The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1971

eart to eart omen - Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- Meditations Turning to ' 'The ontinual Burnt Offering", J. W. ~· ichol peaks to us out of his heart, around the Scrip- ture for our n1editation, in Luke 22: 28-29; "Ye are they which have continued with Me in my temptations, and I appoint unto you a kingdom, as My Father hath ap- pointed unto Me" . . "To be selected by Christ as workers together with Him was a great honor, and the same privilege is ours today (2 Cor. 6: 1). He called, they obeyed, and millions have profited by their service. How different would have been their lives had they planned for themselves instead of heeding His voice! What makes the tragedy of Judas' defection so awful is that he had all the privileges and opportunities of the rest and he threw them all away because of covetousness and worldly ambition . To do the will of God is to enjoy life at its very best. Jesus sa id , "I seek not Mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent Me" (John 5:30). - It is given to us not only to believe on Him, but to suffer for His sake (Phil. 1: 29), and to serve with Him for the blessing of a lost world. Then, at His return we shall share His glory." "And there with Thee we shall rehearse the story. Thy faithful love in desert scenes below· And walking with Thee in that cloudless glory. To Thee our endless prai e shall ceaseless flow. Until that day, Lord Jesus, keep us faithful To Thy blest Word, and not deny Thy Name! Oh, shield Thine own from every harm and evil, Content to suffer loss and bear Thy hame !'' Ladies ... September is a very busy month for most folk and one very exciting event will be the Ox-roast day at Shalom Lake Camp for all our Ohioans on Thursday, September 16th, starting at 10 a.m. A delight– ful time is anticipated. See the June– July issue for details. A reminder - all reservations must be in by LABOR DAY. See you at Shalom Lake One of the "urgents,, at this time is sending us your Betty rocker Cou– pons as the pattern now used is be– ing discontinued and we need to com– plete the number as soon as possible. Please bring them to the October meeting or mail to Mrs. G. S. Milner, 2195 Brockway Road, University Hts., Ohio - 44118. Al o make your reservation before October 12th ( if possible) for the luncheon. Camp!!! This replaces the Berean Women's Fall Rally and is spon ored by Baptist Mid-Missions. October 15-16 - Cedarville Col– lege Homecoming week-end. A great week-end. One of the specials is the meeting of the Women's Fellowship at which time a certain department of the school is featured very ably. 12 SEPTEt.,BER, 1971 Following on the • heels,' of Cedar– ville Homecoming i the ANNUAL MEETING of the OHIO ASSO IA– TION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHUR HES, meeting in Calvary Baptist hurch, Bellefontaine, Octo– ber 18-20. Big plan are in the making, and not the lea t of the specials is the Women's Meeting on Tuesday, October 19th at one o 'clock. Make plans in your individual So– ciety, in your Sunday School Classes and Youth Groups to attend one or all the sessions of our Annual State Meeting. As we complete the writing of this manuscript, there is a real note of praise to God which we wish to share with our readers. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Street were driving home from Gitche Gurnee, Michigan on Monday when a college girl lost con– trol of her car and r an into their car . I t rolled over and was headed in the other direction when it came to a stop. Seat belts kept them from being killed . They were both rushed to the hospital, Mrs. Street was kept there for the night, needing stitches; and Howard was taken to one of the Christian homes fo r the night. Among the crowd who gathered at the scene were several christians ( all strangers) but now real friends. They arrived home on Wednesday in a rented car. Their car was demolished. Even their tiny dog was spared tho' hurt some– what and terribly frightened. Thank God for His presence with them, but pray for them and their need for a new car. South Bethel To Meet The South Bethel Mi sionary Group will be holding their Fall meeting on Tue day, September 21. Thi s will be at the County Line Baptist Church, 2310 Country Line Road in Dayton, Ohio. Ladies are urged to be present. Two Retreats! Ladies . . . this is the month for your "RETREATS" . The first of these is to be held September 9 . through 11 at our Scioto Hills camp. If you are planning on attending, send your letter of registration to Mrs. Joseph C. Chapman, 474 Jack– son Pike, Gallipolis, Ohio - 45 631. The second ' 'RETREAT" will be held at our Skyview Ranch. These dates are September 23 through 25. Registrations for this ' RETREAT" should be sent to Mrs. Bernard Flana– gan, 328 East 320th, Willowick Ohio - 44094. The sum of five dollars ( $5 .00) hould accompany all registration sent for either of these retreats. This money will be applied to the overall cost of $10.00. Excell ent programs have been ar– ranged at both retreats. There will be interesting speakers, recreational activities . . . a time of food, fun and fellowship. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST