The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1969

EPO T ON O.A R.B.C. CONFERENCE I . ti ' \ll I I{ '\' \\I() )< I I'{\: t 1 R.ll . ....1, I 1\ 1111,1,,1 l'I l)I ts111c,t1 1 • · I ,tt (I hi·tll'\ \I · .11'1) ,t I l\tta. I ll c I 11 \ I ' I I . : ( 111\ I().... lllll' l1t' ()lit ()r a I ell al 11 n1 'tttl l1cl I 111 t ll ,1 '.,, . t . 1 " , 11 ,1 171 s ·nl r 'I c1r1 Ill th' '-;ccrc tary l , t t I t ll ll 1 fl • ) Ill I ,\\ \\ C1 t \ \ l \ . . • , , ' ., ~ I . , 1 • 1 ,1 < \ti' ( c,t111 ii of I en. ()I lh1~ nt1n1- tt j i ltl ll' \\ 'll' , \\ ll' I gs- " , ·• till . , 1 .. i • 1,er :1 tl1tal a111t1unt lc1r g1v1ng l11cak,, (\r 1. Ill \\ 'It l ,\ll.1 I' s,l . . . ( 8'> 5( 7 '1 I , tll< I e ,t <''<l,,j,,rc,,c·, "' er!" lll' ' ' n .1, ll,lll1\\"-i : t111cnt . . -. , . 1 • 1 1 ; 1 , irtt f tilt' I 1\I gtttllc1.I i11 lltttl ling Q4,JJ li . ,\~lei 1111 \~ t~)n\ " 1 1 .. ,,·ts ,, ... rt' ,ttt l\.'li (, I .11 I. \ vcragc 1111 "i1t1r1a1 g1v1ng \ \ t:l \ llll' \:: , 1\; I I '- r h t 'ii .. 1 , .. 1 , \ I''-' .. ,,,1 tit1te J'CI cl1t1rcl1 "' a" . (),(198 01 t c year. . nd lt\t' 1 tt gt\1. . . u,, , 11 ,, \; r ") 1,;.,, 't' at 1 h, \.)tlt,ct ·\ , c1 ..1gc 1111 ,1011ary g1v1 11g p r n1cn1 - ~ I till" 111"'(' 11!! g.,,l an i11111ctt1, tl1at 1,c1 \\,l'i l_.90. ,, 1 It tlii lt~lli..'ttt. 11,\,"c ,, } 1 t, at- Brother l Tn1bat1gh' report thrilled lt'Il t '"i tllt' .. 11 fcrcn "\'.' \\\'.'tc rctrc,hcti )lll' heart . One rctllize, , the value of , 11 ,1 t'nl.?tlicr,cti (.)t1r PRO R M OF PROPAGA- l)tirinu 1 t 1"-, \ ,,'-1ci . .1ti , 11 nl H t11r fl in a tatement n1ade by Rev. '- ,\, rt " ; ~re J 1 c,lr :t f r'-1 111 ottr three H arr n1bach r during hi me aige ... ,. 111 , ( l.,altll'-' . c1t1t) Hills and k.) the cl ing Wedne day evening. \ ll.' ' ' R.t ,ch). 1ttr tate \ ttth 111- peaking concerning the upport he 111 tt~ ..:,tir "' t .. 1 tc ~11 i nar,. ur had gai ned prior to going to Hong t '-~ 1'- i ,lnli thcr ~. \\ 'c h pe t- h ·1, 1 e Kong under the A ociation of Bap- ('n,c ,t the"~ report ( in part at ti t for \ orld Evangeli m he fc'a id c. 1 t) .. 1pr.,.~.1r1ng 10 ur DE Biv1BER ' 'Two-third of our upport for mi - ,tic. htrte n chur he \ ere re- ionary erv ice wa gained from Ohio .:ci, t.i int 1 ttr O. .R.B. . fellow- churche tha t were less than six h•p \\ e n ,, nun1ber 1 4. )'ears old!" May the Lord stir u to re L lt1ti n·' \\ er pre ented and get behind Brother Umbaugh in start- r..1 , d. The e , ered uch ubject ing even more .. . and more ... and L1 alleg1an to our nation, apprecia- more churche ! .... ti )n of the tate ~Ii ionary and the Your new Council of Ten h as Edit r for the \\'ork the)' are doing, elected the following to erve as of- appr , al of the Fair hare P lan , ficer : Cha irman of the Counci l - Jur uth ommittee and their work, Rev. Wm. Ru ell Vice Chairman a ,, ell a . \\ ord of thank to P a tor - Rev . H arold Green Secretary - na\ el)r and hi people for being Rev. Kenneth Andru , Trea urer - u h graci u ho t . Rev. Willi am Brock Chairman of ... .~pproximarely· 275 women attend- Pro.gram Committee - Rev. Richard ed the \Vomen· Mi ionary Union n avely Chairman of Mi ionary meeting. The)· had the privilege of Committee - Rev. Kenneth Smelser hearing F.B.H. f . mi ionary, Rev. Chairman of Education Committee - John 1Ic eil of Atlanta Georgia. Dr. Raymond Hamilton and Chair- bou t 160 men were pre.