The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1971

8 GARBC Conference A Great Blessing! R,· no,, , 1110 t of our readers have re ci,red report concerning the na– tional G RB conference which was held at \Vinona Lake June 27 througl1 Jul)' 2. tiflice it to ay . . . "I t was the greate t conference ever !" Son1e 800 to l 000 gathered every 111orning at 7: 15 to hear Dr. Ketch– an1 peak on the ubject - "Closed Door ". Dr. John Balyo's mass– ages each morning on "The In– errancy of the Scriptures" were dy– namic. Every speaker was empowered b)' the Spirit of the Lord. H earts were truly blessed! ''Dr. Van Gilder's Ministry Is Rich!'' As we have travell ed about we have OARBC Church In Need Of Help The Berlin Heights Baptist Church, Rev. E. G. Riley, pastor, is in need of prayerful and financial help! Through a series of adverse events, they find themselves in financial dif– ficulty. Their required budget runs $245.00 per week. Due to a loss of members, their average income is about $165.00 per week. They have been informed that they must meet the interest and a minimum of $25.00 per month on the principle for the money borrowed to erect their building. This amount totals $169.34 monthly. Present members of the Council of Fourteen for our GARBC are: Dr. H arold Scholes, Rev. Kenneth Ohr– strom, Rev. Joseph Bower, Dr. Jobn Balyo, Dr. Kenneth Elgena, Dr. Wil– bert Welch, Dr. Fred Brock, Jr., Dr. David 0. Fuller, Rev. Mark Jackson, Rev. J . Don Jennings, Rev. Donald Sewell , Dr. David Nettleton, Dr. Tom Younger and Dr. Carl Elgena. Two of these are from Ohio . . . Dr. Balyo and Rev. Sewell. uggested to different pastors that they engage Dr. H. 0. Van Gilder in their churches for special meetings. Only today we received a letter from one such p astor. H e writes the fol– lowing. . . "We took your advice and invited Dr. Van Gilder to have 1.neet– ings with us . He was with us for four days and I believe this was the best Bible Conference, as such, that I ha, 1 e ever been privileged to sit in. Brother . . . he is rich! Our people were thrilled with his Bible teaching. Many have asked that we have him back again. We heartily recommend him to our fellowship and our churches." Pastors interested in contacting Broth– er Van Gilder may write him at Powers Avenue, Route 2, Box 9, Georgetown, Ohio - 45121. Tele– phone ( 513 ) 378-6601. Perhaps a number of our churcheS"– could place the Berlin Heights Church on their missionary budget ... at least for a time. They will not take advan– tage of any who offer aid but will noti– fy such donors once they are in a po– sition to make full payments on their mortgage themselves. The national conference next year will be held in San Diego, California - June 25 through June 30. AVAILABLE FOR ..• Evangelistic Meetings and Supply Preaching BRO. RAYMOND KEMPF RRl, Box 273 Ada, Ohio 45810 Phone: (419) 326-5118 October 22 If you can help, send your gifts to Berl in Heights Baptist Church, Post Office Box No. 62, Berlin Heights, Ohio - 44814. Mark your gifts - "Mortgage Fund' '. Any fi– nancial help would be greatly appreci– ated . If you cannot help in this way, please do pray for them. That's the date~ of PROSPECTIVE STUDENT . DAY at Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania. Plan now to visit our campus; .find out more about our courses for yourself. Join other pastors and young people for a full day of Bible college activities. More details available soon. Write Prospective Student Day Director. AUGUST, 1971 BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA 538 Venard Road - Clarks Summit, Pa. 18411 *We changed the date from spring to fall to give more time to make that all-important decision about the college you should attend. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST