The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1971
For some time there has been an increasing emphasis upon numbers as a criterion of God's blessings upon a church. Where it all started, I know not, but I do know where it is leading us. When spiritual values are de– emphasized and the physical aspects are promoted, there can only be one outcome for the church. Make no mistake! I am not against numbers hearing the Word of God, nor am I against multitudes having an op– portunity to get in on the blessings of God, but I am against the methods being used today to bring a man un– der the sound of the Word. When folk are coerced and promoted to at– tend a church through carnal and " 'otldly methods, then I believe it is time to call a halt to the whole · sordid\ sorry mess. Who wouldn't question it all when we see so many v.·ho made a profession of ' 'faith,, un– der the ' 'gimmick-mad" generation of preachers and churches . . . going their merry ways as if there were no God, as if Jesus Christ owed them -\.\'hatever it is their little unregenerate minds think is salvation. I never cease to \.\'Onder at a church who will give away a pony, trading stamps, have \'isits from the old deceiver himself, • anta Jaus, give hay rides ad in– finitum, pla}' up ROMAN CATH0- 1 uestivals such a~ Halloween, and e\fen have the aster Bunny in so their children will have aJJ the benefits the modernist has. One \.\'ould ask the question "ls this R BALLY ,vhat hris– tianity i al] about?" an it be in the ame hanne] as that of the Reform– er , ti1e I uritan , the Apostles? 1~he n1ind tagger as one i111agir1e l'auJ go– Jng into a citl' and gi,,ing pony rides to get a cro \'d around hin1. Or eorge \\fiJ1itfi ]d cafl),ing an elepl1a11t alor1g ,jth 11in1 so tl1e crO"-'d \vould gatlier. r iJben nnant gi 1 ing · v,., )' a nice f c imile ot l11e con titution of tl1e n1ted tates as a pr1z for bringing tJ1e m I i itor ! an }'OU in1agine J 0110 ~, le) g tt1ng crov,. d b t1a 1 i11g n utograpl1ed p1ctur,e of l1is 1,rotl1er - .. ~ ......rl , a d l tl1 p1a110, pla),jng a o it Ii} mn f tl1 }'? cour OHO I D D NJ A.PTI I not! Then what is this all about today if I might ask? Can it be that we have lost our faith in the reality of an in– fallible Bible, an all Powerful Spirit, a never changing God? Is It Biblical To Use Gimmicks? When has it become necessary for the church to fall back on something the Word of God never authorized . . . especially so when it takes the PLACE OF THE WORD OF GOD? I refuse to believe the God I love is pleased to use the means employed today to accomplish a thing in the spiritual realm! God, as far as I know, never u sed a carnal, or world- 1 y means, to accomplish a spiritual end. As a matter of fact, the Word plainly states that HE DOES NOT sanction means such as these, as He admonished person after person in the Bible to beware of using the arm of flesh, instead of the "ARM OF THE LORD!" What Attracts Crowds? Is it still possible to get a large crowd together today if means such as promotion, give-aways, etc. are not used? It would be interesting to see the preachers of America relying upon their power with God to get the crowds in to listen to them. Per– sonally, and this is JUSt my own ob– servation, I find that people will come to hear the Word even 1f the speaker has no hair-ra1s1ng stories to tell , or no mirac]es to perform, or gifts, or gimmic ks. here is till evidence that there are some who have not yet boYlcd the knee t1nto Baal and ,vho 'Ct belie c in preaching the Word a " the 111eans TOd ernploys to carr}' out I Ii \\'Ork on the earth. Woe unto that n1an or churcl1 wl10 eek to be 131 J at tl1e ..... pen e of piritt1, l po,\'er and v.•110, in pite of tl1e ,varni11g ' in the \\'or,I of od, goe on l1enp 11ing tl1e o pel n1e age ,vitl1 trick tliat e , n tl1 \\'Orld Ylou1d not toop to pull . J 1ere i )'et to con1e the B 1 M and v. lien m n tand t, r tl1 rig11t- eous Lord, the One Who performed miracles, not doing something to at– tract a crowd as some would have you believe, but to present His credentials to the nation of Israel. When the judg– ment seat of Christ is met face to face, THEN THE METHODS US ED WILL BE CONDEMNED for what they are . . . CHEAP SUBSTITUTES . . . and the men who have brought them into the church in place of the power and work of the Holy Spirit, will regret the day they were born! The Holy Spirit has not lost or de– creased in power, nor has the Bible yet waned as to authority. When this Bible we hold as the truth of God or the Holy Spirit can no longer be the method for bringing men to Christ, then it is time we hung the wreath on the door of our church and joined the "GOD IS DEAD" movement. Sour Grapes You Say? Many say that any disagreement with the gimmick boys is simply an excuse to keep from doing a great work for the Lord and very often get quite a tongue lashing as a result. When someone such as myself dares to say something, it very often causes some cancellations to come in meet– ings. I will risk that ' The REPUTA– TION OF OUR LORD IS AT STAKE! Men who are lost wonder what kind of a Saviour we are serving when we have to use these cheap tactics . I kno\v of several who are not saved, who have voiced their doubts about a God Who has to have a cheap, worldly gimmick to get them under the sound of the Word. Many is the man who has said "If I can get a man saved (sic!) I'll use any method I can find!" Why not use the WORD OFGOD, dear brother? l f there is any improvement on that, I don't know if I h ave ever heard of it. Have \,·e an} other authorit)' for bring– ing men to Chri\L than the blessed Book? What \\ ork to get n1en i11to a Cht1rch, rt1a) not get men INTO 1-fRl T nt all , tor the ~,1111e n1ethod cn1plo} ed to get n1an)' into the theatres of the land cannot be u ed of the l.. ord to get n1en i11to hri t. ;\'hat i" gooli promotion for . encral Motor" is not good tor the Bod)' of hri t ! urely tl1ere are so111e tri k" tl1at ",vork" l,e1ov d, bt1t d th ' \ 'Ork " in t}lt; spiritt1al rcal111'l I, for on , an1 for a rett1rn to tl1e n1 thod of P atil, a11d Pet r , or l 1 d\\'ard , \ l1j tefield, tc . ,, 110 l)f , lied the \ ord of od and t1 , d gr ater er d prop rtionat - (Contin ued On Pag 10) M RCH, 19 1 7
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