The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1969
• lVe reat ays The national GARBC conference is no,v a part of hi - tor)· but to tho e \\ ho Vvere privileged to attend, a glorious hi tor)' . indeed! There "'a a pirit of unit 1· throughout. The messages \\:ere rich and powerful. Some very important decision were made. I t was voted unanimou_ly Lhat \.\ e \\ ithdraw from the Internation,al Cot1ncil of Christian Churche . A unanin1ou call wa extended to Dr. Jo eph M. Stowel l, pastor of the First Baptist Cht1rch H ackensack, ew Jersey to become ~ ational Repre entative of the Association. D r. William Kuhnle. pastor of the Garfield Bapti·.,t Church, Milwaukee Wisconsin. was extended a call to become Assistant to the ational Representative. (Both men have accepted!) Brother Kuhnle \\ ill play a very active part in a new \\'Orld\\ ide radio mini try which is being launched by the A ~ociation . The following men have been elected to serve on the Council of F ourteen. the administrative body of the General As. ociation of Regular Baptist Ohurches: Dr . David 0. Fuller Grand Rapids, Michigan Rev. [ark J ack on, Mu kegon, Michigan Rev. J. Don Jennings, Ypsilanti , Michigan Dr. James T. Jeremiah, Cedarville, Ohio Dr. William E. Kuhnl e Milwauk 1 ee, Wiscon in Dr. Ernest Pickering. K okomo, Indiana Dr. Joseph I. Stowell, Hackensack, ew Jersey Other men who have been previously elected and con- tinue to serve are: Dr. Carl E. Elgena Cherry Hill , ew J er ey Dr. Hugh H all, J ack on, Michigan Rev. David ettleton. Anken y, Iowa Dr . Paul Tassell , Ames, Iowa Dr. 'vV. Wilbert Welch, Grand Rapids, Michigan D r. G. Arthur Wool ey, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania Rev. W. Thon1as Younger, Ft. Wayne, Indiana Five approved agencies reported 1,449 active mis ion– aries, 143 inactive and retired mi ionaries and 115 ac– cepted candidates. Total receipts for the last year ~ere \6.707 ,500.27. Fifty-one foreign fields, and the U nt ted State are being ~erved. pecial mini lrie in the United fates include uburban, inner-cit)', Spani h, egro, moun– tain. Indian and college campus works. Six appro\ 1 ed col 1 Jege<; reported a total student enroll– n1t!nt of 3,01 1 with a full-time faculty of 13 6 and a part– tin1e facuJt v of 42. he total budget of the chool wa $4 922,334:oo an(I the tot,il a\~et~ were $15.252,887.00. ort 1 • Rev. David Jeremiah with h :s mother and dad, Dr. and Mrs. James T. Jeremiah. Brother Dave is pastori ng a new work in Fo: t Wa yne, Ind iana. Dr. Jeremiah was elected Cha irman of our GARBC Council of Fourteen. Four approved ocial agencies including t~ o children· home which erve as fo ter home . adoption agencie and provide t1nwed mother care, one enior citizen ' home, and one home and chool for n1entally retarded children and adult·.:, reported receipt of $7 4 . 23 .44 during the year. The Bapti t Builder ' Club gives grant of up to 2,000 to needy churche fron1 gift of n1ember . e,·enteen churches were given $34,000 la t )'ear . and 2 6 churche have been given 506 950 ince the e tabl1 hn1ent of the Club. ine re ol t1tion \Vere pre ented and acted upon. The) all pas ed unanin1ou ly. The e covered the ubject f The Mi s ion of the Church, Per onal Holine of Life. Sen it ivity Training, Di, ine and Hun1an Authortt}. Patr1 - ti ..m, ocial Re pon il1ilit}. ex Education, Forn1ation f International Fellow hip of Regular Bapti t ht1rche ,1nd Verba l In piration. A propo ed c·hange in the con. titL1tion \\ 1 ill ~ llO\\ churche in Canada ctnd . p0 e ion l fellO\\ hip ""i th the i\ ociat ion. The change \\ OL1 ld bee n1e effect1 e next year if approved b) the A ociation. hot1ld the Lord JesLt tarr}'. OLtr national contere11 "e in 1970 will be held 1n Denver. ( olor~tdL1. tart a, 1ng your pcnnie~ now! Ot1r is a hie ed fello,\ hip no,, tL)t,1ling l ~6 l cht1r "he~' The 1hen1e of the conlerencc ,, .. 1 . . ''FaithfL1l "'tt! \ farJ~ of ,the 1\ ,tcr1c<i of (.,,..1d" ... anLf \t) 111a ' \\ e c, i:1 he' ~ • OJiio P tors Horner ond Ba,r ff Brother and Sister Ced rv1lle Alun1n1 Troy r nd e II Donn Ketcha111 nd Lois Moff t TH OHIO IND P ND NT RAPTIS AUGU 1969 1
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