The Ohio Independent Baptist

)haron Baptist Church, Sharon, Pa. - pecial meeting with Evangeli~t and Mr . Ron Comfort ~ere well attended. There were 26 who received Chri t a Sa\JOUr. Real intere t was hown in inviting the un aved. Fairfield Baptist Church, Thurston - Grace Baptist Church, Westlake - Some 200 lb . of clothing and literature were hipped to our mi ionarie.~ - "The Har he ·· by the ladies of our Women' Mi ionary ociety. During ovember our church held a ' ' Prove Me" n1onth. on-tithers were An F.B.H.M. film was hown recently which helped promote Home Mi ions. Our church member hip con– tinues to grow! Recently we were ab,le to purchase a thermofax copier. an electric typewriter, a mimeograph machine and a folding maohine. Our church paper i OO\\' being ent into ome 3000 home in the community. Bethel Baptist Church, Warren - challenged to try tithing during thi time. Wheelersburg Baptist Church - Mr. and 1r . Robert Tei are now living in Wheeler - burg. Brother Tei . i erving a our Minister of Edu– cation and Youth. Emmanuel Baptist Church, Xenia - We will be having Dr. Robert T . Ketcham for pecial meeting J anuary l 1-14. The Lord is bles ing in the ervice at our church. Attendance i very good and ouls are being reached! The Lord poke to aved and un~aved alike through the Richard Markel Gospel team when they were with u recently. GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION David Dye, Fin. Sec. 92 North Roys Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43204 SEPTEMBER, 1969 Avon Baptist $ Berea Baptist 8erean Baptist, Oregon Bethel Baptist, Toledo Bethel Baptist, Warren Bethlehem Baptist, Cleveland Bible Baptist, Grove City Bible Baptist, North Madison Bible Mission Baptist, Reynoldsburg Brown Street Baptist, Akron Calvary Baptist, Ashland Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine Calvary , Chillicothe Calvary Baptist, Massillon Calvary Baptist, Painesville s.oo 37.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 80.00 25.00 10.00 38.00 100.00 38.00 15.00 95.00 Grace Baptist, Cedarville Grace Baptist, London Grace Baptist, Sunbury Grace Baptist, Minford Grace Baptist, Urbana Grace Baptist, Willoughby Grace Baptist, Youngstown Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls Hebron Men's Fellowship, Brecksville Huntsburg Baptist Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum Lakeview Baptist, Dundee Madison Missionary Baptist, Lucasville Maranatha Baptist, Springfield Memorial Baptist, Columbus Midbrook Baptist, Brook Park New Richland Baptist, Belle Center North Royalton Baptist Norton Baptist, Barberton Northside Baptist, Lima Peoples Baptist, Brunswick Riley Creek Baptist, Bluffton South Canaan Baptist, Athens Temple Baptist, Portsmouth Trinity Baptist Lorain Wheelersburg Baptist Advertising Subscriptions State Missionary Honorariums Designated Gift 100.00 70.00 5.00 16.00 54.00 10.00 5 . 00 25.00 20.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 15.00 49.00 5 .00 5.00 2.00 30.00 25.00 15.00 20.00 2.00 75.00 18.00 73.00 168.00 283 . 00 191.00 100.00 Calvary Baptist, Salem Cedar Hill Bapt ist, Cleveland Stuart l. Chaffe, Xenia Clintonville Bapti~t, Columbus s.oo 60.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 38.