The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1969

' ---- -== - The present campaign , entitled ' 'Three to Grow On," features three build– ings n2eded to keep pace with the growth of the college and provide a more effec:i 1 e program for each student. All three of these buildings, worth more ~han $2 rn i l lion, will be a reality when $800 thousand is received in gifts for the Sc ience Center. The other two buildings wilf be financed through borrowed funds and the sale of bonds. The cost of the new Science Center wilf be greatly reduced by utiliz– ing both the shelf of Williams Hall and the present science building. The new Science Center will feature two large lecture halls, potentially seating 150 students each. · if you would like to receive a copy of the new brochure describing these p rojected buildings, iust ask for our brochure entitled ' 'Three to Grow O II n . • ILLE COLLE ' '- I 531 ' A BAPTlST COLLEGE Of ARTS A.ND SCIENCES "for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDENT •