The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1970

On Ou r· Front Cover ... "\1 l 11 l 1 ' \ l I J ~ l "I l t' I \\ 1 \ }lf'l 11 \ 11 1) 1 11 is \\,\ tll l \ ,lih tll,lt ,lltl,l lt\t ,\, lllll ,, ,1tlt'111t , 11 , t tl,c 197(1 l l1il' \ t.1tl' r'4 ait 1 t1 l \)r"-i g,\\t ,lll "' l.'t·llt'tlt l(1Lal1"'''· 11gl1t \ 11 tilt r11t'r ,t a11 \,11c11 1",t '- . . 1l',l1 tl1t k~,,,l, lift. 11,c tl11tl\ l,Jc..1t- l11ul1 1g11 ,, itl, 1,, el, l' ft1c,t ,t.1r l)1 ""' 1 , , i I '-" \ll"l l t' "l'l'tl t' "'Ill all a, l' 'lltlll rllt' llt'l' t'\\ Htl\f 1111,tt,ltl 'l1Cll' l\ c.. t ll:'\CI ~ ·1"i a11c..i '-'lt1111l1t1, 1, .. ,n gCll\.'\ "' ' )1 .. tt)t l"t ~ t llf-~ l 1 \1'Jtl,. T'Cl)rC ~ 11i,1g ... l)l) ... l,t1r '1,c, 111 l1il.1 \ " 1 'c..'J' t' t..'"l'1c,,cl.i 1ntcrc..:,t. 111atcr1al 1 r ,r11 tl1c1r ht,n1c-t ,, n loc,11 cht1rc l1 ,, , " !!t' '11 t'1c111 . )111c. ht)\\ e, er. , , ere r ,,,, .. ,.'tlt '- t ,t.. 1lc , er 1200 Jc~ i h ,c'-'J'lc..: .. 111d at le,1,t a~ 111an, ,entile tl'Pl''~d tt)f iier~on, l n\er.. ation :c, c11t, -three I ntilc 1gned for Bibi (''-')rrc"l' 1ntience ot1r.. ·e and e,,en Jc,, 1 h pc ~pl . l 1 p t 0,0 0 tract \\ ere d1,tr1ht1ted. n1an) copie of the 1l1~k.lct. .. \1 ~ iah in B th Te ta- .. -o 1 e\\, Te tament and 50 n1 nt · . -- 81 ble,. The citing part \\'a that the people ' t pped b)· f their own accord t talk. f the thing . I t wa uch a contra.. t to the u ual door-knocking ,, here the , i i tor i the intruder and 1, tt .. uall) recei,·ed coldly. if at all. The hri tian .. alute" wa genuine. The purpo e of the exhibit wa to pron1ote better under tanding between hri tian and Jew . It i true that hri tian need to learn to under tand and accept Je\\'i h people: but J ewi h people hould al o under tand that hr1 tian . becau e of their faith in God . de ire to hare their faith. Be- ide . Chri tian and Je,v h ave a great deal in common: I rael is their com– mon place of origin and both groups knO\\ that God ha a great future in mind for I rael and that God is again going to e tabli h their nation. There \\'a a varied program. pre– pared and pre ented by member of the ociet,. 1r. and Mrs. Leeland . Crott . Carol Iclver. and Carolyn Renner from Cleveland Mr . Addie Brom,\.ell and Ir. and Mr . Gerrit Buining from Columbu . and Carl On e of the att,act ive displ a ys ins ide. On e young J ew ish visi tor rema rked that the p res· e ntation was " Ne w -Testame ntized". nder on from St. Loui Mi ouri. Program included a narrated film , portraying citie and scene from I rael with me ianic prophecies work– ed in hown twice a day. There were al o I raeli mu ic, a ventriloquist act chalk talk with taped background on the ubject of " Peace." The idea that Chri tian are in– tere ted enough in I rael to prepare a booth i new to Jewish people be– cau e for o many years people called 'Ch ri tian" have hurt them deeply. Leader from the Jewi h Communit}' Center were enthusia tic and en– couraging in their support of the ex– hibit, furnishing pictures posters and object from I rael. When one Jewi h leader heard about the display, he exclaimed, ' 'Well, it's about time! ' Opposition to the Salute to