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 41.00 83 .00 20.00 35.00 TOTAL $3884.00 " Emmanuel Bapt ist, Lorain Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Xenia Euclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid Evansville Baptist, Niles Fairfield Bapt ist , Thurston Faith 8apt1st, Amherst Faith Baptist, Greenville Faith Baptist, Niles Faith Baptist, Novelty Faith Baptist , Streetsboro Fa ith Baptist, Van Wert Fir~t Bopt,st, Blanchester First 8dphst, Bowling Green Fir~t Baptist , Findlay First Bapti~t, Gall,polis First 8dptist , Hudson First Bdptist , Lancast er First Baptist , McDonald First Baptist, Medinc1 First Bdptist , New London First 8dptist, Niltts first Baptist, Pdrma first Bapt ist , Rittmdn Fir t Bdptist, Strongsville First 8 ptist, Valley City First 8dptist, Willowick Fostori B ptist und rt1ent I Baptist , Tallrnadge Gr c 8 pt ist , C nton •1t • OHIO I D P ND t'1 BAPTIST 3 .00 22 .00 20.00 70.00 20.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 38.00 50 .00 500.00 25 00 20. 00 63.00 30.00 10 00 5 00 45 00 150 00 100.00 180. 00 OCTOBER, 1969 Ambrose Baptist, Fayette $ Berea Baptist Bethel Baptist, Toledo Bethel Baptist, Warren Bible Baptist, North Madison Bible Mission Baptist, Reynoldsburg Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield Brookside Baptist, Cleveland Brown Street Baptist, Akron Calvary Baptist, Ashland Calvary Ba ptist, Be llefontai ne Calvary Ba pt ist , Chillicothe Calvary Ba pt ist , Findlay Calvary Baptist, Massillon Calvary Baptist , No rwalk Calvary Baptist , Painesville Ca lvary Baptist, Sandusky Ca lvary Baptist, Tiffin Cedar H,11 Bapt is t , Cleveland Central Baptist, Columbus Chaffa, S. L. , Xen ia Clintonville Baptist , Columbu~ Emmanuel Baptist, Lorain Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist , Xenict Euclid Avenue Baptist , Lorain uclid-Nottinghan, Bapt ist , Euclid Evansvi lle B pti~t, Nile) 10.00 37.00 10. 00 220.00 40.00 25 .00 25 . 00 10. 00 10.00 38 .00 100.00 28.00 39.00 10.00 10. 00 105. 00 15.00 115.00 60.00 15 .00 10.00 20 00 10. 00 25 00 70 00 30 00 85. 00 15. 00 Faith Baptist, Niles 70.00 Faith Baptist, Van Wert 20.00 First Baptist, Blanchester 35.00 First Bapt ist, Findlay 20.00 First Baptist, Gallipolis 35.00 First Baptist , Hudson 10.00 First Baptist, Lancaster 50.00 First Baptist, McDonald 30.00 First Baptist, New London 40.00 First Baptist, Niles 40.00 First Baptist, Rittman 30.00 First Baptist, Stryker 15.00 First Regular Baptist, Bellefontaine 39.00 Fostoria Baptist 20.00 Fundamental Baptist, Tallmadge 100.00 Gehres, D. , Berea 100.00 Grace Baptist, Cedarville 100.00 Grace Baptist, Kent 10.00 Grace Baptist, London 25.00 Grace Baptist, Minford 13.00 Grace Baptist, Troy 59.00 Grace Baptist, Urbana 54.00 Grace Baptist, Westerville 20.00 Grace Baptist, Westlake 37.00 Grace Baptist, Youngstown 10.00 Graham Road Baptist, Cuyahoga Falls 25 .00 Highview Avenue Bapt ist, Akron 165.00 Huntsburg Bapt ist 50.00 Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum 10.00 Lakeview Baptist, Dundee 30.00 Lenox, Darrell E., Columbus 10.00 Maranatha Baptist, Springf ield 15.00 Meadowbrook Baptist, Lima 30.00 Memorial Bapt ist, Columbus 45. 00 Mount Pleasant Bapt ist, Homeworth 25 .00 Northfield Bapt ist 90. 00 Norths ide Baptist, Lima 25. 00 Norton Baptist, Barberton 30.00 People's Baptist, Brunswick 15.00 Riley Creek Baptist , Bluffton 20.00 Sharon Bapt ist , Sharon, Pa . 1S.00 Suburban Hts . Bapt ist, Maple He ights 50.00 Swartz. Road Ba pt ist, Akron 10. 00 Te mple Ba pt is t, Portsmouth 75,00 Trinity Ba pt ist, Lo rain 80.00 Wheelersburg Baptist 112. 00 • *Others 44 .00 TOT Al $3, 140.00 ... "This amount was rec.e1ved fron, 10 d i fferent churches whose 1nd1vidual gift:> were le s than $10.00 Dear Reader: Why not sugge~t to your pastor that you have a ' 'bundle lot" of THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST :.ent to your church each month? 25 copie~ would cos t but $25 00. 50 copies $50. 00. Help us to get " bundle- lots" into All of our chut ches! Thanks • • • Your Editor JANUARY, l 970 s