The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1969
Another Beautiful Bu ilding Cal, ar, Bapt i·,t C hur h. Bye , ill . Ohio. dedicated it new building at pecial all-d a, , er\ i e n unda). 1a) 1 . In the afternoon, Dr. H arold Henniger Pa t r f the ant n Bapt1 t Ten1ple wa the gue. t peaker. At the evening er, 1 ce. t\.\ n1en \.\'h \vent into the mini try while member of the Calvary Bapt 1 t hur h. \\ ere the , peaker . They are P~ to~ David .s 'himp o.f Litchf ie ld , Oh1 and Br ther Kenneth ichol from pr1ngf1eld Ohio. Gr und \\ a br ken for the new building on Oct. 9, 1968. The edifice with a ,,·hite brick. e. terior. included a 392- eat auditorium with a full ba ement, a pa 1 u f o)·er. a 75- eat chapel on the mai? floor: .a 1:1other roo°: wall. to \\ all red carpeting. padded. open-end pew , air cond1t1on1ng, al~ electric hea t1 0.g and indirect lighting. The unday chool Annex, completed 1n 1957, al o 1s till in u e. The church wa founded in a prayer meeting and Bible tudy in a local home \Va oroanized in 1947 and the late Rev. S. R. Parrett of Man field Ohio \\as c'alled a .:, the pa tor. The fir t unit of the church building wa completed in 1949 and Re\' . D on Winters. now an Evangeli t, became the Pa to r. He was ucceeded by Rev. Willard Duncan. For quite a number of year s Rev. H. P. H ou e, a former new paperman h as served as P as•tor. The Lord j ble ing the mini try of thi church - both P a tor and people! . ia~tville Chu rch rtec·ently Recog n ized A recognition council was held at the Fir t Bapti t Church, H artville Ohio on June 17. Brother Earl Um– baugh was elected to serve a Moder– ator for the meeting. Mrs. Nancy Bennett served a Secretary. 0 :)ar Rea d ar : Wh y net s u g g e st to your pastor that yo u h ava a " bundle lot" of THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST sent to your church each month? 25 cop ies would cost but $25.00. 50 copies - $50.00. He lp us to g e t " bundle lots" into ALL of our churches! Thanks • • • Your Editor Sk View Ranch Ded~cated ' 'Unto the Lord' \ \ J1ccial " f)ccl icatit1n crvicc, wia l1cltl al \1' Y l [W J~AN 11 )J I l a)' 1(). 1969 <lcclicat1ng the J) f JJcrt) nncl ht11l<.Jing "tc) the roaching Cl ot1th for the glory of 10(1. " l ~h e ~crv1ce inc lt1dccl cri pl tJ re rca ing and p rayer, a hi story of K) Vll 7 W R C'H , the philoc;ophy anc pttrp se of KY VJCW RANCH, anc the presentation of a pl aqt1e to tht hairman of our Cou ncil of T e n. Tho e partici pating in the progra1n were We Blis , Wilbur P arrish H aro ld Green, Earl Umbaugh a n Ben Jennings . The plaque, which nov. hang in the Lodge at KY VIE~ RA CH, read as fo llow - Kl' VIEW RA CH - DEDICATED TC THE RE CHI G OF YOUTH FOR THE GLORY OF GOD. May 30 1969. J E REMIAH 33 :3. It was a time of pra ise and thanks– Pivi ng. H eart were m oved as thiey ron idered what the Lord h·ad done ? '"'d a thev realized the future for SKY VIEW RA CH. Irt was also recognized that more of our OARB churches MUST respo nd t o the total F a ir Share Program over the next o ne and one-half years if the program is to truly succeed. In an h our when the enemy of Christianity, America and freedom is pending himself and hi s money. we are gratified and encouraged that SKY VIEW RA CH been added. in the Providence of God, to our total State program. Teen reached and t·hen trained to REACH THEIR GE ERATION is the an wer and thi i the need we feel SKY VIEW RA CH will help meet! Rev. D on Bennett, Pa tor of the church, read a copy of the letter of invitation sent to the local GARBC pastor . A second letter was read containing the minute of a special business meeting held at the church on June 4. where the church voted that a council come to examine this church as a properly organized Bap– ti t church. Rev. Bennett also read a statement of the history of the church. ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES After determining the church con– stitution was baptistic and after re– viewing the by-laws. it was voted that the council recognize the First Bap– tist Church of Hartville Ohio as a dul}' organized Baptist Church. 6 AUGUST, 1969 WHERE THERE RE NONE IN NORTHERN UNITED STATES AND IN CANADA HIAWATHA BAPTIST MISSIONS 2601 South 23rd Street Escanaba, Michigan 49829 L--------------------------------------- THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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