The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1969

11.elttt R v. Ralph T. No,dlund 111 • )(' .111g~ls. fr\ Ill< n hil!ll , 1\JJ,lt1ia ! I .,r tl1 . rt lt1111 ll 1 1,,ll rc1 I, 1\ II ·lt1in ! 111 isl l1.1s l'l1l\:' in le \\ I t,irt h. ( 111' ,,irl1 l1t'l'' ·nl, t 1 r:1cc .111 i \\l>rtl1. . 111 t t (l ,,111g lllL' •l)llllt;'alf 111gl1 - 1\Hclt11n! ir1J?. 1!1 ,ti l1l ,, 't(""' llctl1l\.'l1c111. 1-\ llclt1ia! ,, "' "' " 111"' t~1111 . ll't t1,.1lt·n1 - 1\ll cltiia! '<•n l l 1, ,, "'''<.ict ,, <.11 J... i ng ha nti ' '' ill l rt11g l lt',,1r1g, t) th\ J,1ntl - ... .. . I ht 1,t. tl1 • ,.)n <..11 l),1, tti' ,tcn1 - llclt11a . i11~. ,c 1,l.1n"i" <.11 the ,c,1. llcluia! ... Hail th~ l )fti' 11.1ti,,it\. llclt1ia! '\' c ,, h 1 I<.) n g h, 1, c d\:\ c I t i n n I g h t .... ~ ")fl ,, ill Ii, c in (~o pc! ·light, \\' 1tl1 ~l ttr n11nd~ ,ind pirit free - Alleluia! by Rev. John Lineberry \\"hen che ,, rid needed hri t mo t, He came. "When the fullne of the t1n1t: ,, a · n1 . od ent forth Hi on, made of a woman, made under the I,\\:· (Gala ti an 4 :-1-) I nto the mid t of in and tlarkne Chri~t came with the 'UnJ1ght f glor~. Into a world of bondage He came to give liberty and fr don1. a) 1ng... The Truth hall make yot1 free . Into the world of hope- 1 . ne Chri t came with a ringing mes. age of hope. Into a world of war and tr1fe hri t came a ing, "I bring peace on earnh and good will toward men' ' . lnt a \\ r]d of hatred hri t came, giving forth a mes age of love, telling us t l , e ne an ther a He loved u~. Into a wo111d of mi ery Christ came de– claring that God' mercy reache the vile t of the vile even availing for t h e n1 t inful and guilty. Into a world of doubt and bewilderment Chri it came, a ur1ng men that God invite them to Him elf. for "Come now and let u rea on together. aith the Lord though your in be scarlet they shall be \\ hite a now: though they be red like crimson they h ail l be as wool". ( I aiah 1: 1 ) Yet the v. or]d did not receive Him. He came into His own country and people. but the)' received him not. .l othing peaks out more clearly the total depra, it 1· of human heart than the act of rejecting Christ the penalty of which i eternal eparation from God. The v/ord " o Room in the Inn ' speak sadde t tones to us. For nearly two millenium the world ha had no room for Chri t nor does it have room for Him nov.-. Christ' birthday ha~ been given fir t place in commercialization - but no room for Him in men' heart . A mystery indeed, no room for Him ,,ho came to eek and to ave that which was Jost ~ (Luke 19:10) Little did the ancient inn-keeper in Bethlehem realize that he was turning a\,'a)' from hi door the One who had come to bring p eace, joy, sailvation, satis– f act1on. to indi,,idua] tricken with sin, p]agued with evils pollution ruined by rebellion against God and condemned by careles wills bent on iniquity. ... ""e, erthe]e the aviour was turned away. The Bread of Life born in the Hou e of Bread was rejected for the world' Bread of Death. Today the world ru he on beedle ly through the mo t meaningful, solemn eason of the year. celebrating Chri tmas without Chri t hilariou ly whooping and hollering v.,ith the emphemerailly mock joy of the devil, refusing to own the on of God. Master and Lord of life. The \\Orld that now i and the world of individuals of long ages past share one evil thing in common - no room for Chri t, no room in the heart, no room for worship. no room for service, no room for the only One who makes life really worth while. _ o room for Him who i~ Eternal alvation, Life, Joy, 1 fastt'r. Gift of God, Prince of Peace, Grace, King of King , Lord of Lords, Faire t among Ten Thousand . Lily of the Valley, Rose of haron, Truth, Righteousne . Way and alvation of all who believe. Belo. ed. do you have room for Chri t? Have you tru ted Him as your own personal aviour? Are your many ~ins under the cleansing blood of the Lamb of God? Right now take time for Christ. Make this Chri tmas the mo t wonder– ful Chr1 tmas of your entire life. 1·11 tell you bow you can do it. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31) The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publi hed Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 t The Ohio Independent Baptist Box No . 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Offi ce: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of subscription : $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; $8.00 for five years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1.1 S per subscription; single issue 20 cents; bac• issues over one year old, 50 cents each. Your Ed itorial Office should have all news and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing. Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor A. Donald 1\1offat Box l To. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circiilatio1'z 1\!1~1zag,zr . Stuart L. Chaffe Box o. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Won1e11 '~ Editor . Mrs. Geo. filner 2195 Brockv.,ay Road Uni, 1 ersit)- Hts., Ohio 44118 State l\1issionary Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 :i\1arhofer A,,e., to,v, Ohio 44224 Financial ecretarJ 1 • Da,,id Dye 92 . Ro 1 ·s Ave., Columbus, 0. 43204 - COUNCIL OF TEN C11airt11a1i 191 Whipple William F. Russell A,,e., I .W., Canton, 0 . 44708 1 7 ice-Chair1t1a11 . Harold R. Green Rt. 5, Greenville, Ohio 45331 • Secretarv Kenneth L . Andrus 315 . Kensington Pl., Springfield, 0. 45503 Treasitrer . . \i\lilliam A. Brock 4663 Trabue Rd., Columbus, 0. 43228 Pro.~ra11i Chair111an Richard L. na, 1 ely P.O. Box 195, Find1a,, Ohio 45840 1 lissiorzary Chair111.a11., R. Kenneth Smelser 123 W. Libert}• t., l\1edina, 0. 44-256 Educatio11. C1ir111. Ra,•mon·d F. Hamilton Gallia t. at \i\ 1 all~r, P ortsmouth, 0. 45662 Y 01.111.g People's W orl{ CJ1r1n. . ... . . ... \i\l . Dean H enry 541 Bro\,•n t., kron Ohio 44311 '\J\T oodro,v v\ 1 . l\Ic aleb , ' 2 76 \i\l ashington A, ·enue Elyria, Ohio 44035 Earl V. \i\lilletts, 250 \i\7 est treet Berea, Ohio 44017