The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1969

- l.t111 l:,llll 1 ,1' ltt.ll i ,, l\ 111 ., t I It , l11r1g s1gl1t tll' 'll .,rri,~,1 1t '\ltllJ 1111 nr. · l1t" 11 ·,, 1, ,,11- t 1 ti t , d 40 l .... ' s,, 1111 111 i n g I'\).., I • • g 11 1 at , g1 ,\t \1 ,,I ,t t' "ttc 111 · 111 t 11 t t1\ ,ti r. l l1r"' di,i11g t, ari~ • 11 11111 i 11g , ~!111 !l tltl ar' 111 11 t.111t l "" furi11g ,,, 1111 ti111c 11' l l .1r i f t:' , tt1rc l" till'. tt1l"t1l.1r. ,tccl gt1, 1 :ir, , '"''' ca 11 itic t,t c.1('11 l1(,,1rd. '- 11" , cxtl'tl i ,,~r tl1c L'dgc f the l' 1. tl1t, 11i11i111i7ing ri,~ ,..11 i11jt1.r,. l l1c l .11(i, .11,t' 11 .. 1," a11 ~1l1ra 1\c 1 r .l~t' t pr('\ c11l ,11 p11agl: . \ ll tl1er 11c,, fc,1tt1rc th1 \ear i h(' 11c,, ... tat raft. l,ff h r' h at- It '\.'t 11n~ \\ft tl1 .1 l1t1ndred h r epO\\'er ,_ 111 "'l 1·. \\'lien ,, at r- kiing 1 going n. there 1~ r L)n1 for c,en or eight l' ,l cr1g r, Bc.1a t ride . ha, e been cl~arcj ,,,ith the C at Guard and jt1ni'""'r are g1, n ride in place of \\ 41tC!'- ki1ng. ...... - . t th1 ,,,riting of e,, ,~ and View on ... i to Hill Bapti t Camp, located in uthern Ohio at cioto Furnace. ne \\ eek (High chool Young People) i.:- hi tor)' v;ith one of the be~t ) outh \\ eek yet. A dean for the \veek, I can urely ay that it has been one of the mo t bles ed and fruitful ,,:eek in my campi ng ex- • per1ence. One of the great a e ts at Camp cioto are the urrounding hill , which n1ake i1 a place of beauty rest, re– laxation and rich blessing from t he Lord. \ ithin the e hill are attractive building and much improvement during the past two years. One can feel the very presence of Gorl as they enter the camp grounds. The young people had a great time on the mini-bikes ( now in the second ) ear) a \\ell a the paddle boats. Al o, the meals are the best with plent 1· of food. CAMP PATMOS nillil, ,ting ('l)J1tint1t' Ill 11' a s11nsl1 J1it ,,1tl1 ca11111t'1s. "l ht' f l 'ct <1f t'tl t,l,~lts is lli1cctctl 11)' t\\rl) sailing i11- strttCtl)l's anll ,lll 'a 11r1c1 \ nr' g1,cn inst1 ucl1(1n \\ t'at l1er 1 cr11itting ~ail– t,l,~,t 1.1('c, ,,11 t, run ()ff g1,ing the ·,1'.1111 er~" a cl1~1ncc to l1ow tl1cir ,1'111,. \ ,,1111111111g in,t1uctio1 al o ha an :1 litic t fcatt1rc of divi ng in trt1ction . 11t'g11111cr are lnt1gh t win1n1ing and ll:~" capal1lc \\ ir11n1cr are given add– cti in lrLtction . W a ter olyn1pi c are 110,, a rea lity vvith wimming races . rcla\ and diving com pet ition each "'eek. rchery a nd a ir rifle in truc ti o n <;Lill receive a goodly number o f camper a do the bi ke an,d mini ature go lf area . T able tenni , softb all ba ketbal l a nd volleyball complete the ro ter of often u ed fac ili t ies. Ou r kitch en staff number s six. T op SCIOTO HILLS T he wim ming area is in good condit ion, but i badly in n eed o f a new concrete d ock. L or d w illing and as th e funds are avail able, the trustee endeavor to h ave thi buil t in the F al l. A new ch a pel is also needed with th e p re e nt o ne to b e u sed for indoor recreation. Some of the act ivities enjoyed by everyo ne are or ganized sp orts , such a oftball, volleyball , ar ch ery rif le range, ba ketball indoor h ock ey, ping– pong swimming and water ports. Competiti o n contests ar e h eld t,hrou gh– out the weeks, both o n la nd and in t he water . O the r even ts ar e midnight swim , polar bear dips b a nquets and • • p1cn1cs. The m ost impo rta nt e mph asi given through ou t th e weeks is the spiritu al. V.' e h ear of report concer ning Bib