The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1971
eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- Quoting a beloved leader in our Association - "He w/10 is offended by our stand lvi/1 never be ,von by oitr co1npro1nise" . Special Announcement The Spring Rally of the Ohio Women's Missionary Union will be held on Tuesday, April 20th, 1971, at Cedar Hill Baptist Church 12601 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, Phone: 371-3870, 10:00 a.m.-3: 00 p.m. The Theme will be "Moved with Compassion' (Matthew 9:36). Nursery will be provided. Next month more details will be given concerning the box lunch to be served during the noon hour." En– courage the ladies from YOUR CHURCH to plan to share in this day of blessed fellowship. MRS DONALD GRAHAM i\ iiblr ilehituttnn Sister, when all our early chores are cared for and we have had our morning tryst with the Lord; and while we may have another cup of coffee, let us look at another portion of The Word - Titus chapter 2. Quoting from the pen of the late Rev. F. B. Meyer, "The supreme test of all Christian teaching and Christian work depends on whether they produce healthy characters, which are not contaminated by the noisome and germ-laden atmosphere around. Our teaching must be healthy and al so health-creating. There must be plenty of ozone (pure and refreshing a ir) in it. The Apostle's strophes are few but fine. In the briefest sentences he seizes the salient features of Christian character. The mature man - strong, calm, patient, full of faith and love. The mature woman - holy, reverent, beloved and honored, obeyed by the younger women of the same household or church. So also with the young men and women. What a life is ketched here against which the tongue of slander is dumb! But, after al l, these results cannot be realized apart from personal holiness of their minister and leader. His attitude to things which are questionable and doubtful must be decided not by his own predilections or f ancies, but by the consideration of the effect which his action is likely to have on the keen eyes that are carefully watching him. The servants addressed in this tender and priceless paragraph were household slaves, employed in the most menial drudgery, but they were taught that even they might adorn the Gospel as jewels adorn the brow of beauty. Their holy lives might display and set forth its loveliness, To please one's superiors, in all things so far as our loyalty to Christ permits, is to commend Chris t to our households, and win His approval. The grace of God has ever offered salvation, but in Jesus it was brought to our doors. In its first appearance, it came to teach; in its second appearance, it will bring us glory. Have we sat sufficiently long in the school of grace, that our gentle Teacher may instruct us how to live? It must be soberly in regard to ourselves, rig /1 teoi,sly toward others, and godly toward God. We cannot realize any one of these unless we resolutely deny un– godliness and worldly lusts. This was the aim and purpose of Jesus in con1ing to die for us, wanting to redeem us from all iniquity, purify us as His own, and use us in all manner of good works. It is a solemn ques tion whether that supreme purpose has been realized in our own experience. If not, why not?" 12 MARCH, 1971 Berean WMF Rally PI: JAL. - 1·11e Berean Woll" Missionary ·e1Jowsh1p will gathe the First Bapt1c;t Church, 31433 Street, Will ow1ck, Thursday, Mr 25. 1971 ( changed from March C off ee Time 9 :4 5-10 a.m. Mee 10: 00-2. 30 p.m. Bring your Sc wich, beverage, salad or relishes, , ~ sert will be furnished by host chu Opportunity for us to attend , of the fallowing Seminars in the af • noon session: "Evangelizing through your i sionary Society" - Mrs. J a1~ Andrews. ' 'Retired Missionaries" - ~ Esther Jeunnette. "Cultural Shock" - Mrs. Ht ard Street. "Miss ionary Children" - Robert Gilbert. l i "Home Missions - The ( Missionary" - Mrs. Roy Hen< hot and Miss Lucille Brouillet "Workshop Project Kits" - ?\ Leeland Crotts. Special Missionary Speaker dur I the afternoon session fallowing e luncheon period will be Miss G r Trimble, second-generation missi, ary, daughter of the beloved, sen missionaries, Rev. & Mrs. Gar Trimble serving with Baptist M Mis ions since 1936 Grace was b, · in Brazil as a missionary for her f t term, but had to return home · medical attention. Pray for her a for the Rally. Please call the chui 1 for ur ery arrangements. MRS. WINSTON BQ), Bethany WMF Meet At Sharon, Penna. Miss Marjorie MacMillan, missic ary to Liberia under Baptist M Missions, spoke at the winter ra. of the Bethany Women's Missiona Fellowship held Tuesday, January 2 at 1 p.m. at the Sharon Bapt Church, Sharon, Pa. Miss MacMilla a visitor at the meeting, spoke e temporaneously in the absence of t1 scheduled speaker, Miss Ruth Nep· ew, missionary from the Central Af1 ~ can Republic. Severe weather coi ditions prevented her arrival. Theme of the meeting was "1 Know Him, To Make Him Known the theme chorus was "To Kno· Christ." Election of officers was bel and a project for 1971 chosen. Miss MacMillan told how God ha led in her life since her conversio at the age of 16, through her nurse (Continued On Page 14) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS
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