Israel bowed up from both s ides . Anti– Jews, azis with swastikas, sho~ed up to cause trouble. Others, however , thought the booth was only put up to ' 4 convert Jews" and complained to the Anti-Defamation League. A it turned out, after the leaders of the Anti– Defama tion League inve tigated, they remarked that they should give the ociety a grant! Pray that plan now being laid for next year 's fair will include another opportunity to give a Salute to I srael. THE HEBREW AND CHRISTIAN SOCIETY I Shalom! J ewish E vangelism T elephooe System Hear our recorded evangelis tic message a t the followi ng numbers : AKRON COLUMBUS DAYTON CLEVELAND 291-3280 928-5538 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 237 -1604 SPRINGFIELD, MASS. 434-6348 BOSTON, MASS. 787-3 506 7 81-4825 926-9743 ~ BAPTIST MID-MISSIONS JEWISH MISSIONARIES IN CLEVELAND ~ Director: Leel a nd H. C rott s Mrs. Leeland C rotts, Miss Ca rol yn Renn e r, Miss Carol A. Mciver 4205 Chester Avenue Cle veland, Ohio 44103 The Ohio Independe nt Baptist - Published Mont h ly by - THE OHIO ASSOC IATION OF REGULAR BAPTI ST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p ai d at Xe n ia, Ohic POSTMASTER: Please se nd Form 3579 t The Oh io Inde p e nde nt Ba pt ist Box No. 160 Xe n ia, Ohio 45385 Editoria I Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Oh io 45385 Rates of Subscription : $2 .00 per year; $5.0 for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAJ\ $1 .15 per subscription ; BUNDLE LOT PLAI (mailed directly to the church), $1 .00 pel subscript ion . Minimum bundle order - 1 cop ies; single. issue 20 cents. Your Editori, Office should have all news and adve rti ing copy in hand no later than 30 da) prior to printing . Advertising rates will b sent on request. STAFF Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Donald Moff. Box No. r6o, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation 1\lanager Stuart ·L. Chafl Box o. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 fVon1en's Editor . . . . Mrs. Inez Milnt 2195 Brockway Road University Hts., Ohio 44118 State Mi ssionary . . . . Earl D. Umbaug 2150 Marhofer Ave., Sto,v, Ohio 44224 . Financial Secretary . . . . . . . David D) 9-i N. Rors Ave., Columbus, Ohio 4320 4 State Youth Director . Robert Anthon 705 Graham Rd. , Cuyahoga Fall s, 0. 4422 Clzairn2a12 State Rt. - COUNCIL OF TEN ' ........ Lynn E. Roge1 2 & . Boyden Rd ., orthfielc Ohio 4406 Vice-Chatrrnan . . . Harold R. Gree Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohto 453 r Secretary . . . . . . . . Kenneth L. Andru 3 r 5 S. Ken ington Pl., pringfield 4550 Treas11rer ' ' 'illiam A. Broe 4663 Trabue Rd., Columbus, Ohio 4322 Progranz Cl1rrn. . \Voodro,v \\ 1 • l\.icCale 276 \Vash1ngton 1\ve., Elyria. Ohio 4403 .1lissionary C hrnz. . . . . . . . George A. Bate 30..i Center St., Blanchester, Ohio 45107 Education Chrtn. . . Raymond F. Hamil to Gallia St. at , valler, Portsmouth 45662 Young People's U"ork Chrnz., \V. Dean Henr 541 Bro,vn St., Akron, Ohio 4431 I Kenneth R. melser . . . 123 \V. Liberty I Medina, Ohio 4425 Earl V. \Villetts . . . . . . . . 250 West S1 Berea, Ohio 440 t