The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1969

Credit: First Baptist Church Coldwater, Michigan Wells Cedarvi lle Cot e librarJ ,,· 1 P. Ohio 45314 ....... . ,/ /. ,. .,. . : : , ,..-·· ·~... : .v. ~ . . . 17219 Euclid, Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Mr. Oran Wells, President Complete Church Building Program Services Including Ca 11 or Wri te MATER PLA I G PRELIMI ARY LAYOUT PLA & PECIFlCATIONS E GI EERI G TOPOGRAPHIC URVEYING & MAPPING PARK.I G LOT DESIGN CHURCH SIGNS CO STRUCTION - (A k About Work Equity Plan) Mr. Lawre nce F. Wilson Professional Engineer 3504 \Norden Road Oregon, Ohio 43616 Telephone: 419-691 -5886 or, Our Main Office salm null nem By Ralph T. Nord lund (Read PSALM XXVIII in your Bible first) The Lord is my TRE GTH when foes talk peace And offer to fraternize; Their hearts harbor war, though smooth a grease, Their words urge compromise. Atone and faint, I turn to the Lord, My sin and weakness own; And strength returns, for, true to His Word, 1 am not left alone. The Lord is my SHIELD as I rise from prayer And return to the battle for truth, While flaming arrows fi ll the air In a war that i tooth for tooth. od's guardian grace alone can keep M y Ii fc and w1tne s alive: ...,or r11ar1)' have fall n in death's Jong s leep, 01 livi11g, have ceased to strive. '"I lie I...ord i r11 y S of victory, A 1 look bey ncl the blt1c, And e l1in1 judging the destiny t tl1 fa) \; i le 11d the trt1c . 1 y tru ti11g 11 art i blest t drty A pre e11t h I J) 1 clai111 · A11ti I ing al ng 111) ' }1e, veil\-\ artl \.\ H)' '] o the gl ry o JI i , r11e. The Twenty-··eventh and Tv\ent}-eighth P aln1 refer to the ame battle experience , but the latter l gicall come fir t. In the Twenty- eventh David lo k back ov r ome week or n1onth and a tire hin1 elf that the L rd \\ ho delivered him i able t deliver again. In the Twcnty– eight h th t rt1ggle i. not et over, even th ugh there eem. to be a lull in the battle and the enen1) t\ prop - ing peace. David carcely hear then1 . for he i bu " in pray r, lifting beseeching hantl, tov. ard the hitld~n r,icle or hol y place of od' Pre-,;encc in the tablcrnacle. We h ave bt1ilt ot1r p cn1 arc.)ttnd three k.e\ ,, ord, f und in the "cventh vcr e, bt1t ha,'e tricc.1 to bring all the truth, o f the p aln1 , round tho e \\tt)rti"i . <) rejl ice 1n ,o<l a\ ot1r trcngth . h1cld and ong 111~~1n, ~0111eth1ng onl, \vhcn an cx.11c11rncc c.)I Hi" gr,\cc n1~,k~, 1ht: ,, c,rtl\ real. 1\ c l1tlc.l c,tn "pcctk the \,\ ()re.I,. httt t)nl, ,1 , etcrtlfl c.1n apJ)f\;Ctatc thl't11. l 1kc 1),\\ tu. \\ e 111u,t n )t ,hun the \truggl~ th,1t c,111 n1ake c.)tt1 ptl tt.:,,t()n, t~al. ") ,, e ,ce~ t() ar'P' llpt 1l1te 1h1, l~,1ln1 , it ,, ill h wl'll t > nt>li ce tl1 ..1t l a, tl]\., \v arf,11 e \\ .1, n'-,t all Jlll) ,1~ ..11. lle \,\' c\S J)l ~SStltel l ll) lll,tk~ J)L".l ' e \\ 11t1 lll~ll \\ }1 l h,tll \\af itl tl1c1r he,1rts. t>t! .H:e ll) th 111 \\ ,ls l)nl, n11 ,tl1t·r 111 ·th t ,,f tl\:: sll'(l) 1ng Israel. ]>-s)'-\\ arfare 1s fllll n~,, . l he ,,11n1t1ni~ts }1· 1vt= onl y i111JJJ ,vl'll it l) ' th tt st" f 111 ,li\?rn l) s h I g ( 11 , tJ1,1t th t,,l!nlieth ccntt1r ' l111r l1 n11ght st , 1tl1 Da,,i I that 11111r ,n1is ,, iLt1 t~\ it t'- s 11 t b1 ing J "cl e hul t~ f at thctt lli,,h,gth.:: ,, ith 111 ting II, l nl f rt 1t'i 11 I cl \ l 1 L t 1 0 n\ I s \\ i t ti ' I•