The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1970
It Was A Good Season! • L. The addition of four out tanding tre hmen cro -countr) n1en to a group of 1x experienced runner has pro, en a ucce ful combination for edar, ille College thi ea on. With a \\'in-lo record of 10-1 and four tean1 left to con1pete again t, the Yello\\ Jackets are a ured of their best <;eac;on in their six-year cro - countr) history. Be ides their fine dt1al and triangt1- lar meet record. Cedarville nlaced i.xth in a field of se\'enteen tean1<; at the 14th Annual running of the _,arlham Invitational in Richmond, Indiana. In gaining sixth place. the Jacket outran such wel l-kno\\ n teamc; a Hanover. Kentuck 1 State. Earlham. 1reen,,ille. and l_ouisville lJniver~It),. Sccond- 1 1 ear oach El King i an- ticipating the po sibilit)' of taking the 1ean1 or on1e of the leading runners to the .1 ationa1 AJA n1eet in Kan a Cit)'. !\ti ouri. a first for an) Cedar– , if le cro -cot1ntr)' team. Swordbearers' Conference The 4th Annual S\\ordbearer · Con– ference at Cedar\'Ille College fot1nd I 135 )'oung l)eople and adt1lts regi - tered for the da 1 -1ong chedule of general n1eeting and \\rOrk hop . Con1- ing fro111 ~ix ttrroundi ng state thic; )'ear. the group out-nu111bered la t ~ ear· attendance of over 300 l>) 800 and found ,, elI-kno\\·n J- OL1th speaker Don Lonie captt1ring the attention and tl1ought of those present. Bet"' een 200 and 250 Cedarville stt1dents co111bined effort and talents in pro,,iding the da} for the teenagerc;. incl tiding \VOrk hop5 dealing '" ith pro– ble111 )'Ot1ng people face toda) i, the , rca<; of science. sex, and the es~ab– li sh111en t. A a re Lilt of the l_ord · s \\ nine dec1 ions \\ ere made. fi \ e of ,vhich \\ ere for salvat1on. Psychologist Speaks Dr. Bruce arran1ore, Dean of the Rose111ead Gradt1ate School of -P5)'– cholog)' and nephe\\ of Dr. Clyde Ivl. Karra111ore. fot1nder of the arrn111ore Christian Fo11ndation, recentl)' vi ited tl1e Cedarville College can1pt1 . Dr. arra111ore. \\ ho "'rite rotttincl)' for the n1agazine Ps)'c/1oloR.V for L1,·i11 (;. spol<:e to the College ps) cholog)' classes oven1ber I 0, trc1ns1nitting hi\ 111ethod of in1egrating ps) chology ,, ith the Scriptt1re . Concerning Words l ~hc l ord' pra) er ha c; 56 \\ ord . L.incoln ·\ Gett> c;l1t1rg Addres 266. the Tc11 Co111111and111ent\. 197. The Dcclardtton of Independence, 30(). A recent U. S. go\ern111ent ortier on the price of cablJagc co11ta1n\ 26 91 l \\'Ords' . . The Farmer's Almanac THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0 . Box 18056, Cleveland, Ohio 44118 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC I~,,angclizir1g tl1e ''J<.ins111en" of ot1r Lord in lc,,clancl, 011io Sao PaLtlo ar1c] Rio de Janeiro, 13razil O I .. JlS : l\1r. G orge 13 . Dunn, [)resident I r Ra]Jll1 I J Stoll, \lice Presi,lent I\e\ . Gera)d \T. Srnels r, S1111eri11tende11t R \ A. Paul idball, Asst. S1,7,t. f\1r. arl lie]frick, Sec',, Treas. l\I; 1-1~I{E1 1 C ~ : 1 r. Jol111 G. J3aJ,,o, le, e1ar1d, Ohio l~ev. J)aul \'a11 Gorder, 1\tlantn, C,1. ]~ev. \laugh11 S1)rur1ger, South Bc11d, Ind . l~ev. I loyd l\Iorris, r.:Ji11t , l\ licl1. Dr. I~ol,ert l(etcl1a111, hic:go, Ill .. )~ev. Joel l{ette11ri11g, t. 1 a,11, l1nn . } ev. l elvi11 V. J::'fa,iv, I Iunungton, ~\7. \ 1 a. ] r. f"r nk . '"forre ', Boca I , to11t l.. Ja. 1 J)r I' en11etl1 la tel] r, l ladd on I It ., .. J. frit for y ur FREE py of "Tl e Trum eter for Is ael" our Quarlerlv maga ne devoted 10 ,t e Vi; r of Jew1st evangelism TH OHIO IND P ND t~J BAPJIS · Cedarville, Ohio 45314 Now Teaching At Dallas Seminary Dr. John W. Reed v., ho for nine , ears erved a Profe or of peech - at Cedarville College ha nov, joined the facult\ of Dalla Theological ., e111inarv in Dalla . Texa a oci- ., ate Profes ~or of Practical Theolog). Dr. Reed \\ ill be teaching cour e in Ho1niletic . Pastoral Mini trie , and the Oral Reading of the Bible. He : available to churche in the Ohio area for pulpit t1ppl) 1 and for Bible conference n1ini~trie -. e peciall 1 dur– ing the un1r11er n1onth . The Regular Baptist Felio\\ ~l-iip co111pr1 ed of tu– dcnt\ anti fact1lt~ n1en1ber at Dalla Se111inar) 1s quite trong. and Dr. Recd ha f ounc.J an etfecr1, e 111in1 tr~ 111 \\ ork.1ng \\ ith th1\ grot1p. In O t ber tl1c Fel!O\\ htp had a ocial 111eeting 1n I)r ~eed", hon1e . 0\cr fort) ·en11n– ar1an . tactllt} 111en1ber . ant.I their \\ 1ve \\ ere pre~ent at thi 111eet1ng An>one \\t l11ng to atic.lre\\ h1n1 111n} \\ r1 te to h 1111 tl t the en11 nar}. 3909 u \\ i A, entte, Dalla , Te'.\a\ "'7 -204. 1------~'\,/\/ A ~l ~-----, YOUTH ASSOCIATION WEEKDAY BIBLE CLUBS Bible Centered Evangelistic Unifi d material Area Mis sionary W.DE :NTON REILLY 7511 W. B I ont Chicago, 111 i nois 60634 IN1 RODUClORY OLIO, GIRL CLUB . $5 .00 BOY ' CLUB ) DECE~\BER, 1970 9
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