The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1969

OV r . • • ~ 1 e 111 Lf tl t , \J 'l{( h,tt ll i11s ,, h{l ,,er 111\'' lilt :1t tl1c l'l'l'l't1l ,1\l{ll 11 f, 1 c 11 111 l \ l t \\l1, 1t• In li,,11,1. 1' 1 line. IL'l'I ll) rigl1t (ll'l tlt IC)\\) arc C,l en 1 r \ll ( It ) It l \ (t\r111erl, 't"\l'l as ,,ast\l' i11 1'.cnt . )l1i()). --ci l l ,, 1 { , J t . \ \. \\ 1U1.\111 1 • <, ,t tic ( ( l1l.) l 1\ ( 13 rc)t 11 l:r 1l1l<.l1c ' " l) i- 1 ' l\.1 1f I L'l 'llll t' l n 11 t I ' ,J.._, I \"ti .,t l{ clntll'11, 01 f i 'C )r ( hicf ()r ( l1 ,\11l,1in . . \ ,l 1, ,,, , t )Jl 1 . • I r ., nt1111l,cr l f \\.',11, l1c 't't, l'C.i ,,s < 1'11cf c)f l1a1)la1n 111 ie 11 1 k ... ·n11t·tl1 \\ \I ll l1t'r (( a1,t . ) l ~ \f"' . anc.1 fcrr1tt \\. I .,,ton ( I... IC ) l \ . R\.,\ l l l ilU lt'ft t r1gl1t ( l,a'k [l)\\) '\l"C f) l)l tgl,1 , J . l~ t) l ((,111t.) s ' \ Ill ) 1 1 I r itz ( 1 r· ) l ' \I.. an I 1).1\ tll ·r r=nglcl1rc t e n ( I 1 ( ) . \ l1 inl1li\'ht t 1 1 1c ,1\RI{(.' l'l't1lc1cn'l' ' '·'" tl1c v cc.l11c eta\ night . crvicc e ~ ,,1 1 1 'lilr 11 .\J l,li , ... g,\\C l111cl tl' t1111,111e l he n1ain 111c \age o f the eve ning \\ r t1ul1t l, <.. .,,11~1111 ( ' cc1l 1 c,,, ,, ho catt"it:ti ti to e11 c the (1anger attache<l .... . t, t 1, ,, ) k ~f hc111g ,1 ,t)l itl.r... \ g~1i11 and aga111 ""e v ~re hown the need for 11 1t c 1 ii .1,~r f\.)f the c ,, 110 J,1l1or 1n ~1nd ,1111ong ot1r crvice n1en. 1 lit , RB 11 ,,, ha l «' l hal1la111~ tn the rn1y. 4 in the ir Force and i11 tl1~ a,, ...\ ct 111plctc C h,1pla1n ct1,,e Duty Ro ter can be obtained by ,, r i r i ng [ r. \\ 111. r:. Ktth nlc. ( ha1rn1an of our Chaplain' Cammi ion, Garfield ..... B.. 1 1 ,1 ,t ht1rch. 4~t t)0 'orth ~ta~ fatr Road. 11il\.\. aukee, Wi con in - 53225. \\ c t1gg~~ t that ) ot1 bta1n ~~\ eral co pie and give the·n1 to your people a l' ,l\t:r :t:1111nder A Word From Your Editor .. ~ \\ c \\ 1 rite th1 \\ hile in t. Iary' Ho"p1tal. Grand Rapid . Michigan. 11r . ~1 ff at underVvent urgery on Jul, 12. he 1 now recuperating. \\"e. \\'ill be here through the fir ~t \\ ee1' in ugu t. Thank to tho e who i...; ·~ ent flo,, er . card and gift . Thanks al o. to the man)' \\-ho pr~yed . l ay the Lord ble ) ' OU for yot1 r help at thi time! Pastor . plea e end u your Cht1rch Calendar and or any pecial new regarding ) our work. uch new~ i"' of intere t to our reader . Our desire i to ee more of our churche ub cribe for a "bundl e 1ot'' of our 0 .I .B. ! Every church in our 0.A.R.B .C. hould place THE OHIO I .. DEPE DE T BAPTIST into the hand of their people. Do }OU have any men ~n yot1r church w-ho might be incerested in adve rti ing in the page-- of th~ 0.1. B. ? We ~ 1 ould be happy to ...end them a RATE C1\RD. A few more ad - would help defray the printing co t of our and would al o help us i ncrea e to 20 page . Revent1c from enough ad would permit u going to ' ':olor' ' ! During Augu,-- t your Editor will be mini~tering at Bucyrus (Augu·3c 3). Emmanuel in Toledo (August 10) and at the High Point Bible