The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1971
You Ask Me Why . .. . . . I send my children to a Christian school? Well, now, that's a good question. I know what you're thinking. The public schools have just as good fa– cilities and teachers as the Christian chools, and sometimes even better . So \\by all this fuss and bother of setting up a separate school system? Why not teach the children religion at home or in church or Sunday School? But, you see, you've asked me something that gets right to the core of the meaning of life. If Christian schools meant simply taking on a prayer each day, or an extra course in Bible study, they wouldn't be "''Orth all the time and expense. I send my children to a Christian ~chool because I believe that all of life 1s Christianity. God is at the Available For Pulpit Supply Work We have been informed that Rev harles R. Arthur is avatlable for week end pulpit supply work. He is a member of the Temple Baptist Church . Gallia and Waller Streets in Portsmouth , Ohio - 45662. For further recommendation concerning Brother Arthur , you might write Dr . Ra) 1 mond H amilton, pastor of the Portsmouth church . His Ministry - A Blessing To Many Brother an Gilder is proving a blessing to many through bis Bible onference minist ry. We are happy to list here his schedule. If in the area, be sure to hear him. Your heart "ill be bles ed. Pastors interested in riting Dr. Van Gilder for meetings hould address their correspondence - Dr. H . 0 Van Gilder , Powers A,lenue, Route o. 2, Box No. 9, eorgeto\\ 1 0 , Ohio - 45121 . Phone : (51 3) 378-6601 . AJ>RJL J 1-18 ... irst Baptist hurcl1, H a111burg, ' ev.' York APRIJ_ 19-20 ...mpir tate ello\vship, orth onav. anda, ev., York AP 1 25 .. MAY 2 apti t l1urcl1, lev - d. FLASH - fie i , d rd • ]U t 1ng t pr tl1at t r . n go11 l l) itl1 l1er l rd . u f JC .. r t1eld n iion- d i rn I 1 r h , 10 tl1e n1- pl pt1 l bur 11, rt n utl1 . 1110 ;H O 10 I D D NT ,APTI center of everything. He made ALL things, He guides and controls them. and He demands that we, His crea– tures, honor H im as Lord and Saviour in e\erytbing we do. Of course that includes our study– ing. as well as our everyday work. It includes every part of life, without exception. It means that I can't be satisfied with submitting my children to Christian training at home and church only. As a parent, I 'm respon– sible for those thirty important hours that they spend each week in school. Some of the most significant training of my children takes place in the school atmosphere. How can I leave God out of the picture here? But, you say, what's the difference if my child s tu d i e s arithmetic, history, or literature in a public school or in a Christian school? Much! I wan t my child to learn, from his earliest years, that ALL of life belongs to God and was made for Him - In SCIE CE, I \Vant him to know that he 1s studying God's laws for the Uill\'erse - In HISTORY. I ~'ant him to 5ee the unfolding of God's plan for the ages and the redemption of His people. - In LITERATURE, I "''ant him to test other wr1 ters by Christian standards so that he will appreciate what 1s good and true and beautiful, and discern what is false or di honor– ing to God. - In CIVICS, I want him to kno\\ that true government is ordained of God and requires our loyalty and support. I want him to learn the principles of honest)', decency. co– operation, and fair play because these are rules that God has set up for the ordering of our life together. ALL THIS IS A BIG ORDER! . . TAKEN FROM BEDFORD BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH CALENDAR OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTIST FOR HOME MISSIONS DR. Reaching America at th is Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 ELYRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (2 16) 365-7308 KENNETH A. MUCK, Pre ident CH, 1971
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