The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1970

,e Baptist ,ristia n School f Cleveland ..he Baptist Chri tian School is a ·ate Chri tian school and will be- it tenth )'ear of operation tbi 1. Loca ted in outheast Cleveland, S has a new building in the off– . The school ha two divi ion ich include grades Kindergarten :,ugh 12. Thi Fall the enrollment ' be approximately 350. The school ers along with a ba ically college parator} 1 program some curricula a supplementary nature. A r ather nplete activity-sports program i 1ducted. Teacher candidate should, addition to being born again, be in ord with Bapti t doctrine and nciples. An established salary sched– . retirement benefit , dependency :,wances, free tuition for children faculty members and group in– ·ance benefits are material fringes. •ndidates should be certified or gible for certification. We list some of the TEACHER EEDS : F or t/1e Upper Schoo l (Grades 9-12) 1. A combination of any two of the following teaching fields: Librarian (with at least 6-9 se– mester hours of Library Science) English (major) Home Economics ommercial Art ( Abilit y to direct extra curricu– lar activiti es is al o desirable.) 2.~A f ull -time mu ic instructor ( elementary and secondary or secondary alone ) to direct chor– als. ensembles (vocal and instru– rnenta l ) , produce concert5 and other 1nusic productions. / ·..,or t l1e Lou er Sc /1 00[ ( Grae/es 4-8 ) : J . Pr1r11a r)' teachers I · CJt f11r1J1er i11f or111atirJ ,., , crn tip fJlic t11io 11 f or,11 or /Jf<J.\pec t 11s , c 0 11- t<tc I : \Villi a111 ~ JJ011sellcr, Pri ncipal Bapti t l1ri~tiar1 pper chool 27250 l.. 111 r)' J{oad le, land , hio - 44 128 \ 'alt er I . Jarl and , l' ri r1 iJ al 13aJJti t 111 i ti n I Vv'er 11001 12 0 1 edar 1 o d I , land fl iglit , l1io 4410 ) OHI O INDEPErtJDENT BAPI IST Spiritus Frumenti There . a~e over. 5 .000.000 chronic alcoholic in the l; nited tales and the n~mber 1 1ncre~ 1ng a t t~e rate of 400.000 to 500.000 per year, according to Lind ay R. t1rt1 , M .D ., 1n hi booklet, T/1 e Trt1 t/1 A/Jo11t L1c111or by tl1e Drlnk. e.venty perc~nt of the e . starte.d a teenagers ( a recent urvey ~howed that one– th1rd of Ju?1~r and Se.n1or High School tudent drink regularly) . ~lcohol 1 involved 1n about 75% of all crime committed and con ervative e t1mate are that 325,000 of the 433.000 divorce in 1964 were cati ed by the effect of alcohol. Alcoholi rank fou~th in the U nited tates a a leading health problem. <?nly mental 1llne s, heart d1 ea e and cancer are more common. The average life expectancy fer the alcoholic i 12 years le than for non-drinkers. . R epri~zteli fro ,_11 R esearcl1 Report, B1 /leti1i .Vo. 22. at1011a/ L1 bert)' L1f e Insi,rance Co., J 11/y- A ug 1, st, 1969 GIFTS TO THE OHIO ASSOCIATION David Dye, Fin. Sec. 92 North Roys Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43204 DECEMBER, 1969 Avon Baptist Berea Baptist Berean Baptist, Oregon Bethel Baptist, Toledo Be thlehem Baptist, Cleveland Bible Baptist, North Madison Bible Mi ss ion Baptist, Reynoldsburg Blessed Hope Baptist, Springf ield Brookside Baptist, Cleve la nd Brown Street Bap tist, Akron Calvary Bapt ist , Ashl a nd Calvary Baptist, Bellefontaine Calvary Baptist, Chillicothe Calvary Baptist, Massillion Calvary Ba ptist, Norwalk Ca lvary Baptist, Painesville Calvary Ba ptist, Salem Calvary Baptist , Sand usky Cedar Hill Baptist, Ce level a nd Emmanuel Baptist, Lorain Emma nuel Baptist, Toledo Emmanuel Baptist, Xen ia Euclid Avenue Baptist, Lorain Eucl id-Nott ingham Baptist , Eucllid Evan sv ille Bapt is t, Niles Faith Baptist, Amherst Fa ith Baptist, Greenville Fa ith Ba ptist, Lakeview Fa ith Baptist , New Ca rlis le Fa ith Ba ptist, Niles Faith Baptist, Streetsboro Faith Bapt ist , Bl anchester First Ba pist, Findlay $ 10.00 37.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 80.00 25 .00 819.00 5.00 10.00 38.00 100.00 28.00 25.00 5.00 105.00 5.00 35.00 60.00 40.00 37.00 90.00 30.00 50.00 15.00 166.00 20 .00 5 .00 20 .00 70.00 30.00 105.00 20 .00 Firs t Baptist, McDon ald First Bapt ist, New London First Ba ptist, Niles First Baptist, Parma First Baptist, Rittman First Ba ptist, Srongsville First Ba ptist, Stryker First Baptist, Va ll ey City First Ba ptist , We llington First Regul ar Ba ptist, Bellefontain e Fostoria Bapt ist Grace Bapti st, Cedarvi lle Grace Baptist , Kent Grace Ba pt ist , London Grace Baptist, Minford Grace Baptist, Troy Grace Baptist, Urbana Grace Baptist , Westerville Grace Baptist , Youngstown Gra ham Road Baptist , Cuyahoga Falls He bron Men 's Fellowship, Brecksville Highview Avenue Baptist, Akron Huntsburg Bapt ist Imma nuel Baptist, Arcanum Imma nue l Ba ptist, Columbus Lakeview Baptist, Dundee La pp, R., Medina Maranatha Ba ptist, Springf ield Meadowbrook Baptist, Lima Memorial Bapt ist, Columbus Midbrook Ba pt ist , Brook Park Moffat, A. Don ald, Xenia Mogadore Baptist New Richmond Ba pt ist, Belle Ce nt er North Royalton Ba ptist Northside Baptist , Lima Norton Bapt ist , Barberton Peoples Ba pt ist, Brunswick Riley Creek Baptist, Bluffton Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa. South Canaan Baptist, Athens Struthers Baptist Swartz Road Baptist, Akron Temple Baptist , Portsmouth Trinity Baptist, Lora in 30.00 25.00 40.00 74.00 30.00 5.00 15.00 5 .00 10.00 26.00 10.00 100.00 5.00 25.00 12.00 29.00 54.00 10.00 5.00 430.00 20.00 94.00 50.00 10.00 93.00 10.00 58.00 15.00 30.00 40.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 25.00 30 .00 15.00 20.00 30 .00 2 .00 36.00 5.00 75 .00 79.00 25 .00 First Ba pti st, Gall ipol is First Ba pt ist , Hudson First Bapt ist, Lancaster 35.00 20.00 43.00 Union Baptist Wheele rsburg Ba ptist TOTAL 293.00 $4,225.00 • , rounder : I Couh,on Shephor d Write for free copy of MESSAGE TO ISRAEL with radio log • Me sage To I 1·ael, Inc. Do. :1 1 1 }Jatcl1oguP 1 Ne, v Yc> rk 11772 A S~OCI te ci \\ Ith lHb le Rocho l\ le!isonge r : Krnno th ~1e~ ers FEBRUARY, 1970 13