Conference. Geigertown, Penna. (Augu t 17-23 ) . \\1 e \Vill al o be mini tering at the Free Bapti,~t Church Pine Valley N. Y. f rorn Aug. 24 through ep·t. 1. Pray for u ... PLEASE! When Does A Church Need Revival? \"\i hen it i ea ier to tay at home fro n1 church than to go. \\11en it i ea ier to go to our place of work than to the Hou e of God. \\-hen it i easier to be critical than kind. ,, 9 hen it i ea ier to be late to church than on time. \\7hen it 1 ea ier to read fiction than the Bible . \\1hen it i easier to hirk God-given opportunity than to do it. \Vhen it i ea 1er to support the club. port , etc. than the church. \\'hen it 1- ea ier to leep in church than to tav awake. " \Vihen it i ea ier to grumble than to praise. \\'hen it 1 ea ier to go ip than to witne . \\'hen it is ea ier to condemn ot1l than to pray for their alvation. \\'hen it is easier to ho]d grudge than to forgive. \\'hen it i easier to be \\ orldly than to be holy. \\ hen it 1 ea ier to tay home to watch TV than to go to prayer meeting . \\'hen it 1 easier to \\I ithhold ot1r tithe and offering than to give them to the Lord . \\' hen it l"l easier to obe) men than to obey the Word of God. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POST AGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER'. Please se nd Form 3579 to The Oh io Inde pe nde nt Baptist Box No. 160 Xeniil, Ohio 45385 Editoria l Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ra tes of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; $8.00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.1 S per sub scription; single issue 20 cents; back iss ues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Editoria l Office should have all news and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. DonaJd l\1oflat Box No. 160 Xe11ia, Ohio 45385 Circ11 lation l\1anager . . .. . . . . .. .. . Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 \Vonien's Editor . ... Mrs. Geo. l\1ilner 2195 Brockway Rd. University Hts., Ohio 44118 State Missio11ary .. .. . Earl D. U1nbaugh 2150 l\1arhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 T reas11rer . . . ... .... David Dye 92 N. Tioys Ave., Columbus, 0. 43204 COUNCIL OF TEN Cliair111an . Ben C. Jennings 4295 Ellsworth Rd., Sto,v, Ohio 44224 S ecretary . \Villiam F. Russell 306 W. Center St., Blanchester, Ohio 45107 Progra11i C1iair11ia,i . . Earl V. Willetts 250 \,Vest Srreet, Berea, Ohio 44017 1\Iissio,iary Cl1r111. Vernon K. Billington 2435 Eal<in Road, Columbus, 0 . 43204 Ed,ucatiori Chr11i . Harold R. Green Rt. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Y oi , Director Kenneth L. Andrus 315 S. Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0. 45503 Dean I Ienry, 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 44311 L)rnn Rogers, 7584 N. Boyden Rd. Northfield, Ohio 44067 Dona1d J. Se1A1ell, 4207 Laskey Rd. T o1edo, Ohio 43623 1 . Kenneth melser, 123 W. Liberty St l\1edina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Snavely, P.O. Box 195 Findlay, Ohio 45840