The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1970
the Holy Spirit and the gift of peak– ing in another language? 7. The Apostle Paul wrote two letters to Timothy and one to Titus. an an}'one find a ingle pa age in the e letters in which the e brethren \\tere exhorted to eek a bapti m in the Holy Spirit, or to encourage those to whom they mini tered to do so? . We do not know with certainty ,vho ~ rote the Epi tle to the Hebrew but we fail to find a ingle ex– hortation here for anyone to eek a bapti m in the Holy Spirit or the gift of peaking in another language? 9. Can anyone cite such an ex– hortation in the Epistles of Peter, James, John, or Jude? And one will look in , 1 ain for such an exhortation - to the Book of R evelation. What then must we conclude? If it i impossible to find a single ex– hortation to seek such a baptism or gift in the entire ew Testament can it be possible that it is the will of God? That which is the will of God is CLEARLY REVEALED in the Holy Scripture . We are not left to inference. There is no ambiguity. God's will for the believer in Christ doec; not rest upon some isolated text: it is tated ~ 1 ith clarity. 1. It is the will of God that men repent and believe the Gospel, 2 Pet . 3: 9. 2. It is the ~'ill of God that lost sinners be aved, and come to a kno\\ ledge of the truth, I Tim. 2: 1-4. 3. It is the will of God that be– ]ie\'ers in the Lord Jesus Chri t be "sanctified,, not only positionally ( or. I: 2), but practically, I Thess. 4:3. 4. It i the will of God that be- 1icver in the Lord J esu C hrt~t pre– ent their bodies a living acrifice, that the)' be not conformed to the - ~ orld. but tran formed by the renew– ing of their minds, that they prove ex– perimentallj 'what i the good and ac– ceptable and perfect will of God. Rom. 12:1-2. 5. It is the will of God that be– lievers in the Lord Jesus Chri t be filled with the Holy Spirit, Eph. 5: 18; even unto all the fulness of God. Eph. 3: 19. 6. It i the will of God that the redeemed hold in high esteem tho e who have the spiritual oversight of the hurch · that they live in peace among them elve ; that they warn the unruly, encourage the faint– hearted, support the weak, exerci e - patience toward all men; that they rejoice evermore. pray without cea - ing, be .thankful for everything ( I The . 5: 12-18 ). These and other similar in truc– tion are clearly revealed in Boly Scripture as the will of God for every born-again believer. But we f<ail to find a ingle exhortation w ithin the pages of divine revel ation for anyone to seek a bapti m in the Holy Spirit or to obtain the gift of tongue ! Any "experience,, which is not CLEARLY REVEALED as the will of God within the page of Holy Scripture mu t of nece5 ity be of the world, the f]e h, or of the D evil. We do not for one moment que - tion the incerity of those who claim to have h ad an 'experience' ' of bap– ti m in the Holy Spirit, and with it the gift of peaking in tongue . But incerity i no criterion of truth. We are concerned with 011e thing onl)'. and that i , were uch '·experience ., according to the re,·ealed \\'ill of od in the Hol y cripture . I f not, then they 111u t of nece ity be fro111 ~orne other 011rce. It i clearl)' re– vea led a the \1\ ill of God for e\. er) belie, er to be fillecl \\ ith the Hol} THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0 . Box 18056, Clevela nd, Ohio 44118 