The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1969

' ' eat owe n by Ruth Hege Jo e Herrera wa working a a olderer for the Iron Mines Company n Cerro Bolivar. He wa happily narried to Digna and had four 1ealthy. normal children· was living n a nice home and was acting pa tor )f the mall group of believer in : iudad P iar, but J ose was not ati - ied for he wanted to be in full– in1e Chri tian ervice. From the time 1e \\ a aved as a child of twe lve it va hi de ire to be a pasto r . Later 1e had the opportunity to take the hree-) ear preparatory course in Bible )Chool. F or a hort time he pas tored he church in Tucupita. But a p as tor's ,ala[) is m all and with a growing ~amil)' · J ose gave up the mini try and 1ccepted work with the Company "'·here the p ay was more adequate. It was a year ago in December hat after much prayer and waiting on the L..ord, Jose decided to give up his work with the Company to accept the call to the p astorate of the an Felix Baptist church. Digna )een1ed to have some misgivings and relt1ctance about the m ove. everthe– less. as a good wife, she supported her husband. In eptember,. nine months later, Jose went to the clinic in an Felix to seek h elp for dif– ficulty in breathing. He was sent to aracas for tests where a biopsy was taken. At that time the results were negative. H owever his face continued to well and in January a tumo r ap– peared between hi s eyes. He wa in and out of hospitals in thi area re– ceiving treatments from speciali sts, until March when he was admitted into U niversity Hospital in Caracas. There the tumor which by then covered hi face was diagno ed a cancer. Hi eye were completely wolle n hut and hi face di figured beyond recognition. On April 9 the Lord graciou ly took Jo e to be with Him elf. Hi body was brought back to an Felix for burial. During the even mo nth of illnes Jo e m anife ted a weet pirit of tru t a nd co nfi dence in h i aviour. There was never any complaining or bitterne ; in tead he comforted and encouraged Digna and the child– ren to tand fa t in the Lord and trust in Hi wi dom and goodne s, con– fi dent that H e doeth all things well. Hi was a large funeral . Many un- aved friend a well as relative and Chri tian fro,m all of our churches attended the memorial service. The \.Vitne went out to the neighbor in a hort service in tJhe home before the body wa taken to the San Felix church - the church where Jose had served as pastor for the past year a nd where ixteen n1o nth previou - ly he had directed the memorial THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0 . Box 18056, Cleveland, Ohio 4~118 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFI :..RS: - 1r. George B. I)unn, President 1 r. Ral1,l1 I I. Stoll, Vice Presickttt , . erald V. Smelser, Superi1-ttendent r\e, A. J)aul 1"idhall, Asst. Supt . r. I" rl I lclfrick, Sec'y·"f reas. I~ :rERENCES: - l)r John G. Balvo, Cleveland, Ohio llcv. Paul Van Gorder, Atlanta, Ga. Rev. Vaugl1n Sprunger, South Bend, Ind. 1,ev. I.Joyd Morris, Flint, Mich. J)r. l\obert Ketcham, Chicago, Ill. Rev. Joe] Kettenring, t Paul, l\1inn. l\ev. 1e1vin V . Efaw, Huntington, W . Va. I r. 1:rank . T orrey, Boca Raton, Fla. I) r. I(e11neth 1asteller, 1-la(idon I I ts., J. Write for your FREE copy of "The 1 rurnpeter for Israel" our quarierly magazine devo1ed to the work of Jewish ev ngeliam. IH OHIO IND PENDENT BAPTIST service for idia. the wife of pa tor Eduardo T orre . t that time he had a ked for ever al day of leave from hi work at the ompany so that he could be at hi fell ow-pa tor' 1de to com fort and erve him during those bitter hours. ( ee VE EZUELA1 VALOR - June-July 1967). Th~ bui~ding wa packed with man 1 tand1ng 1n the ai le a nd on the ide . Tho e who did not find room in ide li tened quietly at the window and door . Again the me aoe of a lvat ion by faith in Ohri t was 0 given c learly and forcefu lly fron1 the text of John 14 :6 HI am the Way." vVhen the invitati o n wa given two hand were raised manife ting a de ire for ~lvat io n, and n1any young peop le in– dtcated that they were taki ng a new tep of con ecration to the L ord . D igna poke briefly witne ing to G od' u taining grace and thankino the Ch r i tian for their love and pray;; u pport. A t the cemetery be ide the open grave everal of the pastor gave te tin1ony to the in piration and fragrance of a life lived for the glory of God, manife ting a personal de ire to erve Him more faithfully in the future. There at the cemetery I noticed our beloved brother, pastor Torre , tanding by h im elf with bowed head evidently in deep thought. Little mor~ th an a year h ad pa ed ince his dear idia wa o uddenly natched from hin1 and her body had been brought to that final re ting place. The Lord had o graciou I, and wonderful!) helped hin1 keep hi motherle family of ix children together. O\\ he could con1fort hi i ter in hri t with the ame con1fort ~herewith he had been comforted of od. \\'ot1ld n t the Lord Hin1 elf who took J at the age of thirt) 1 -five. be Fi: ther to Digna's father! children and fulfill the de ire of her heart b\ - enab li ng h er to keep the four hilc.lren t get her and bring th n1 tip for H1~ glory? id1,l - Pcdr · n1other - Jo ~ · three r decn1\;(l sot1l, \\ho c bod1e~ ,lVv, tt the fulfillment of th~ pron11 e. HH~ h,tll \\\ allo\\ ttp dc~lth 1n \ 1ctor\ " l r1 that D .. 1\ tho e (lear d1 "f1gt1red ... tac~.... hall he t1 ..ln i 1111t<l, for l l\! \\ ill ~hangl; th~-.,~ \) (lie..; l i ht1111il1,1- t1on int) gl0riot1\ l1 dtt:.., ltk.e t1nto 11 1 .... l\\n. '"llllltgl1 the <.:'l)t111lelc ~t1l- 1111n,1t1L)t1 of tl1e , 1ct 1 \ ,, on to1 t1 '-)11 C al\'ar)' ( 't ()',\ 1, \ ~t t ) ·0111' ,, ~ ' trc g1 at~tul ft r tl11~ l l\! t:tl f r t,l t , '" hilc tll' ~)1 \)t11is git)\\ s \\ ith ,,\; r tnl r ',lsi11g b11ght11t'\ cn(ii11g its sOtltl1111g J't ) ' S int") Slll l' ,vi11g h 1rts : [ l:.'.t\ l ll I \\ 1 1\ I I \\ 7 }?D 1• I \ I I 1 ]"> , , ! ! NOVEMBER, 1969 7