--ent at the ma n of the Young People's Com- ~fen' F orum to Ii ten to Dr . R ay- mittee - Rev. Dean Henry. mond F. Hamilton. Rev. Earl Umbaugh is to continue Of pecial intere t wa the slide a State Mi s ionary, Mr. D avid Dye pre entation of our CAMP PRO- as Financial Secretary, R ev. D on GRA~! and the FAIR SHARE 11offat as Editor of THE OHIO IN- PLA.. . In our camp thi p a t um- DEPENDE T BAPTIST and Mr. mer \.\'e had a total of 4361 youn,g Stuart Chaffe as its Circulation rYian- people and '"'taff members present. ager. A Youth Director for the State £\.eryone ensed the need for getting will be announced in our D ECEM- behind the FAIR SHARE PLA so BER i sue. that \.\e might be able to accomplish During the conference a special even more in working with our youth. plea was made to our churches to sub- ~ewl) elected Council of Ten scribe to our "bundle lot' ' plan for member are Rev. Kenneth Andrus receiving THE OHIO IND EPEND - of pringfield, Rev. Wm. Brock of E T BAPTIST. As a result, an in- Co]umbu . Dr. Raymond Hamilton (Continued on page 15) On Our Front Cover . • • are the l\\'ent)·-three newl} appointed missionarie of the ASSOCIATION OF BAPTI TS _FOR \\.'ORLD EVA GELI M. Their appointment followed four week .ot onentat1on_ clas e-, which were held at Baptist Bible Seminary Clarks ummit. Penn ylvan1a. ' Four of these ~ew missionaries were appointed to Brazil, two to Chile m 1 eI,,e to East Pakistan, t\\ 1 0 to New Guinea and three t p Th ddi+; ' f th ts b · o eru. e a uion 0 ° f ·h~se recbrui nngs the. total number of A .B.W.E. missionaries to 344. l 1 num er. 314 are active serving the L d · f · · , or 10 ten ore1gn countries. The Ohio Inde pende nt Baptist - Published Mo nthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION O F REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p aid at Xe n ia, Oh io . POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Oh io Inde pe nde nt Baptist Box No. 160 Xenia, Oh io 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Ra tes of subsc r iption: $2.00 per year; $5 .00 for three ye a rs; $8 .00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.15 per subscription ; s ingle issue 20 cents; back issues ove r one ye ar old, 50 cents each. Your Ed itor ia l Office should have all news an d advert is ing copy in hand no later than 30 d ays p r ior to print ing . Advertising rates wi ll b e se nt on request. STAFF Editor . .. .... A. Donald Moffat Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation Manager ... . ........... ... .... . ......... ......... .. . ....... .... Stuart L. Chaffe Box No. 160 Xenia , Ohio 45385 W 01nen's Editor ..... Mrs. Geo. Mi ln er 2195 Brockway Rd. University H ts. , Ohio 44118 State Missionary ...... Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Stow, Ohio 44224 Treasurer . .... . ... .. ..... ..... .. . David Dy~ 92 N. Roys Ave. , Columbus, 0. 43204 COUNCIL OF TEN Chairman . . . . Ben C. Jennings 4295 Ellsvvorth Rd. , Stow, Ohio 44224 Secretary . . .. William F. Russell 191 Whipple Ave., Canton, Ohio 44708 Program Chairman Earl V. Willetts 250 West Street, Berea, Ohio 44017 l\,fissionary C lirm. . Vernon K. Billington 2435 Eakin Road, Columbus, 0. 43204 Education Chrm. . Harold R. Green Rt. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 Youth Director Kenneth L. Andrus 315 S. Kensington Pl. Springfield, 0 . 45503 Dean Henry, 541 Brown Street Akron, Ohio 44311 Lynn Rogers, 7584 N. Boyden Rd. orthfield, Ohio 44067 Donald J. Sewell, 4207 Laskey Rd. T oledo, Ohio 43623 R. Kenneth Smelser, 123 W. Liberty St Medina, Ohio 44256 Richard L. Snavely, P .0. Box 195 Findlay, Ohio 45840