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangeli,ing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFJCEllS:- 1r. George B. Dunn, President Dr. Ral1>l1 l I toll, Vice President Rev. erald '· SJnelser, St,perint.enhnt l\ev. A. Paul · idl,all, Asst. S1,,pt. JVlr. 4 arl Iielfrick, Sec'r·Treas. REFERfNCES: - J)r. Jol1n c;. llalvo, Clevelnnd, Ol1io Rev. Paul \Tan Gor<ler, Atlanta, Ga. Rev. \7augl1n S1,rt111ger, So11tl1 Bend, Ind . J{ev. I Jo rd l\.1orris, Flint, Mich. ] r. l~oberr I{etcl1an1, liicago, Ill. llev. Joel l(ette11ring, St. Paul , l\1inn. l~ev. 1e1vin V. ::.f-a\v, T J11ntington, \\7. Va . Dr. Fra11k . "f 'orre ·, l~oca Raton, Fla. J r. l{e11netl1 lasteller, l 1ac1don I I ts., N...J. Writ for you, fREf. copy of "The Trumpeter f or l5rael" our querr rly megozine d voted to the wor of Jewl6h evongelfsn1. TH OHIO IND P ND N APTIS LIUI 01 Cedarville, Ohio 45314 • Spirit, for only thus are they enabled to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5: 22-23). or to witne s to the }o';t " i th power ( Act 1 : 8) . We would not conclude this brief ltld) without a word of encourage– ment and of Vt'arning. It is the Vt ill of God that we be filled unto all the fulness of God, Eph. 3:19. Let u confe our lack of that love ""hich the H oly Spirit await to impart ( Ro1n . 5:5) (I Cor. 13). We lack o man)' of the virtues which 'A: ere o gloriou ly exhibited by the Apos– tle and the early Church. Let u confess our impotence and fruitle - ne and earnestly seek all that God ha revealed as-His will for our Jive . But we would also Warn the mem– ber of the Church which is Chri t' body again t eeking any "experience·· for which there i no upport in Scripture. The Word of God pre- em the norm for the child of God , . arrd t~e~i I]O other authority. The \'alidity,,·of. ot1r "ex~.rience" mu t be te ted ·in ~<; 1ab0hlotory of divine . .,,,, . ,, revelatiGn (l a. 8: 20) .. Y/e ha·ve been . :1t-~ - 1mpre ed ~~-lack of cen i tenc)' on the part of tho e who c1te l ark 16: 17 in upport of peaking in tongue5, but who eem to be un– "'' illing to demon trate their confi– dence in the \ alidity of the text b) ' 'taking up erpent " or drinking ' 'deadly thing ., \\ i thotit phy ical harn1. Ot1r tud}· ha led ti to the conclu ion that certain gift of the pirit \vere ten1porary in nature, and that the 1 ervcd a t1 eft1l pt1rpo e in the da, before the volun1e of Divine Re\ eJ a tion \\a\ co111pleted. ( I Cor 13: ) . We are detern11ned to n1al-..e the \Vord of C1od ot1r ::,ole a11tl1or1t, r in both (loctrinc and practice. It pro– \ 1cic\ tis \\ ith an adeqt1ate rc\cl,1tion o t the ,, 111 ot (1ot1 fo1 ot1r 11, e,. • The Best Way .. r l1eJ1e\c 111ore profot111lfJ~, i11 tl1t! chur }1 e, ~r, l1ou1 I 11, e n1a11 (' ..111 111,1"-e ht, te~tJJllt)Il\ g) tt11tl1er th1ot1gt1 the cht11Ll1 tl1,1n tl1rt1ugl1 a 11,, 111tle ... . 11c11lle11t 111{1, 1 e111e11t,. He (',111 111al-..l 111\ lllL)Ile) !,!l) furtl1c1 111, ll"l,11111(,11,, .111 ht, ,, {)I 1-.. Ut) fur t11c1 He '-',tn "lo nlt)r' ....... Lllflstru tive ,, t)I 1-.. 111 .. 111 a11, (1the1 \\ ,l) in tlle \\ t)rh.f. r11:1t is 111\ ll 't'l1l'\l • • t> n, 1 • t I t, n. I ha\l" ,, .. it lltll all ki11 ls , in lt - J.,t llllcnt lll \ t'lll "'Ills tl1 sc fl)f'l -t,, ars, a11tl 111 Il\ i ti" n st a<.iil, tlt:tfJttls that a hristin11 111a11 is l'-)111g tl1 ,, iscsl tt1ing J1ll sil1lt \\ l1t n h li11ks J1i s lit ,,i1h tl1t,. ht1r ' h ,,, .I . JJ . 1 111ttl AUGUST, 1970 9
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