The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1969

,, I - - ' 'Three to Grow On' ' is the title of our present campaign that features the construction of three new buildings during the next three years. All three of these buildings, worth more than $2 million, will be a reality when $800 thousand is received in gifts for the new Science Center. The Student Union and Men's Dormitory will be financed through borrowed funds and the sa le of bonds. The college architect, Russell W. Jenkins, Jr., has advantageously de– signed the new Student Union to utilize the lake setting. The structure ap– pears to grow out of the landscape, complementing the lake front. Access to the building is provided by a footbridge across the lake. Students will f ind a welcome relief from the pressures of academic life in the Student Un ion. It will house a cafeteria, snack shop, bookstore, post office, and recreationa I f aci I ities. If you would like to receive a copy of the new brochure describing these projected buildings, iust ask for our brochure entitled ' 'Three to Grow on." ' ILLE COLLE - - A -,,nst CtM lllif ti/I Mii A8 tc•E• El ''for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Ouist" CEDARVILLE, OHIO 45314 • DR. JAMES T. JEREMIAH, PRESIDENT •