The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1971

' 'In tant Church'' Faith Saptist Church, Gallipolis , er) pecial Dedication ervice wa held at the new Faith Baptist Church in all1pol1 . Ohio on Sunda 1 . January 3rd at 3: 00 p.m. Guest speaker for the a -ion ,, a E,angel1 t/Editor Rev. A. Donald Moffat. State Missionary Rev. Earl C mbaugh brought the charge and challenge to the church. He also spoke of pa t and pre ent new churche rai ed up in Ohio during the past seven ) 1 ear . Re\·. George Zinn \.\. a gue t oloist for the day, assisted by a special mu ical election b1 hi family. Pa tor Jo eph C. Chapman presented a brief history of Faith Baptist Church. He empha ized the fact that the Lord had done so much in such a \·er)· hort time. He told of the great amount of volunteer work that had gone into the con tructing of the building and of sacrificial giving on the part of e,·ef) one. All of the church furnishing , a well as many other necessary items to complete the structure, -were given by the people of the church. Several pa tor and gue ts were at the service. The erection and completion of this building took only three months. As one per on said. "'It i I STA T CH URCH !" The folk at Faith Baptist Church ... all of them . . . are saying with the Psalmist, "The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad.' ' The \\tord Of L1,fe ~ia'tt.atia Baptiu Mi.mans FEBRUARY., 1971 ~ .. ~~~~ ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE United States and Canada Editor's Schedule J t11 i11g tl1 r11<•tltl1 f January we sa, t 11" l1n11tl it th l orJ in blessing ns \V' 111 i11istcr I ir1 tl1c J-7, ith Bap- tist l1t1rch 1alliJJO)is, hio the r 'l'f1li\f1l l\Vn ll HJ l i S l l1t1rcl1 Of ,J 'tnn1 ra, Jll i11ois. tl1c Maplelawn Tl a r>ti st l1t1rch of W\ on1i ng. Michi – g a 11 a 11 cl t h c W cs t ( h i ca go Bapt i l ht1rch in f)ctroit. Michigan. f ·cl1rt1ary 3-6 \.VC wi lJ minister at tl1c Bethe l Bapt1~t hurch, cllcrs– vi ll c. Penna : f.;'cbrt1ary I 0-14 the Ftr\l Bapl1\t, Patchogt1c, l ... ong Island, New York~ cbrt1ar}' 2 1-28, the irst Dapt15t C hurch, RLt\~Ia v1 Il e, Indiana; March 7- 12, the orthea5tern Bapti t hurch, Ka lamazoo, Mi chigan : March 14-19, the cw l yme Baptist hurch, e\v Lyme. Ohio: March 2 1-26. the Marana th a Bapti t Church, pring– field, Ohio and March 28 through April 4, the Fostoria Bapti t Church, Fo toria Ohio. To Receive International Brotherhood Award Cleveland, Ohio (R S) -Evangel– ist Billy Graham will receive the In– ternational Brotherhood Award of the ational Conference of Christians and ! ew at a banquet in his honor here, Sunday, March 14, 1971. The award was announced by Dr. Sterling Brown, national pre ident of the NCCJ , who said that Mr. Graham is being honored "in recognition of his lifetime of crusading to bring all men together under the Fatherhood of God." ' His moral preachings based on the Judeo-Christian concept of the equal– ity of men have been an inspiration and source of consolation to all re– ligiously motivated people," Dr. Brown said. Mr. Graham, he said, is being cited "for his increasing crusade against the evils that divide mankind: bigotry, prejudice, poverty, racism and hatred." The evangelist will address the an– nual awards dinner of the NCCJ in Cleveland on that date. Cleveland was picked as the place of the presentation because Mr. Gra– ham had earlier accepted an invita– tion to speak at the annual awards dinner of the NCCJ here. The invita– tion came from Thomas Vail pub– lisher and editor of the Plain Dealer and the NCCJ 's national human rela– tions award winner last Spring. Last September, Mr. Graham made his first visit to Cleveland since the mid-1950's. He said he is reserving dates in 1972 to bring his crusade here for the first time. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST