The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1971

eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- What Is Home? T/1e late Mada111e Ernestine Schumann-Heink who sang her way into r/1e /1earts of t/1e lvorld, wrote tlzis description of home: "A roof to keep 01,1t tl1e rain. Four walls to keep out the wind. Floors to keep 011t tl1e cold. Yes, but home is more than that. It is the lauglz of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father. Warmth of loving /1earts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, comradeship. "H 0111e is tl1e first sc/1001, and the first church for yoitng ones, where tl1ey learn wl1at is rigl1t, what is good, and what is kind. Where they go for co,nfort when they are liurt or sick. Where joy is shared and sorro»' erased. Where fathers and mothers are respected and loved. Where children are wanted. Where the simplest food is good enoug/1 for kings because it is earned. Where money is not so important as loving kindness. Where even the teakettle sings fro1r1 happiness. That is Ho,ne. GOD BLESS IT." West Moriah Missionary Fellowship Mrs. Betty Heinlen, Secretary, re– ports the Spring Meeting of the West Moriah Women's Missionary Fellow– ship stating their meeting was held at the First Baptist Church in Lancaster. This was on Tuesday May 11, 1971. It was very wel l attended with 96 ladies and IO children present. A shower was given for the two speakers: Miss Nancy Towle, mission– ary to Spain and Miss Pat Bark1e 1·, missionary to East Pakistan. Both of these ladies ser ve under the ABW and are members of churches in our West Moriah Fellowship. The theme for the day wa - "Teaching Others" - ( II Tim. 2: 2) . Mrs. Marilyn Clinton, missionary ap– pointee to Jamaica under the West Indies Mission, led in a time of de– votions. Our State Mi s ionary Union president, Mrs. Howard Street of Cleve] and extended greetings to the ladies. Plans are under way for the special SHALOM LAKE DAY, September 16, beginning at 10 a.m. From Cleve– land on Route 322, you pass Hunts– burg Baptist Church, cross Route 528 to Hunt Road , tum left on Hunt to Huntley Road, turn right on Huntley and go until you see entrance to the Camp, on the right hand side. We are reminding our friends fron1 all over the State to have their reser– vations in our office by LABOR DAY. All adults will be our guests for the ox-roast I u n ch eon· however, Junche must be provided by the mothers for children needing nursery care. A pavilion i to be erected at Shalom Lake in memory of the late Dr. George S. Milner who wa widely known in O.I.B. circles. We are trust– ing that the pavilion will be completed by September. Any contributions to– wards this Memorial Fund should be Dates To EPTEMBER 9-11- sent to Baptist Mid-Missions, 420 hester Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio - 44103. Happiness Is ... the WOMEN'S RETREAT whicJ will be held at Scioto Hills on Sep tember 9, 10 and 11. The total cos for these wonderful days is only ter dollars. Those planning on attendini should have their registrations in nc later than September 1st. The sulli of five dollars must accompany eact registration. Send these to Mrs. J osep~ C. Chapman, 474 Jackson Pike, Galli· polis, Ohio - 45631. The ladies shou] d bring a picnic lunch for the evening meal on Thurs day, the 9th. Guest speakers are Mrs Robert Gilbert and missionary, Miss Carolyn Gleason of Venezuela. There will be special knitting class seminars with Dorothy Van der Kay. The first service begins pro111ptly at 7: 00 p .m. on Thursday, Sept. 9 and the closing will be the luncheon on Saturday, September 11 . Ladies ... plan on attending! There will be a wonderful time of food fun and fel – lowship!! Verses To Consider A few verses regarding Family and Home : Portrait of a Godly home (Psalm 128), should be taught God's· Word (Deut. 4: 9-10), to worship God together ( 1 Cor. 16: 19), be duly re– gulated (Prov. 31 :27) ( I Tim. 3: 4, 5, 12), to live in unity (Gen. 45: 24; P alm 133: I), to live in mutual for– bearance (Gen. 50:17-21; Matt. 18:- 21-22). This is in tituted: Gen. 2:23 - 24). Government: (Gen. 3: 16; 18: 19; 1 or. 7:10 ; 11 :3, 7-9; Eph. 5:22- 24). Infelicity in: (Prov. 11:22; 15: 17; 18:19; 19:13). Let u pray that God will guide us in our hearts and homes ; thereby manife ting His presence and power. H IS TH O E ALTOGETHER .. LOVELY. Remember During the business sess ion there was election of officers. Those elected for the coming year are: President - Mrs. Ocie Williams, South Canaan Baptist Church, Athens: Vice Presi– dent - Mrs. Margaret Canterbury, Fairfield Baptist Church, Thurston ; 2nd Vice President - Mrs. Marv. Meadors, Grace Baptist Church , Sun– bury; Secretary-Mrs. Betty Heinlen, Grace Baptist Chu rch, Westerville ; Treasurer - Mrs. Don Winters, Me– morial Bapti t Church, Columbus. State Women's Retreat at Scioto Hills Camp. S PTEMB R 23-25- A covered dic;h luncheon was e11- joyed at noon. 14 AUGUST, 1971 State Women's Retreat at Skyview Ranch. OCTOB R 18-20- The 44th Annual OARBC Conference, Calvary Baptist Church Bellefontaine. The Annual Meeting of the State Women's Missionary Union will be held Tuesday, October 19th. Watch for details in your local Women' Missionary Groups . O TOBER 15-16,- Homecoming Weekend, Cedarville College. The Women's Fellow– hip meeting will be Friday October 15th at 10 a.m. with special luncheon at 11: 30. Reservation needed. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST