The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1970

.eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. George Milne r - Women' s Editor- Our W o111en's Page Editor is Mrs. George Milne r. Due to t/1e loss of lier beloved l1t,1sband , sl1e wa no t able to sencl us ,naterial fo r this issite. T/1e L ord Y. 1 illing s/1e will be sending material for s t-1bsequent issues. In the 111eanti111e let all of us be 1nuc /1 in prayer for her during these days . Vomen Announce roiect for 1970 .. t\ccording to Mr . Clifford R. )hn on, Project Chairman, the edarville College Women' Fellow- 1ip voted recently to make the need f Cedarville College' Health Service their project for 1970. \Ve 11 t here ju t a few of the item eeded: One ice machine Four ho pital bed with mattre e One diathermy machine One whirlpool Ten thermal blanket One intercom y tern One wivel tool for doctor Four bedside stand One tape recorder One tape rack Four vaporizer T\\'O mall portable T . . et our rubber sheet - 36' ' X · 72' ' Three pair of crutche wi th tip and pad ix T. . tand our table lamp r 1agat1ne ub~cription Di po able \\ ater pitcher Jl ictures for room . on1c of the e item will be purch– ' ed \A. ith stamp books and others hill co111e in as gifts. he goal sug– ;e ted , in order to care for a~ man} J the c ite,11 a is pos ible. 1s $2,000. Spring Meeting To Be In Arcanum The Women's Mis ionary Union of our Ohio A sociation of Regular Bap– ti t Churche will be holding their SPRING MEETING in the Imman– uel Bapti t Church, Arcanum Ohio - April 21 , 1970 - 10:00 a.m. to 3: 00 p.m. Gue t peaker for thi day will be Bapti t Mid-Mi ion mi ionary Mi Pat y King of Central African Republic. The Ladie have cho en a their theme - LET US CO - IDER . Thi thought i taken from Hagga i 1: 5 and 1:7. RESOLVE ... to give Bible tracts in 1 9 7 0 ! Multiply your Christian wi tness by providing Bible tracts for free distribution in Asia , Europe, Africa , South America and among our servicemen everywhere. Your gift (income tax deductible , of course) will help us fill requests for millions of pieces of gospel literature. Send it today to · BIBLE TRACTS, Inc. Box 508 Waterloo, la. 50704 0\ e, 16'> 1111//1,,11 tl1~111b111e,I tv ,lat<'. Present Christ to the Jew Through The Hebrew & Christian Society Working for the church, with the church and through the church, 8dpt ist Mid -Missions Tes1imony to Israel In Cleveland, Ohio MISSIONARIES Rev. Leeland Crotts, Director Mr~. Leeland C, otts, Mrs. Mildred leech, Miss Carol Mciver 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio A4' l 03 rt~& ft,U ee,1te&~1t&ZJ ? rl~t rtmeuUU. 'Jteed pPt (3lt that really DO • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • •• ......_. __ .. ~, ~ ~ -----' Point Men To GOD ~ t~ ,ff/)' 'IJJ ~ti . ~ Bfl.(l * J ff ElYIUA, OHIO -4-4035 Cheesecake Without Fuss (A Dessert Men L,ke) l 14 cup gra ha n1 cracker crun1 14 ct1 p ~t1gar 1 4 tea p. c1nnan1on l,2 tick ( 1 -t cttp) melted bt1tter or n1 argar1ne l pa k ( ot1n e") crean1 hee...,e l !., - Lt p ·t1gar :?. egg I tea p \ ·1n1 ll a e,tract I can ( l pot1nLi 5 ounce .... ) trt1it pie trll1ng - ~lftl\\ berr, or tht!t In an <, 111 h ,4u,trc c .. lk.C p,1n. 1l\l graha11 crt1n1h-.... 1 4 l:ttp -...t1g,\r a11LI cinnan1()11. ' t1r 1t1 n1cltcLl l)tttter L)f 111argar111c ,1nc.l J)I e-..., r111\.tt1r~ t1r111- 1, ()11 tl1t.: h<.)tl<)tll L)t the 11,111 . Bt.:al · re • .1111 chee L~ a11Ll 1 ~ "lll' ,t1ga1 CL' gctl1t:1 trntrl ')JllL1,)tl1 ,lt1Ll \L)tt . \ ti I t.:gg, on~ at .1 tin1t.: l)t',\t1ng t11111l n11'\turc 1, -..nlL)uth . ~tu 111 ,anill,1 . 1>ou1 chcc,~ 1111 turc l)\~t run1b crust . lJ ttkl.~ it, J)l t~h~~•te"t \.'\ t•n '-o ll"-"'gr eL•" t )r _ - l\.) () 111i11utt•s. tltll l)~f\ ,re sJlr · , tang ruit I 1c il}itlg l)\CI till:: ll>J) , l{ I ri •oral\; se , e1 dl t1 t11 l> I r s r\ i11g . 1\ l1..l .1 s,, im l l>f \\ l,1~ l ell c1 ean1 (Hl t l)J' . F BRUARY, 1970 11 I