ ... i\ d1tf1cult)' getting the111 q11ickl_v. Jt een1 t1n1e goe, IL1,v~r 11n ler the ... hc1t 'ittn an j tL1111L111 l \\ til1r" jtist a ,,ell a" to fa) ,, l1t?n it CL 111~ t ~igr1- • 1ng J)ai1c·, ]lra,,cr l\ n~~ ,~ l f >r th ~se d ar " n1is i narie ..... 1~ the faithft1]J) s r,c t 11 ~ I () r f j n ~ 1 ~ x i c,. (Concluded from page 10) ar n thing. It i~ t) glndl 11f r hat l I i , 11, , 11d t J n r11 on Present Christ 10 the Jew Through The n 11 J f r , II t h a t • t l 11 J I) \\ e ar Hebrew & Christian Society V'1or ing for 1he church, with the church and through the church, Bapt ist MJd Missions Testin1ony to Israel In Cleveland, Ohio MISSIONARIES Rev. Leeland Crotts, Director Mrs. L eland Crotts, Mr • Af\ildr d Leech, A"il s Carol Mel er 4205 Chester Avenue Clev I nd, Ohio -44103 TH OHIO IND P t D NT BAP I . ......'"'eJ t, bl , n lt efLtl nl) d ,, e ir gcnt1111 I , n l ,, t1 II t1b1111tte t tl) h1ist anlJ di bl1,1 tl t pr tit .. nd g,1111 f)r tir eJ,e l n'ikt 11111 11t .. I l1c e ,, 1 t ·h I b e,gdr l1r1ng l l) I u t c I n 1111 n g t ) J ld h tt t t 11 1 J 111 J I t 1111) t 1 11 ,1 n J n d ,lllcl ~,l )J) Ill tll) Ill t t r r>urc gr, t dnd 111 ·1l: nl UGU T 196 1