The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1971
snlm nub 1\ nrm By Ralph T. Nordlund (Read Psalm XX in your Bible first ) Ma) ever., pra 1·er of thine be heard , In troub)e·s da)' ma).1 God defend thee. 1a)' help arrive from Zion's gate, And heaven·s temple succor send thee. God grant the longings of thine heart, All pra)'erful counsels be perfected, For not one offering is forgot , And Christ·s dear cross has been accepted. Salvation·s banner be thy boast, ~1essiah's ame on exhibition; For in that ·ame shall be fulfilled The answer to thy heart's petition. Let others trust in armaments And in their might be disappointed : Be thine to cherish one great ame And triumph 1n the God-Anointed! purgeon called the Twentieth Psalm a national anthem, J fe]t as a lo) al Englishman that it could still be made a) ·'God a\'e the king." T hat King David did wr ite , psalm before he went forth to one of his many wars J a ked the hief Musician to have it sung as a prayer for national success, there can be no doubt . and it 1s just as certain that C hr1sti ans can now use it as a pra) er for the uccess of the Go pel in its \\iOrk of taking out a people for Christ's name from the world - in short. that they hall be conquered by grace and made into the coming citizens of the Kingdom of heaven. How much better will be their willing tribute to King Jesus than the temporar}' and un\\ illing tribute to the Moabites or Am– monities to David ! David is determined that he wi ll set up the banner of his choosing in the ame of his God. Does he also mean that in 1de of his six-pointed star he had in cribed those four Hebrew letters that spell Jehovah - the dread Tetragrammation? He speaks of the Name three time in this brief psalm and uses the word Jehovah five times . Whatever David may have done, we use the Cross a our banner. and gladly inscribe both horizontally and vertically the precious name of Jesus! Nor i that a real change, for J e us mea ns, "Jehovah is salvation.' ' In thi day when \\ rong seems to be on the throne and the right on a scaffold we can use H is all-prevailing Name with the confidence that the victor)' will fi nally be His and ours! It is in that faith that we have wr itten our poem. We have simply taken David' faith in victory and applied them to his Greater Son . CAlIP PARADISE••• ABW"E Youth ·~ Camp ~n Recife, """ port.ant link••• I Brasil is missing a very a SwvDR-lING POOLl 11 r.-.1 - 0 1 • II> ll I ll cou :r 2 - SID r CE l (C P 0) 0 00 DO • The Pern~co Field Council of ABvlE is ask;rr~those who are interested in reaching B a ian young people to help in this _,,,,,,._ ~worthy project. Offerings, s ent to ABWE headquarters designated 11 P.ARADI SE'' • from youth groups, S.S. classes, c amps , DVBS, irrliv i or special offerings wi11 help supply the J,IISSING LINKI I For your c onvenience, use the fonn helm~: ZIP _ _ _ $1 , 000 ___ $_50 ___ $___ $100____ $.500 ,___ l)IS.t-:. SPF.X ;I.AL OFFERING . 6 - S IMI I G OOL 10. - BOYS' DORMITORY (CAP. 40) 1 CANT EN, STOR ROOM 11 - CAR TA ER ' S RESIOENC - IJCH N Olf I G ROOM 12 - AREHOUSE 9 O S' B HROOM ·~ - OCC R Fl L M RCH 1971 1
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