le di cuss ion around th e bunk beds, as wel l as vari ou s subject r elat ive to the l ives of young people. P er anal - gr ct l i t; (1<;(;: f j 11()\V f'lciJ1g f lown i n , cl:ikly frc) 111 shl ant l nncl ha111 has l1ecL1 n1c illl nc l(lc,i weekl y nt traotion ()11 tl1c 111c 11u . ·1·hc c nncl o ther acJ– jt1st111cnt arc l1c1 ng 111 aclc 10 have 11lcnty or gooll foo,I Dor ott r " hungry c1 ncs." r..1 r. C, corgc Rarncs i the camp 1 1anagcr. U nclc r h is supe rvis io n i~ the k1 tchcn ,ta ff plt1 <; the f u 11 t ime camp taff of eight (compa red to fi ve las t year). A good repor t j<, th at the new gir r r c<; t-room h ottld be read y fo r u e early in Jul y, as plumber ,tnd other worke rs ar e f r equentl y flown in by Mr . Shel F ish er , co- Ltpcr intendent o f grounds. Ther e i till room for some boys during each o f t he senio r weeks. A good number of decis io ns h ave been r eported already. Pl ease co ntinue to pr ay for th~ piritual impact upon our young people . - Lynn R ogers - interviews ar e held with e ach oamp~r . which h a bee n a h elp to the staff and counselo r , as we ll as p,astor s. Th e Bible Study se sions, missio n– ary chall e nge and evening services ar e tremendou s. Spirit fill ed men o pen up G od' s word endeavoring to reach th e h earts a nd lives of all cam– per s. T estimonies around the camp– fi r e are of su ch n ature that only G od can be given the credit for working a nd moving in the hear ts of precious 1. ... 1 ve . Much emph a is is given to campers th a t when they go b ack in the valley that their stand and e teem for Jesus Chr ist might be in great abundance a nd t h a t they will not f orget what they h ave been t au ght while at camp. It i our prayer th a t each one will d a il y eek the L ord's will f or his life a nd be con ist e ntly firm on the bibli– cal fa ith once delivered onto the Sa int . - Joe Cl1ap 111a11 - SKY VIE RANCH - The 1969 camping sea on is in full \\ ing at KY VIEW RA CH! The 0 ..-\.RBC 1en' Retreat over the 11emorial Day h oliday tarted things rolling. tiore than 200 attended ,, hich \\ as ""ell over the Ranch's ca– pacity·. Trailer . tent and cots were brought in to accommodate the extra ..... gue t . The mes ages were uperb, the food excellent and the enthusiasm abounded. All left \\ 1 ith memories of a ITTand time. . k, \ ' ie\\' R anch is booked solidly for the \\'hole ummer. Three other 4 AUGUST, 1969 church group u ed the fac ili t ie dur– ing the month of June. with a train– ing week for coun ellors a nd staff conducted th e f inal week. Y oung people from our own church es will he coming a nd go ing for five week , through Augt1 t 9 . Then , three local chool wil l condu ct band camps. T he RA TCH i op erat ing thi~ sum– n1er with a ful l-time tra ined taf f. Coun ellor h ave received training from Cedarville College a nd the Ranch Trus.1:ee , a nd th e m a intena nce taff likewi se took a week of train- ing in o rientatio n . College credit at Ceda rv ille College w ill be granted to coun ell or who sati f actorily c om– plete their training and exper ience th i ummer a t Sky V iew. Re ervat ion fo r fall , winter and ori ng retreat are already on the book . Any church in our fellowship may obtain the u e of the R anch for pic ni c . all-d ay outing or retreats . F o r r en1 aining ope n d a tes, along witih other informat io n, write Wesley Bliss, R egi trar . 1806 Orl ando Drive. Co– lun1bu. , Oh io 43227 . - K e11 A11dri1s THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST