The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1969

(Concl uded from page 6) ~idview Bapt ist Church , Grafton - ville College ,1 gt1e\t teacher i·:) to be held Dec. 20-23. a e thel Bapf ist Church, Wa rren - During eptcn1ber and October the ttnday chool en– gaged 1n an '·E LARGEiv£E T C J\l\1P IG - ~'WI - j I 'G \Vl l H fHE WORD." An all-out effort wa made lo reach other for Chri t. The Lord ble sed. Wheelersburg Bapti st Church - Dr. Hugh Horner of andu k 1 '" a gue t peaker for ,pecial n1eeti ng held 0:l. 21-26. ~fhe church i taking Jart in the Ohio-~1ichigan unday chool conte t for a period of ix ~ eek· . Pa tor chenck has been made Chairman of the Zone .i. o. 2 of Cedarville College' pro- 01otion of their new cience building. Huntsburg Baptist Church - A \ er)' ucce ft1l .B.S. ,va held thi pa t ummer with n1an\ deci ion being made for the Lord. The ladie of The t1n1 of $40.00 per month bar:) been voted by the church to,vard the upport of l\1i helby pradlin and her work. he wa recently appointed to erve a a mi - ionary nt1r e in Ea t Paki tan under BWE. J he church took part and helped during a recent time first Bapti s t Church, Willowick - A nevv pa tor ha-s been called to thi work. He i Rev. )f feilow hip at beautiful Lake Shalom. Bible Mission Baptist Church, Reynoldsburg - Bern•ard l.... Flanagan and comes to the church from ambridge, Indiana. A lovely new parsonage ha been purcha ed. The College-age young people held a retreat at Lake Hope. Pa tor Thomp on poke at a Bible Conference Sept. 21-24 at the Independent Bapti t Church in North Jach. on. A meeting he held there 20 years ago resulted 1n the founding of the orth Jackson church. pecial Bih)e Conference with Dr. Robert Gromacki of Cedar- Emmanuel Baptist Church, Xenia - ..11-IRI f I~ TH -- OLD E T - i"1E. ' T (by John R. Rice, D.D., l .. t.D. - Sword of the Lord Pub– Ii he 1 s. Iurfreesboro, Tenn., 1969: 257 page~ - $3.00) [hi 1 not a study book, a uch. nor is it a dry theological treati e; but rat her. the reader will find the e page to pre-.;ent a joyou , heart-warm– ing series c>f sermon which clear)} J)re~ent lllr Person and Work of our L.,ovelv av:our as seen in the var1ou~ ., c.pi ode of OJd le t~n1ent :ripture. 11, r, "e are mes ages which were preached original]}' by the aut hor on the nationwide ' ' 01ce of Rev1\·al' hroadca t. l'n1 certain they will con– tinue to be used of the Lord to ble<;s dnd tl1rill the h art of all \A '10 read . t"A (JR I H P~f R 17 TH I~ :J[BI 1~ (b}' Jolln R. Rice, l) l) ., I.,itt. . - \\'Ord of the l .A>1 d JJ t1l)lish rs, 1urfr b ro, T nn., 1968 - 4 2 page ; 3.9 ) TH OHIO INDEP NDENT BAPTIST During October, Brother Clarence Hen on conducted pecial n1eetings ,vith an en1pha. i on reaching children for Chri t. The church auditorium ha been enlarged and alre1dv ~ervice are crowded! ., Twenty three of the be t-loved chapter in the Word of God are pre ented in me age form by thi well-known evangeli t - writer. The down-to-earth manner in which the author deal with these familiar por– tions will encourage and warm the heart of q 11 who peru e the page<; t) f thi book. A doctrinally ound evan– gelistically fervent treatment of ttch ubjects as the Virgin Birth, Atoning Dea th , and Re urrection of Chri t: the Grace, Mercy and Love of (.rod· a riJ the indwelling mini try of the H 0lv pirit are but a few of the n1any areas handled as Dr. Rice glean from the vineyard of our many f a\ 1 or– ite area of Holy Writ. THE WORD CRAPBOOK ( 0111- piled by John R . Rice. D.D., Litt. D. - word of the Lord Pt1bli her . :Vf urfree horc1. I enn .. 1969· 209 page - $5 .00) From the front cover I qt1ote . .. 1 wt11 guarantee yol, that cvcrvbod, \.'viii find ~on1cthing to laugh t1hL u• 1n the WORD RAPBOOK. e, . ,tnd to crv ahot1t too. nd I , ill n1ake anothe1 prediction: 1 ot1 "'on'l go to \Jeep rea(l1ng th,~ V{)lt1111c '' , yottr review editor. I ha,\! pt1t that qt1ot to the te,t and fincl 1t tt) he trtic' co11111ilation <>J st(>ries. 11 n1" i 11 ustra t 1 n". q uo t a t i <) n, . r, 1 c t " ,t 11 cl figurcs- tl1i~ <; ()Rl ~C' R 1'8()()1\. ,-viii prc)v~ lt) l)t! (as 1·~ 111t~ntictl) ,, I riend and ht:lper as a ~t)llt c~ t)f crn1cl11ic a11cl lesso11 illt1strat it1n 11la– tcrial. lsc). l1c>,\'CV r it 111nkes ftll" just f)lait1 good rt=acling 111attt'r ft>r voting anti ()Id alike . Concluded from page 2 crea e of approxin1ately 200 more i ue per 1nonth wa realized. \Ve are now over the 4000 n1ark ! Thi i the highe t in the hi"' tory of ot1r magazine. l-f o,v about n1ore ub crib– ing and our reaching the 5000 mark? [t cot1ld be done ea ily! /J11r1clle lot of 25 copie ent to )'Our church each n1onth would co t only 25.00 for the year! Help u f o pron1ote the 0.1.B. to the glory of God! The Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche ha been invited to hold it 43rd .nnual 0. .R.B.C. conference in 1970 at the Berean Bapti· t Church Berea, Ohio. Ho t P a tor of thi fine hur h i our brother Rev. Earl \Villett . They have a lovely new bt1il<ling. PLA O ATTE DI G! Mark the dates - October 19, 20 and 21. URGENTLY NEEDED!! Children' s Worker for Rescue Mission Bible Club With Recreation Progran1 ar1d Sunday School (Would prefer son1eor1e who cou Id p lay tl1e piano) ALSO House mother for Christian Maternity Home De ta il s and App l ,c tion Sen t to Anyone In terested . Wri te fo r applica t ion t o : Huntington City Mi~~ion P. 0. Box No 3 Huntington, W. Va . - '25706 NOVEMBER, 1969 15