The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1969
O THE OCIATION id y , Tr , Ro A lur,, u , t,io 320 AUGUST, 1969 on Bapti t 8 r B pt i f 8 r an 8 ,pt,\t O r gon 8 th I 8 pt ~t, T ol do B thl h , 8 ph!.t Clo land Bible i~~ion 8,1pt1st ~t'ynold burg 81 < d Hop Bapt 1 t Spr1ngf1eld Brook id Bapt <t Cleveland f\ ,, 0 , n treet 6dpt1 t , Akron c, ,, Baptt il Ashland C, r Bao tist Bellefontaine Cal'1" ) 'iapt st Ch1ll1coi he Cal , ar)' Baptist Massillon c ~I ar Baptist Nor,valk Calv r Baptist Painesvil le Calvary Baptist Sand usky Catvar , Baptist, Xen ia Calvar y Baptist O berlin Ced lr Hill Baptist , Clevela nd Cl r, tonv ille Baptist Col umbus E'llrnanu 2l Bapt ist Lorain Emna nuel Bapti st, To'edo Emmanuel Bapt ist Xenia Eucl d Nott incham Ba ptist, Eu clid Evans ,lie Bap t ist, Niles Fa •h Baptist Amherst Fa th Bapt ist , Niles F1 st Baptist Gallipolis First Baptist Hu d so n First Baptist !.ancaster First Baptist McDona ld First Ba p tist New London Fi.s t Ba ptist Parma f . st Baptist, R·ttman First B3ptist, Valley Cit y Fundamental Bapt ist, Tallmadge Grace Baptis! , Ce dJ•ville Grace Ba otist , Ken t Grace Ba pt ist, Lond on Grace Baptist Mi nf o rd Grace Bapt ist, Sunbury Grace Ba ptist, Troy Grace Baptist , Urbana Grace Bap tist, Westerville Graham Road Baptist, Cuya hoga Fa ll s Hebron Men' s Fell owshi p, Bre cksv ill e Immanuel Baptist , Arcanum Lakeview Baptist , Lakev iew Lenox, Darrell E., Columbus Madiso n Mission ary Bapt ist , Lucasvi ll e Maranatha Bapt ist Spri ngf ie ld Meadowbrook Bap ist, Lima Memorial Bapt ist , Columbus Midbrook Baptist , Brook Park New Richland Bao tist , Belle Ce nter • North Royalton Baptist Northfield Baptist Northside Ba p tist, Lima Norton Baptist, Barberton Open Door Bii ptist, Spen cerville People s Baptist, Brunswi ck Riley Creek Baptist, Bluffton Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. South Canaan Baptist, Athens Swartz Road Bap tist, Akron Temple Baptist, Portsmou th Trinity Baptist, Lorain Wheelersburg Ba p tist Advertising Subscrip ti ons s.oo 37 .00 S 00 10. 00 s.oo 25.00 50.00 5.00 10. 00 38. 00 100.00 18 .00 10.00 5 .00 95.00 30.00 8.00 110.00 60.00 10.00 10.00 25 .00 70.00 25 .00 15.00 83 .00 35.00 35 .00 10.00 34.00 30.00 25.00 25 .00 30.00 5 .00 100.00 100.00 5.00 15.00 11.00 5.00 29.00 54.00 10.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 5 .00 11.00 15.00 60.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 172.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 50.00 15.00 20.00 42 .00 2 .00 5.00 75 .00 72 .00 83.00 243 .00 287.00 132.00 State Missio nary Honorariums TOTAL $2,931 .00 14 NOVEMBER, 1969 ,. l ]{ t I l .. ~ Jl K S .., RE lVfltllS to SCl'V ' YOU ~ - TE with - DI~ Rll~L.l~ . ll()OK~, "l"' l~ 1-11 ID , ARD , , T. Plan to visit tl on ! Interc tcd in BLtying-by-Mail? Write for catalog: ·D R ILIJ OLL GE BOOK ORE B Ced arville, Ohio 45314 NACS They Build In Missouri, Too! Ot1r brother, 1:i ionary Bill Pat– ter on, i known by many of our O.I.B. reader . He and his family are erving the Lord under Bapti t Mid– M i ion·, . They are working in Em– den Mi ouri. een above is a picture of their Groundbreaking Service which was held on unday afternoon, August 24. The Community Baptist Church was started as a Bible Study in the home of Mr. and Mrs . Glenn P ar- one of Emden. On March 16, 1968 their first service was held, as a church, in a remodeled building. I n May of the same year they were recognized as a Baptist Church and were received into the fellowship of our GARBC. Though young as a church, y~t they have already taken on mission– ary respon~ibility by helping in the upport of Rev. and Mrs. Bob Harris who are erving the Lord in Alaska under Baptist Mid... Mi ions. Con truction of the basement for their new building tarted the latter part of Au~~t. It is good to see t he Lord' bles ing on the e folk. Present Christ to the Jew Through The Hebrew & Ch ris ti a n Society Working fo r the church, with the church and through the church, Baptist Mid-Missions Testimony to Israe l In Cleveland , Oh io MISSIONARIES Rev. Leeland Crotts, Director Mrs. Leeland Crotts, Mrs . Mild red leech, Miss Carol Mciver 4205 Chester Avenue Cl eve land, Ohio 44103 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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